
第65章 XXI “HELP!$$$$$$$$$$(4)

I can't make it real to you as he made it to me! I can't! I was there. He took me. And it was so high--and so still--and so beautiful that I could scarcely bear it.''

But the truth was, that with some vivid boy-touch he had carried his hearer far. The Rat was deadly quiet. Even his eyes had not moved. He spoke almost as if he were in a sort of trance.

“It's real,'' he said. “I'm there now. As high as you--go on--go on. I want to climb higher.''

And Marco, understanding, went on.

“The day was over and the stars were out when he reached the place were the ledge was. He said he thought that during the last part of the climb he never looked on the earth at all. The stars were so immense that he could not look away from them.

They seemed to be drawing him up. And all overhead was like violet velvet, and they hung there like great lamps of radiance.

Can you see them? You must see them. My father saw them all night long. They were part of the wonder.''

“I see them,'' The Rat answered, still in his trance-like voice and without stirring, and Marco knew he did.

“And there, with the huge stars watching it, was the hut on the ledge. And there was no one there. The door was open. And outside it was a low bench and table of stone. And on the table was a meal of dates and rice, waiting. Not far from the hut was a deep spring, which ran away in a clear brook. My father drank and bathed his face there. Then he went out on the ledge, and sat down and waited, with his face turned up to the stars. He did not lie down, and he thought he saw the stars all the time he waited. He was sure he did not sleep. He did not know how long he sat there alone. But at last he drew his eyes from the stars, as if he had been commanded to do it. And he was not alone any more. A yard or so away from him sat the holy man. He knew it was the hermit because his eyes were different from any human eyes he had ever beheld. They were as still as the night was, and as deep as the shadows covering the world thousands of feet below, and they had a far, far look, and a strange light was in them.''

“What did he say?'' asked The Rat hoarsely.

“He only said, `Rise, my son. I awaited thee. Go and eat the food I prepared for thee, and then we will speak together.' He didn't move or speak again until my father had eaten the meal.

He only sat on the moss and let his eyes rest on the shadows over the abyss. When my father went back, he made a gesture which meant that he should sit near him.

“Then he sat still for several minutes, and let his eyes rest on my father, until he felt as if the light in them were set in the midst of his own body and his soul. Then he said, `I cannot tell thee all thou wouldst know. That I may not do.' He had a wonderful gentle voice, like a deep soft bell. `But the work will be done. Thy life and thy son's life will set it on its way.'

“They sat through the whole night together. And the stars hung quite near, as if they listened. And there were sounds in the bushes of stealthy, padding feet which wandered about as if the owners of them listened too. And the wonderful, low, peaceful voice of the holy man went on and on, telling of wonders which seemed like miracles but which were to him only the `working of the Law.' ''

“What is the Law?'' The Rat broke in.

“There were two my father wrote down, and I learned them. The first was the law of The One. I'll try to say that,'' and he covered his eyes and waited through a moment of silence.

It seemed to The Rat as if the room held an extraordinary stillness.

“Listen!'' came next. “This is it:

“ `There are a myriad worlds. There is but One Thought out of which they grew. Its Law is Order which cannot swerve. Its creatures are free to choose. Only they can create Disorder, which in itself is Pain and Woe and Hate and Fear. These they alone can bring forth. The Great One is a Golden Light. It is not remote but near. Hold thyself within its glow and thou wilt behold all things clearly. First, with all thy breathing being, know one thing! That thine own thought--when so thou standest--is one with That which thought the Worlds!' ''

“What?'' gasped The Rat. “MY thought--the things _I_ think!''

“Your thoughts--boys' thoughts--anybody's thoughts.''

“You're giving me the jim-jams!''

“He said it,'' answered Marco. “And it was then he spoke about the broken Link--and about the greatest books in the world--that in all their different ways, they were only saying over and over again one thing thousands of times. Just this thing--`Hate not, Fear not, Love.' And he said that was Order. And when it was disturbed, suffering came--poverty and misery and catastrophe and wars.''

“Wars!'' The Rat said sharply. “The World couldn't do without war--and armies and defences! What about Samavia?''

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    【原创作者社团『未央』出品】    他曾经的平民百姓,却因为一次替代驻唱而网络蹿红。    原本倒霉的挨揍,在经过一位记者的曝料后,为他换来了,一夜成名!    就这样,曾经霉变的斑点出租房,变成了豪华别墅。曾经的步行11路,变成了豪华轿车!    为了梦想,他毅然选择外出闯荡,经过五年的混吃等死,他终于抓到一次机会,这次机会让他一夜成名,让他成为市民议论的话题。    不知道从什么时候开始,事业和爱情化为了一体,它们就像连体婴儿一样,共同生存,共同呼吸。    他和校花的唯美爱情,他和女明星惊天动地的爱情。让他的生活充满了戏剧化。    因为爱情,他拥有了无数人都梦想的机会。    因为爱情,他失去了一切,这是为什么呢?    尤如梦幻泡影的娱乐圈就像一台会转的齿轮,谁也不知道它什么时候会转到你身上来,如果你陷入了它制造的迷幻世界中,你将会万劫不复!    本文纯属娱乐作品,大家笑笑且过,不要猜忌太多其它的方面,谢谢观看。【彪悍文,不能接受者,请绕过!】      
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