
第27章 III(7)

But when Razumov arrived at the Secretariat he discovered that he would have nothing to do with General T---. It is evident from Mr. Razumov's diary that this dreaded personality was to remain in the background. A civilian of superior rank received him in a private room after a period of waiting in outer offices where a lot of scribbling went on at many tables in a heated and stuffy atmosphere.

The clerk in uniform who conducted him said in the corridor--"You are going before Gregor Matvieitch Mikulin."

There was nothing formidable about the man bearing that name.

His mild, expectant glance was turned on the door already when Razumov entered. At once, with the penholder he was holding in his hand, he pointed to a deep sofa between two windows. He followed Razumov with his eyes while that last crossed the room and sat down. The mild gaze rested on him, not curious, not inquisitive--certainly not suspicious--almost without expression.

In its passionless persistence there was something resembling sympathy.

Razumov, who had prepared his will and his intelligence to encounter General T--- himself, was profoundly troubled. All the moral bracing up against the possible excesses of power and passion went for nothing before this sallow man, who wore a full unclipped beard. It was fair, thin, and very fine. The light fell in coppery gleams on the protuberances of a high, rugged forehead. And the aspect of the broad, soft physiognomy was so homely and rustic that the careful middle parting of the hair seemed a pretentious affectation.

The diary of Mr. Razumov testifies to some irritation on his part. I may remark here that the diary proper consisting of the more or less daily entries seems to have been begun on that very evening after Mr. Razumov had returned home.

Mr. Razumov, then, was irritated. His strung-up individuality had gone to pieces within him very suddenly.

"I must be very prudent with him," he warned himself in the silence during which they sat gazing at each other. It lasted some little time, and was characterized (for silences have their character) by a sort of sadness imparted to it perhaps by the mild and thoughtful manner of the bearded official. Razumov learned later that he was the chief of a department in the General Secretariat, with a rank in the civil service equivalent to that of a colonel in the army.

Razumov's mistrust became acute. The main point was, not to be drawn into saying too much. He had been called there for some reason. What reason? To be given to understand that he was a suspect--and also no doubt to be pumped. As to what precisely?

There was nothing. Or perhaps Haldin had been telling lies. . . .

Every alarming uncertainty beset Razumov. He could bear the silence no longer, and cursing himself for his weakness spoke first, though he had promised himself not to do so on any account.

"I haven't lost a moment's time," he began in a hoarse, provoking tone; and then the faculty of speech seemed to leave him and enter the body of Councillor Mikulin, who chimed in approvingly--"Very proper. Very proper. Though as a matter of fact. . .

But the spell was broken, and Razumov interrupted him boldly, under a sudden conviction that this was the safest attitude to take. With a great flow of words he complained of being totally misunderstood. Even as he talked with a perception of his own audacity he thought that the word "misunderstood" was better than the word "mistrusted," and he repeated it again with insistence.

Suddenly he ceased, being seized with fright before the attentive immobility of the official. "What am I talking about?" he thought, eyeing him with a vague gaze. Mistrusted--not misunderstood--was the right symbol for these people.

Misunderstood was the other kind of curse. Both had been brought on his head by that fellow Haldin. And his head ached terribly.

He passed his hand over his brow--an involuntary gesture of suffering, which he was too careless to restrain.

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  • 巡视空戒魔王之后


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  • 张院士趣谈整形与美容


    本书由德高望重的整形外科专家、中国工程院资深院士张涤生教授亲笔撰写。张院士结合自己多年的临床经验,以轻松、活泼、通俗、风趣的笔调,介绍了现代整形外科学的基本知识,叙述了多种常见畸形的原因和整形矫治的手术方法,展示了珍藏多年典型的整形病例图片。内容丰富,通俗易懂,图文并茂。可作为城乡广大人民群众了解现代整形与美容医学知识的重要参考书,亦可供各级各类医疗机构医务人员阅读参考。 相信,不论您以何种心态阅读这本书,透过书中的文字和图片,它都能给您带来意想不到的收获。
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