
第46章 The Story of the Oracle(1)

"We young fellows," said "Sympathy Joe" to Mitchell, after tea, in their first camp west the river -- "and you and I ARE young fellows, comparatively -- think we know the world. There are plenty of young chaps knocking round in this country who reckon they've been through it all before they're thirty. I've met cynics and men-o'-the-world, aged twenty-one or thereabouts, who've never been further than a trip to Sydney. They talk about `this world' as if they'd knocked around in half-a-dozen other worlds before they came across here -- and they are just as off-hand about it as older Australians are when they talk about this colony as compared with the others. They say:

`My oath! -- same here.' `I've been there.' `My oath! -- you're right.'

`Take it from me!' and all that sort of thing. They understand women, and have a contempt for 'em; and chaps that don't talk as they talk, or do as they do, or see as they see, are either soft or ratty.

A good many reckon that `life ain't blanky well worth livin''; sometimes they feel so blanky somehow that they wouldn't give a blank whether they chucked it or not; but that sort never chuck it.

It's mostly the quiet men that do that, and if they've got any complaints to make against the world they make 'em at the head station.

Why, I've known healthy, single, young fellows under twenty-five who drank to drown their troubles -- some because they reckoned the world didn't understand nor appreciate 'em -- as if it COULD!"

"If the world don't understand or appreciate you," said Mitchell solemnly, as he reached for a burning stick to light his pipe -- "MAKE it!"

"To drown THEIR troubles!" continued Joe, in a tone of impatient contempt.

"The Oracle must be well on towards the sixties; he can take his glass with any man, but you never saw him drunk."

"What's the Oracle to do with it?"

"Did you ever hear his history?"

"No. Do you know it?"

"Yes, though I don't think he has any idea that I do. Now, we were talking about the Oracle a little while ago. We know he's an old ass; a good many outsiders consider that he's a bit soft or ratty, and, as we're likely to be mates together for some time on that fencing contract, if we get it, you might as well know what sort of a man he is and was, so's you won't get uneasy about him if he gets deaf for a while when you're talking, or does funny things with his pipe or pint-pot, or walks up and down by himself for an hour or so after tea, or sits on a log with his head in his hands, or leans on the fence in the gloaming and keeps looking in a blank sort of way, straight ahead, across the clearing.

For he's gazing at something a thousand miles across country, south-east, and about twenty years back into the past, and no doubt he sees himself (as a young man), and a Gippsland girl, spooning under the stars along between the hop-gardens and the Mitchell River.

And, if you get holt of a fiddle or a concertina, don't rasp or swank too much on old tunes, when he's round, for the Oracle can't stand it.

Play something lively. He'll be down there at that surveyor's camp yarning till all hours, so we'll have plenty of time for the story -- but don't you ever give him a hint that you know.

"My people knew him well; I got most of the story from them -- mostly from Uncle Bob, who knew him better than any. The rest leaked out through the women -- you know how things leak out amongst women?"

Mitchell dropped his head and scratched the back of it. HE knew.

"It was on the Cudgegong River. My Uncle Bob was mates with him on one of those `rushes' along there -- the `Pipeclay', I think it was, or the `Log Paddock'. The Oracle was a young man then, of course, and so was Uncle Bob (he was a match for most men). You see the Oracle now, and you can imagine what he was when he was a young man.

Over six feet, and as straight as a sapling, Uncle Bob said, clean-limbed, and as fresh as they made men in those days; carried his hands behind him, as he does now, when he hasn't got the swag -- but his shoulders were back in those days. Of course he wasn't the Oracle then; he was young Tom Marshall -- but that doesn't matter.

Everybody liked him -- especially women and children.

He was a bit happy-go-lucky and careless, but he didn't know anything about `this world', and didn't bother about it; he hadn't `been there'.

`And his heart was as good as gold,' my aunt used to say.

He didn't understand women as we young fellows do nowadays, and therefore he hadn't any contempt for 'em. Perhaps he understood, and understands, them better than any of us, without knowing it.

Anyway, you know, he's always gentle and kind where a woman or child is concerned, and doesn't like to hear us talk about women as we do sometimes.

"There was a girl on the goldfields -- a fine lump of a blonde, and pretty gay. She came from Sydney, I think, with her people, who kept shanties on the fields. She had a splendid voice, and used to sing `Madeline'. There might have been one or two bad women before that, in the Oracle's world, but no cold-blooded, designing ones.

He calls the bad ones `unfortunate'.

"Perhaps it was Tom's looks, or his freshness, or his innocence, or softness -- or all together -- that attracted her. Anyway, he got mixed up with her before the goldfield petered out.

"No doubt it took a long while for the facts to work into Tom's head that a girl might sing like she did and yet be thoroughly unprincipled.

The Oracle was always slow at coming to a decision, but when he does it's generally the right one. Anyway, you can take that for granted, for you won't move him.

"I don't know whether he found out that she wasn't all that she pretented to be to him, or whether they quarrelled, or whether she chucked him over for a lucky digger. Tom never had any luck on the goldfields. Anyway, he left and went over to the Victorian side, where his people were, and went up Gippsland way. It was there for the first time in his life that he got what you would call `properly gone on a girl'; he got hard hit -- he met his fate.

"Her name was Bertha Bredt, I remember. Aunt Bob saw her afterwards.

  • 重生之丧尸传奇


  • 生在中国(上卷):沧海楼船


    本书以一个家族的兴衰史为线索,真实展现了中国人追求国家富强、民族独立、政治民主、文化发达、精神自由的勇敢抗争历程。伟大烈士的功名、平凡儿女的恩怨、丰富的社会生活、朴素的人生感受,都随着小说情节的整体推移、在古旧中国现代中国发展的曲折坎坷过程中生动、细致地呈现出来。本书以一个家族的兴衰史为线索,真实展现了中国人追求国家富强、民族独立、政治民主、文化发达、精神自由的勇敢抗争历程。伟大烈士的功名、平凡儿女的恩怨、丰富的社会生活、朴素的人生感受,都随着小说情节的整体推移、在古旧中国现代中国发展的曲折坎坷过程中生动、细致地呈现出来。“《生在中国》堪称“中国的《战争与和平》”、“中国的《尼伯龙根之歌》”;《生在中国》的作者文方女士可称为“当今林语堂”(中国新文学巨著《京华烟云》——Moment In Peking之作者)、“中国的玛格丽特?米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)”(美国名著《乱世佳人》——Gone With The Wind之作者)。”尊敬的书友,本书选载最精华部分供您阅读。留足悬念,同样精彩!
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