
第1章 CHAPTER I(1)

As they all came out from luncheon General Fancourt took hold of him with an "I say, I want you to know my girl!" as if the idea had just occurred to him and he hadn't spoken of it before. With the other hand he possessed himself all paternally of the young lady.

"You know all about him. I've seen you with his books. She reads everything - everything!" he went on to Paul. The girl smiled at him and then laughed at her father. The General turned away and his daughter spoke - "Isn't papa delightful?""He is indeed, Miss Fancourt."

"As if I read you because I read 'everything'!""Oh I don't mean for saying that," said Paul Overt. "I liked him from the moment he began to be kind to me. Then he promised me this privilege.""It isn't for you he means it - it's for me. If you flatter yourself that he thinks of anything in life but me you'll find you're mistaken. He introduces every one. He thinks me insatiable.""You speak just like him," laughed our youth.

"Ah but sometimes I want to" - and the girl coloured. "I don't read everything - I read very little. But I HAVE read you.""Suppose we go into the gallery," said Paul Overt. She pleased him greatly, not so much because of this last remark - though that of course was not too disconcerting - as because, seated opposite to him at luncheon, she had given him for half an hour the impression of her beautiful face. Something else had come with it - a sense of generosity, of an enthusiasm which, unlike many enthusiasms, was not all manner. That was not spoiled for him by his seeing that the repast had placed her again in familiar contact with Henry St.

George. Sitting next her this celebrity was also opposite our young man, who had been able to note that he multiplied the attentions lately brought by his wife to the General's notice.

Paul Overt had gathered as well that this lady was not in the least discomposed by these fond excesses and that she gave every sign of an unclouded spirit. She had Lord Masham on one side of her and on the other the accomplished Mr. Mulliner, editor of the new high-class lively evening paper which was expected to meet a want felt in circles increasingly conscious that Conservatism must be made amusing, and unconvinced when assured by those of another political colour that it was already amusing enough. At the end of an hour spent in her company Paul Overt thought her still prettier than at the first radiation, and if her profane allusions to her husband's work had not still rung in his ears he should have liked her - so far as it could be a question of that in connexion with a woman to whom he had not yet spoken and to whom probably he should never speak if it were left to her. Pretty women were a clear need to this genius, and for the hour it was Miss Fancourt who supplied the want. If Overt had promised himself a closer view the occasion was now of the best, and it brought consequences felt by the young man as important. He saw more in St. George's face, which he liked the better for its not having told its whole story in the first three minutes. That story came out as one read, in short instalments -it was excusable that one's analogies should be somewhat professional - and the text was a style considerably involved, a language not easy to translate at sight. There were shades of meaning in it and a vague perspective of history which receded as you advanced. Two facts Paul had particularly heeded. The first of these was that he liked the measured mask much better at inscrutable rest than in social agitation; its almost convulsive smile above all displeased him (as much as any impression from that source could), whereas the quiet face had a charm that grew in proportion as stillness settled again. The change to the expression of gaiety excited, he made out, very much the private protest of a person sitting gratefully in the twilight when the lamp is brought in too soon. His second reflexion was that, though generally averse to the flagrant use of ingratiating arts by a man of age "making up" to a pretty girl, he was not in this case too painfully affected: which seemed to prove either that St. George had a light hand or the air of being younger than he was, or else that Miss Fancourt's own manner somehow made everything right.

Overt walked with her into the gallery, and they strolled to the end of it, looking at the pictures, the cabinets, the charming vista, which harmonised with the prospect of the summer afternoon, resembling it by a long brightness, with great divans and old chairs that figured hours of rest. Such a place as that had the added merit of giving those who came into it plenty to talk about.

Miss Fancourt sat down with her new acquaintance on a flowered sofa, the cushions of which, very numerous, were tight ancient cubes of many sizes, and presently said: "I'm so glad to have a chance to thank you.""To thank me - ?" He had to wonder.

  • The School For Scandal

    The School For Scandal

  • 妙法决定业障经


  • 易因


  • 政事


  • 道教灵验记


  • 轻音这样那样的事


  • 麟天纪


  • 佛说除一切疾病陀罗尼经


  • 末见江湖


  • 玄天道心


  • 另类大主播


  • 福妻驾到


  • 妖孽宠妃:废材三小姐


  • 夏天的雨,夏季的风


  • 月老阁

