

Another example of the various roles which the same categories have played at different stages of society are joint-stock companies,one of the most recent features of bourgeois society;but they arise also in its early period in the form of large privileged commercial companies with rights of monopoly.

The concept of national wealth finds its way into the works of the economists of the 17th century as the notion that wealth is created for the state,whose power,on the other hand,is proportional to this wealth --a notion which to some extent still survives even among 18th century economists.This is still an unintentionally hypocritical manner in which wealth and the production of wealth are proclaimed to be the goal of modern states,and production itself is regarded simply as a means for producing wealth.

The disposition of material has evidently to be made in such a way that [section].

One -comprises general abstract definitions,which,therefore,appertain in some measure to all social formations,but in the sense set forth earlier.

Two -the categories which constitute the internal structure of bourgeois society and on which the principal classes are based.Town and country.The three large social classes;exchanges between them.Circulation.The (private)credit system.

Three -the state as the epitome of bourgeois society.Analysis of its relations to itself.The "unproductive"classes.Taxes.

National debt,public credit,Population,Colonies,Emigration.

Four -international conditions of production.International division of labor.International exchange.Export and import.Rate of exchange.

Five -world market and crises.

Marx intended this to be the Introduction to his Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy(1859),but,as his Preface to that work notes,he decided to omit it.

The unfinished rough draft,which was found among Marx's papers after his death.First published 1903,in Die Neue Zeit.Would become the first manu in the Grundrisse.

I.PRODUCTION,CONSUMPTION,DISTRIBUTION,EXCHANGE (CIRCULATION)4.Production Means of Production and Conditions of Production.Conditions of Production and Communication.Political forms and Forms of Cognition in Relation to the Conditions of Production and Communication.Legal Relations.Family Relations.

Notes regarding points which have to be mentioned in this context and should not be forgotten.

1.Wardevelops [certain features]earlier than peace;the way in which --as a result of war,and in the armies,etc.--certain economic conditions --e.g.wage-labor,machinery,etc.--were evolved earlier than within civil society.the relations between productive power and conditions of communication are likewise particularly obvious in the Army.

2.The relation of the hitherto existing idealistic historiography to realistic historiography.In particular what is known as history of civilization,the old history of religion and states.

(The various kinds of historiography hitherto existing could also be discussed in this context;the so-called objective,subjective (moral and others),philosophical [historiography].)3.Secondary and tertiary phenomena,in general derivedand transmitted,i.e.non-primary,conditions of production.The influence of international relations.

4.Reproaches about the materialism of this conception:relation to naturalistic materialism.

5.Dialectics of the concepts productive power (means of production)and relations of production;the limits of this dialectical connection,which does not abolish the real differences,have to be defined.

6.The unequal development of material production and,e.g.that of art.The concept of progress is on the whole not to be understood in the usual abstract form.Modern art,etc.This disproportion is not as important and difficult to grasp as within concrete social relations --e.g.in education.Relations of the United States to Europe.However,the really difficult point to be discussed here is how the relations of production as legal relations take part in this uneven development.For example,the relations of Roman civil law (this applies in smaller measure to criminal and constitutional law)to modern production.

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