I'll light out for the Warrior Inn and play my cards. And I may tell you," he added, pausing at the door, which he opened, "that I haven't got that blamed wind-jammer, so need money to hold out until another steamer comes along. One hundred pounds English currency will just fill the bill. So now you know the lay I'm on. So-long," and he walked quietly out of the house, leaving Archie and Braddock looking at one another with pale faces. The assurance of Hervey surprised and horrified them. Still, they could not believe that Sir Frank Random had been guilty of so brutal a crime.
"For one thing," said Hope after a pause, "Random did not know where the emeralds were to be found, or even that they existed.""I understood that he did know," said Braddock reluctantly. "In my hearing, and in your own, you heard Don Pedro state that he had related the story of the manuscript to Random.""You forget that I learned about the emeralds at the same time,"said Hope quietly. "Yet this Yankee skipper does not accuse me.
The knowledge of the emeralds came to Random's ears and to mine long after the crime was committed. To have a motive for killing Bolton and stealing the emeralds, Random would have had to know when he arrived in England.""And why should he have not known?" asked the Professor, biting his lip vexedly. "I don't want to accuse Random, or even to doubt him, as he is a very good fellow, even though he refused to assist me with money when I desired a reward to be offered. All the same, he met Don Pedro in Genoa, and it is just possible that the man told him of the jewels buried with the mummy."Archie shook his head.
"I doubt that," said he thoughtfully. "Random was as astonished as the rest of us, when Don Pedro told his Arabian Night story.
However, the point can be easily Settled by sending for Random.
I daresay he is at the Fort."
"I shall send Cockatoo for him at once," said the Professor quickly, and walked into the museum to instruct the Kanaka.
Archie remained where he was, and seated himself on a chair, with folded arms and knitted brows. It was incredible that an English gentleman with a stainless name and such a well-known soldier should commit so terrible a crime. And the matter of Hervey's accusation was complicated by the fact - of which Hervey was ignorant - that Don Pedro was willing that Random should become his son-in-law. Hope wondered what the fiery, proud Peruvian would say when he heard his friend denounced. His reflections on this point were cut short by the return of the Professor, who appeared at the door of the museum dismissing Cockatoo. When the Kanaka took his departure, Braddock beckoned to the young man.
"There is no reason why we should talk in the hall, and let the whole house know of this new difficulty," he said in a testy manner. "Come in here."Hope entered and looked with ill-concealed repugnance at the uncanny shape of the green mummy, which was lying on a long table. He examined the portions where the swathings had been cut with some sharp instrument, to reveal the dry, bony hands ,which formerly had held the costly jewels. The face was invisible and covered with a mask of dull beaten gold. Formerly the eyes had been jeweled, but these last were now absent. He pointed out the mask to the Professor, who was hovering over the weird dead with a large magnifying-glass.
"It is strange," said Hope earnestly, "that the mask of gold was not stolen also, since it is so valuable.""Unless melted down, the mask could be traced," said Braddock after a pause. "The jewels, according to Don Pedro, are of immense value, and so could have been got rid of easily. Random was satisfied with those.""Don't talk of him in that way, as though his guilt was certain,"said Hope, wincing.
"Well, you must admit that the evidence against him is strong.""But purely circumstantial."
"Circumstantial evidence has hanged many an innocent man before now. Humph!" said Braddock uneasily, "I hope it won't hang our friend. However, we shall hear what he has to say. I have sent Cockatoo to the Fort to bring him here at once. If Random is absent, Cockatoo is to leave a note in his room, on the writing-table.""Would it not have been better to have told Cockatoo to give the note to Random's servant?""I think not," responded Braddock dryly. "Random's servant is certainly one of the most stupid men in the entire army. He would probably forget to give him the note, and as it is important that we should see Random at once, it is better that he should find it placed personally on his writing-table by Cockatoo, upon whom I can depend."Archie abandoned the argument, as it really mattered very little.
He took up another line of conversation.
"I expect if the criminal tries to dispose of the emeralds he will be caught," said he: "such large jewels are too noticeable to escape comment.""Humph! It depends upon the cleverness of the thief," said the Professor, who was more taken up with the mummy than with the conversation, "He might have the jewels cut into smaller stones, or he might go to India and dispose of them to some Rajah, who would certainly say nothing. I don't know how criminals act myself, as I have never studied their methods. But I hope that the clue you mention will be hit upon, if only for Random's sake.""I don't believe for one moment that Random is in danger," said Archie, "and, if he is, I shall turn detective myself.""I wish you joy," replied Braddock, bending over the mummy.