
第36章 CHAPTER 12(3)

And I turned round to look at the old hall. There was little besides the chimneys visible above my contracted horizon. I walked back to get a better view of it. When it rose in sight, I stood still a moment to look, and then continued moving towards the gloomy object of attraction. Something called me nearer--nearer still--and why not, pray? Might I not find more benefit in the contemplation of that venerable pile with the full moon in the cloudless heaven shining so calmly above it--with that warm yellow lustre peculiar to an August night--and the mistress of my soul within, than in returning to my home where all comparatively was light, and life, and cheerfulness, and therefore inimical to me in my present frame of mind,--and the more so that its inmates all were more or less imbued with that detestable belief the very thought of which made my blood boil in my veins--and how could I endure to hear it openly declared--or cautiously insinuated--which was worse?--I had had trouble enough already, with some babbling fiend that would keep whispering in my ear, `It may be true,' till I had shouted aloud, `It is false! I defy you to make me suppose it!'

I could see the red firelight dimly gleaming from her parlour window. I went up to the garden wall, and stood leaning over it, with my eyes fixed upon the lattice, wondering what she was doing, thinking, or suffering now, and wishing I could speak to her but one word, or even catch one glimpse of her, before I went.

I had not thus looked, and wished, and wondered long, before I vaulted over the barrier, unable to resist the temptation of taking one glance through the window, just to see if she were more composed than when we parted;--and if I found her still in deep distress, perhaps I might venture to attempt a word of comfort--to utter one of the many things I should have said before, instead of aggravating her sufferings by my stupid impetuosity. I looked. Her chair was vacant: so was the room. But at that moment someone opened the outer door, and a voice-- her voice--said,--`Come out--I want to see the moon, and breathe the evening air: they will do me good--if anything will.'

Here, then, were she and Rachel coming to take a walk in the garden.

I wished myself safe back over the wall. I stood, however, in the shadow of the tall holly bush, which, standing between the window and the porch, at present screened me from observation, but did not prevent me from seeing two figures come forth into the moonlight; Mrs Graham followed by another-- not Rachel, but a young man, slender and rather tall. Oh heavens, how my temples throbbed! Intense anxiety darkened my sight; but I thought--yes, and the voice confirmed it--it was Mr Lawrence.

`You should not let it worry you so much, Helen,' said he; `I will be more cautious in future; and in time--`'

I did not hear the rest of the sentence; for he walked close beside her and spoke so gently that I could not catch the words. My heart was splitting with hatred; but I listened intently for her reply. I heard it plainly enough.

`But I must leave this place, Frederick,' she said--`I never can be happy here,--nor anywhere else, indeed,' she added, with mirthless laugh,--`but I cannot rest here.'

`But where could you find a better place?' replied he,--`so secluded--so near me, if you think anything of that.'

`Yes,' interrupted she, `it is all I could wish, if they could only have left me alone.'

`But wherever you go, Helen, there will be the same sources of annoyance. I cannot consent to lose you: I must go with you, or come to you; and there are meddling fools elsewhere, as will as here.'

  • 礼记通论辑本


  • 谰言长语


  • 女聊斋志异


  • 类经图翼


  • 评琴书屋医略


  • 回归的女王陛下


  • 神通无尽


  • 渡魂鬼差


  • 妃不侍寝


  • 火澜


  • 九龙纪元


  • 神龙神界之征途


  • 魔王的小花


  • 欢田喜地小农女


  • 越夷恨一

