
第163章 To Sir WATKIN PHILLIPS, Bart. of Jesus college, Ox

As for Liddy, I thought the poor girl would have actually lost her senses. The good woman of the house had shifted her linen, and put her into bed; but she was seized with the idea that her uncle had perished, and in this persuasion made a dismal out-cry; nor did she pay the least regard to what I said, when I solemnly assured her he was safe. Mr Bramble hearing the noise, and being informed of her apprehension, desired she might be brought into his chamber; and she no sooner received this intimation, than she ran thither half naked, with the wildest expression of eagerness in her countenance -- Seeing the 'squire sitting up in the bed, she sprung forwards and throwing her arms about his neck, exclaimed in a most pathetic tone, 'Are you -- Are you indeed my uncle -- My dear uncle! -- My best friend! My father! -- Are you really living? or is it an illusion of my poor brain!' Honest Matthew was so much affected, that he could not help shedding tears, while he kissed her forehead, saying, 'My dear Liddy, I hope I shall live long enough to shew how sensible I am of your affection -- But your spirits are fluttered, child -- You want rest -- Go to bed and compose yourself' -- 'Well, I will (she replied) but still methinks this cannot be real -- The coach was full of water -- My uncle was under us all -- Gracious God! -- You was under water -- How did you get out; -- tell me that? or I shall think this is all a deception' --'In what manner I was brought out, I know as little as you do, my dear (said the 'squire); and, truly, that is a circumstance of which I want to be informed.' I would have given him a detail of the whole adventure, but he would not hear me until I should change my clothes; so that I had only time to tell him, that he owed his life to the courage and fidelity of Clinker: and having given him this hint, I conducted my sister to her own chamber.

This accident happened about three o'clock in the afternoon, and in little more than an hour the hurricane was all over; but as the carriage was found to be so much damaged, that it could not proceed without considerable repairs, a blacksmith and wheelwright were immediately sent for to the next market-town, and we congratulated ourselves upon being housed at an inn, which, though remote from the post-road, afforded exceeding good lodging. The women being pretty well composed, and the men all a-foot, my uncle sent for his servant, and, in the presence of Lismahago and me, accosted him in these words -- 'So, Clinker, I find you are resolved I shan't die by water -- As you have fished me up from the bottom at your own risque, you are at least entitled to all the money that was in my pocket, and there it is' -- So saying, he presented him with a purse containing thirty guineas, and a ring nearly of the same value -- 'God forbid! (cried Clinker), your honour shall excuse me -- I am a poor fellow, but I have a heart O! if your honour did but know how I rejoice to see --Blessed be his holy name, that made me the humble instrument --But as for the lucre of gain, I renounce it -- I have done no more than my duty -- No more than I would have done for the most worthless of my fellow-creatures -- No more than I would have done for captain Lismahago, or Archy Macalpine, or any sinner upon earth -- But for your worship, I would go through fire as well as water' -- 'I do believe it, Humphry (said the 'squire); but as you think it was your duty to save my life at the hazard of your own, I think it is mine to express the sense I have of your extraordinary fidelity and attachment -- I insist upon your receiving this small token of my gratitude; but don't imagine that I look upon this as an adequate recompence for the service you have done me -- I have determined to settle thirty pounds a-year upon you for life; and I desire these gentlemen will bear witness to this my intention, of which I have a memorandum in my pocketbook.' 'Lord make me thankful for all these mercies! (cried Clinker, sobbing), I have been a poor bankrupt from the beginning -- your honour's goodness found me, when I was -- naked when I was -- sick and forlorn -- I understand your honour's looks -- I would not give offence -- but my heart is very full -- and if your worship won't give me leave to speak, -- I must vent it in prayers to heaven for my benefactor.' When he quitted the room, Lismahago said, he should have a much better opinion of his honesty, if he did not whine and cant so abominably; but that he had always observed those weeping and praying fellows were hypocrites at bottom. Mr Bramble made no reply to this sarcastic remark, proceeding from the lieutenant's resentment of Clinker having, in pure simplicity of heart, ranked him with M'Alpine and the sinners of the earth -- The landlord being called to receive some orders about the beds, told the 'squire that his house was very much at his service, but he was sure he should not have the honour to lodge him and his company. He gave us to understand that his master who lived hard by, would not suffer us to be at a public house, when there was accommodation for us at his own; and that, if he had not dined abroad in the neighbourhood he would have undoubtedly come to offer his services at our first arrival.

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