When the nose is fractured,the parts should be modeled instantly,if possible.If the fracture be in its cartilaginous part,introduce into the nostrils a tent formed of caddis,inclosed in the outer skin of a Carthaginian hide,or anything else which does not irritate;the skin is to be glued to the parts displaced,which are to be thus rectified.Bandaging in this case does mischief.The treatment is to consist of flour with manna,or of sulphur with cerate.You will immediately adjust the fragments,and afterward retain them in place with your fingers introduced into the nostrils,and turning the parts into place;then the Carthaginian skin is to be used.Callius forms even when there is a wound;and the same things are to be done,even when there is to be exfoliation of the bones,for this is not of a serious nature.