
第77章 XXIV “HOW SHALL WE FIND HIM?$$$$$$$$$$(2)

“Does he live at the Hofburg with the Emperor?'' asked the woman, craning her neck to look after the imperial carriage.

“No, but he's often there. The Emperor is lonely and bored too, no doubt, and this one has ways of making him forget his troubles. It's been told me that now and then the two dress themselves roughly, like common men, and go out into the city to see what it's like to rub shoulders with the rest of the world.

I daresay it's true. I should like to try it myself once in a while, if I had to sit on a throne and wear a crown.''

The two boys followed the celebration to its end. They managed to get near enough to see the entrance to the church where the service was held and to get a view of the ceremonies at the banner-draped and laurel-wreathed statue. They saw the man with the pale face several times, but he was always so enclosed that it was not possible to get within yards of him. It happened once, however, that he looked through a temporary break in the crowding people and saw a dark strong-featured and remarkably intent boy's face, whose vivid scrutiny of him caught his eye. There was something in the fixedness of its attention which caused him to look at it curiously for a few seconds, and Marco met his gaze squarely.

“Look at me! Look at me!'' the boy was saying to him mentally.

“I have a message for you. A message!''

The tired eyes in the pale face rested on him with a certain growing light of interest and curiosity, but the crowding people moved and the temporary break closed up, so that the two could see each other no more. Marco and The Rat were pushed backward by those taller and stronger than themselves until they were on the outskirts of the crowd.

“Let us go to the Hofburg,'' said Marco. “They will come back there, and we shall see him again even if we can't get near.''

To the Hofburg they made their way through the less crowded streets, and there they waited as near to the great palace as they could get. They were there when, the ceremonies at an end, the imperial carriages returned, but, though they saw their man again, they were at some distance from him and he did not see them.

Then followed four singular days. They were singular days because they were full of tantalizing incidents. Nothing seemed easier than to hear talk of, and see the Emperor's favorite, but nothing was more impossible than to get near to him. He seemed rather a favorite with the populace, and the common people of the shopkeeping or laboring classes were given to talking freely of him--of where he was going and what he was doing. To-night he would be sure to be at this great house or that, at this ball or that banquet. There was no difficulty in discovering that he would be sure to go to the opera, or the theatre, or to drive to Schonbrunn with his imperial master. Marco and The Rat heard casual speech of him again and again, and from one part of the city to the other they followed and waited for him. But it was like chasing a will-o'-the-wisp. He was evidently too brilliant and important a person to be allowed to move about alone. There were always people with him who seemed absorbed in his languid cynical talk. Marco thought that he never seemed to care much for his companions, though they on their part always seemed highly entertained by what he was saying. It was noticeable that they laughed a great deal, though he himself scarcely even smiled.

“He's one of those chaps with the trick of saying witty things as if he didn't see the fun in them himself,'' The Rat summed him up. “Chaps like that are always cleverer than the other kind.''

“He's too high in favor and too rich not to be followed about,'' they heard a man in a shop say one day, “but he gets tired of it. Sometimes, when he's too bored to stand it any longer, he gives it out that he's gone into the mountains somewhere, and all the time he's shut up alone with his pictures in his own palace.''

That very night The Rat came in to their attic looking pale and disappointed. He had been out to buy some food after a long and arduous day in which they had covered much ground, had seen their man three times, and each time under circumstances which made him more inaccessible than ever. They had come back to their poor quarters both tired and ravenously hungry.

The Rat threw his purchase on to the table and himself into a chair.

  • 黑皇战天


  • 重生之非皇后莫属


  • 重生之召唤天下


  • 异界秒杀系统


  • 给生意人看的人脉经营书


    本书针对生意人的人脉结交、构建、维护与应用,助你更高效地建立自己的生意人脉网, 从而实现事业的成功。
  • 二十八夜叉大军王名号


  • 重生归来:娱乐圈女皇


  • 与大灰狼同居的日子


  • 抗战之铁血悍将


  • 嗜血王爷萌医妃

