

The second examination of the prisoner brought nothing new. Johann Knoll refused to speak at all, or else simply repeated what he had said before. This second examination took place early the next morning, but Muller was not present. He was taking a walk in Hietzing.

When they took Johann Knoll in the police wagon to the City Prison, Muller was just sauntering slowly through the street where the murder had been committed. And as the door of the cell shut clangingly behind the man whose face was distorted in impotent rage and despair, Joseph Muller was standing in deep thought before the broken willow twig, which now hung brown and dry across the planks of the fence. He looked at it for a long time. That is, he seemed to be looking at it, but in reality his eyes were looking out and beyond the willow twig, out into the unknown, where the unknown murderer was still at large. Leopold Winkler's body had already been committed to the earth. How long will it be before his death is avenged? Or perhaps how long may it even be before it is discovered from what motive this murder was committed. Was it a murder for robbery, or a murder for personal revenge perhaps? Were the two crimes committed here by one and the same person, or were there two people concerned? And if two, did they work as accomplices? Or is it possible that Knoll's story was true? Did he really only rob the body, not realising that it was a dead man and not merely an intoxicated sleeper as he had supposed? These and many more thoughts rushed tumultuously through Muller's brain until he sighed despairingly under the pressure. Then he smiled in amusement at the wish that had crossed his brain, the wish that this case might seem as simple to him as it apparently did to the commissioner. It would certainly have saved him a lot of work and trouble if he could believe the obvious as most people did. What was this devil that rode him and spurred him on to delve into the hidden facts concerning matters that seemed so simple on the surface? The devil that spurred him on to understand that there always was some hidden side to every case? Then the sigh and the smile passed, and Muller raised his head in one of the rare moments of pride in his own gifts that this shy unassuming little man ever allowed himself. This was the work that he was intended by Providence to do or he wouldn't have been fitted for it, and it was work for the common good, for the public safety. Thinking back over the troubles of his early youth, Muller's heart rejoiced and he was glad in his own genius. Then the moment of unwonted elation passed and he bent his mind again to the problem before him.

He sauntered slowly through the quiet street in the direction of the four houses. To reach them he passed the fence that enclosed this end of the Thorne property. Muller had already known, for the last twenty-four hours at least, that the owner of the fine old estate was an artist by the name of Herbert Thorne. His own landlady had informed him of this. He himself was new to the neighbourhood, having moved out there recently, and he had verified her statements by the city directory. As he was now passing the Thorne property, in his slow, sauntering walk, he had just come within a dozen paces of the little wooden gate in the fence when this gate opened. Muller's naturally soft tread was made still more noiseless by the fact that he wore wide soft shoes. Years before he had acquired a bad case of chilblains, in fact had been in imminent danger of having his feet frozen by standing for five hours in the snow in front of a house, to intercept several aristocratic gentlemen who sooner or later would be obliged to leave that house. The police had long suspected the existence of this high-class gambling den; but it was not until they had put Muller in charge of the case, that there were any results attained.

The arrests were made at the risk of permanent injury to the celebrated detective. Since then, Muller's step was more noiseless than usual, and now the woman who opened the gate and peered out cautiously did not hear his approach nor did she see him standing in the shadow of the fence. She looked towards the other end of the street, then turned and spoke to somebody behind her. "There's nobody coming from that direction," he said. Then she turned her head the other way and saw Muller. She looked at him for a moment and slammed the gate shut, disappearing behind it. Muller heard the lock click and heard the beat of running feet hastening rapidly over the gravel path through the garden.

The detective stood immediately in front of the gate, shaking his head. "What was the matter with the woman? What was it that she wanted to see or do in the street? Why should she run away when she saw me?" These were his thoughts. But he didn't waste time in merely thinking. Muller never did. Action followed thought with him very quickly. He saw a knot-hole in the fence just beside the gate and he applied his eyes to this knot-hole. And through the knot-hole he saw something that interested and surprised him.

The woman whose face had appeared so suddenly at the gate, and disappeared still more suddenly, was the same woman whom he had seen bidding farewell to Mr. Thorne and his wife on the Tuesday morning previous, the woman whom he took to be the housekeeper.

The old butler stood beside her. It was undoubtedly the same man, although he had worn a livery then and was now dressed in a comfortable old house coat. He stood beside the woman, shaking his head and asking her just the questions that Muller was asking himself at the moment.

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    家庭富有的司空逸是个可爱的胖胖女生.可是帅气成熟的老爸竟然搞起了外遇!爸爸情妇的挑衅,妈妈的出走,家庭即将破裂之计。上天却对她起了眷顾之心!让她来到-----以经商为主的东商,种植为主的南杉, 畜牧为主的西牧.水产为主的北渔,构成的四国中以东暮雪的身份生活!在这里她因为偶然听得的凤凰神话情之所动.开办了一家打破成规的(婚介所),为在这个时空与她相遇的人,寻爱,续爱,结缘,一步步努力着,因为混也要混出个名堂来啊!可是一个闷雷又将她打回了现代,她也认了。在参加一次特殊的拍卖会上,她想见的具有神秘力量的拍卖品未出现,却多了个一见她就怀有恨意的混血多金的未婚夫,还有不得不面对的家庭问题,她还会再次穿越吗?她经历了江湖小儿女的欢乐、家族荣辱、皇室陷恶夺权,敌国交战,还能依旧笑春风吗?可以保持着纯净的心只去喜欢一个人吗?本人小试牛刀,有种出去茅庐不怕虎的小Q精神,可我这个草根阶级还是希望各位多多支持!此文题材元素很多,大约是想把自己喜欢的小说类型都写进去,所以故事可能会很长,却不会让你觉的单一,乏味.每篇都是我用心去写的,虽然有很多不成熟的地方,却让我在填坑中,不知不觉的慢慢成长,沉浸在皓雪东歌的世界中,同时在敲击键盘中,每个按键仿佛是快乐的音符,那样忘我的敲打出直属于他们的世界,直属于-------与我一起爱着他们的世界.好文章是用心灵去构思,辛勤的浇灌着他们的成长,让你感动,让你舍不得放下,让你回味.
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