

Medora sat in transport. Music -- wild, intoxi- eating music made by troubadours direct from a rear basement room in Elysium -- set her thoughts to dancing. Here was a world never before penetrated by her warmest imagination or any of the lines con- trolled by Harriman. With the Green Mountains' external calm upon her she sat, her soul flaming in her with the fire of Andalusia. The tables were filled with Bohemia. The room was full of the fragrance of flowers -- both mille and cauli. Questions and corks popped; laughter and silver rang; champagne flashed in the pail, wit flashed in the pan.

Vandyke ruffled his long, black locks, disarranged his careless tie and leaned over to Madder.

"Say, Maddy," he whispered, feelingly, "some- times I'm tempted to pay this Philistine his ten dol- lars and get rid of him."

Madder ruffled his long, sandy locks and disar- ranged his careless tie.

"Don't think of it, Vandy," he replied. "We are short, and Art is long."

Medora ate strange viands and drank elderberry wine that they poured in her glass. It was just the color of that in the Vermont home. The waiter poured something in another glass that seemed to be boiling, but when she tasted it it was not hot.

She had never felt so light-hearted before. She thought lovingly of the Green Mountain farm and its fauna. She leaned, smiling, to Miss Elise.

"If I were at home," she said, beamingly, "I could show you the cutest little calf! "

"Nothing for you in the White Lane," said Miss Elise. "Why don't you pad?

The orchestra played a wailing waltz that Medora had learned from the hand-organs. She followed the air with nodding head in a sweet soprano hum.

Madder looked across the table at her, and wondered in what strange waters Binkley had caught her in his seine. She smiled at him, and they raised glasses and drank of the wine that boiled when it was cold.

Binkley had abandoned art and was prating of the unusual spring catch of shad. Miss Elise arranged the palette-and-maul-stick tie pin of Mr. Vandyke.

A Philistine at some distant table was maundering volubly either about Jerome or Gerome. A famous actress was discoursing excitably about monogrammed hosiery. A hose clerk from a department store was loudly proclaiming his opinions of the drama. A writer was abusing Dickens. A magazine editor and a photographer were drinking a dry brand at a re- served table. A 36-25-42 young lady was saying to an eminent sculptor: "Fudge for your Prax Italys!

Bring one of your Venus Anno Dominis down to Cohen's and see bow quick she'd be turned down for a cloak model. Back to the quarries with your Greeks and Dagos!"

Thus went Bohemia.

At eleven Mr. Binkley took Medora to the board- ing-bouse and left her, with a society bow, at the foot of the hall stairs. She went up to her room and lit the gas.

And then, as suddenly as the dreadful genie arose in vapor from the copper vase of the fisherman, arose in that room the formidable shape of the New England Conscience. The terrible thing that Medora had done was revealed to her in its full enormity. She had sat in the presence of the un- godly and looked upon the wine both when it was red and effervescent.

At midnight she wrote this letter:

"Mr. BERLAH HOSKINS, Harmony, Vermont.

  • 凤舞动九天


  • 戮神战纪


  • 遇你喜乐佳欢


  • 英雄联盟之千年浩劫


  • 2013年散文排行榜


    梳理总结了2013年我国散文创作的实绩,中国散文学 会在浩如烟海的散文创作中,推荐编选了三十几篇散 文佳作,编著者们从作品的价值上反复斟酌、碰撞、 判断,从而披沙拣金,把具有经得住时间考验、富有 艺术魅力性质的好作品,评选编辑出来。《2013年中国散文排行榜》是一本散文作品合集 。
  • 九虫天


  • 冬日桃花


  • 第一眼爱情


  • 重生之校园歌王


  • 愿得风吹到夜郎

