

Life is a strange avenue of various trees and flowers;

Lightsome at commencement, but darkening to its end in a distant, massy portal.

It beginneth as a little path, edged with the violet and primrose, A little path of lawny grass and soft to tiny feet.

Soon, spring thistles in the way.


JAMES' visit concluded. Frado had become greatly attached to him, and with sorrow she listened and joined in the farewells which pre-ceded his exit. The remembrance of his kind-ness cheered her through many a weary month, and an occasional word to her in letters to Jack, were like "cold waters to a thirsty soul." In-telligence came that James would soon marry;

Frado hoped he would, and remove her from such severe treatment as she was subject to.

There had been additional burdens laid on her since his return. She must now MILK the cows, she had then only to drive. Flocks of sheep had been added to the farm, which daily claimed a portion of her time. In the absence of the men, she must harness the horse for Mary and her mother to ride, go to mill, in short, do the work of a boy, could one be procured to endure the tirades of Mrs. Bellmont. She was first up in the morning, doing what she could towards breakfast. Occasionally, she would utter some funny thing for Jack's benefit, while she was waiting on the table, provoking a sharp look from his mother, or expulsion from the room.

On one such occasion, they found her on the roof of the barn. Some repairs having been necessary, a staging had been erected, and was not wholly removed. Availing herself of lad-ders, she was mounted in high glee on the top-most board. Mr. Bellmont called sternly for her to come down; poor Jane nearly fainted from fear. Mrs. B. and Mary did not care if she "broke her neck," while Jack and the men laughed at her fearlessness. Strange, one spark of playfulness could remain amid such constant toil; but her natural temperament was in a high degree mirthful, and the encouragement she received from Jack and the hired men, con-stantly nurtured the inclination. When she had none of the family around to be merry with, she would amuse herself with the animals.

Among the sheep was a willful leader, who al-ways persisted in being first served, and many times in his fury he had thrown down Nig, till, provoked, she resolved to punish him. The pas-ture in which the sheep grazed was founded on three sides by a wide stream, which flowed on one side at the base of precipitous banks. The first spare moments at her command, she ran to the pasture with a dish in her hand, and mount-ing the highest point of land nearest the stream, called the flock to their mock repast. Mr. Bell-mont, with his laborers, were in sight, though unseen by Frado. They paused to see what she was about to do. Should she by any mishap lose her footing, she must roll into the stream, and, without aid, must drown. They thought of shouting; but they feared an unexpected salute might startle her, and thus ensure what they were anxious to prevent. They watched in breathless silence. The willful sheep came furi-ously leaping and bounding far in advance of the flock. Just as he leaped for the dish, she suddenly jumped to one side, when down he rolled into the river, and swimming across, remained alone till night. The men lay down, convulsed with laughter at the trick, and guessed at once its object. Mr. Bellmont talked seriously to the child for exposing herself to such danger; but she hopped about on her toes, and with laugha-ble grimaces replied, she knew she was quick enough to "give him a slide."

But to return. James married a Baltimorean lady of wealthy parentage, an indispensable requisite, his mother had always taught him.

He did not marry her wealth, though; he loved HER, sincerely. She was not unlike his sister Jane, who had a social, gentle, loving nature, rather TOO yielding, her brother thought. His Susan had a firmness which Jane needed to complete her character, but which her ill health may in a measure have failed to produce. Al-though an invalid, she was not excluded from society. Was it strange SHE should seem a desir-able companion, a treasure as a wife?

Two young men seemed desirous of possess-ing her. One was a neighbor, Henry Reed, a tall, spare young man, with sandy hair, and blue, sinister eyes. He seemed to appreciate her wants, and watch with interest her improvement or decay. His kindness she received, and by it was almost won. Her mother wished her to en-courage his attentions. She had counted the acres which were to be transmitted to an only son; she knew there was silver in the purse; she would not have Jane too sentimental.

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