It was a lovely day; a clear blue sky smiled on the busy city below, and men of leisure were strolling about with their hands in their pockets.
Observing them, M. Lantin said to himself: "The rich, indeed, are happy. With money it is possible to forget even the deepest sorrow. One can go where one pleases, and in travel find that distraction which is the surest cure for grief. Oh! if I were only rich!"He began to feel hungry, but his pocket was empty. He again remembered the necklace. Eighteen thousand francs! Eighteen thousand francs! What a sum!
He soon arrived in the Rue de la Paix, opposite the jeweler's.
Eighteen thousand francs! Twenty times he resolved to go in, but shame kept him back. He was hungry, however,--very hungry, and had not a cent in his pocket. He decided quickly, ran across the street in order not to have time for reflection, and entered the store.
The proprietor immediately came forward, and politely offered him a chair; the clerks glanced at him knowingly.
"I have made inquiries, M. Lantin," said the jeweler, "and if you are still resolved to dispose of the gems, I am ready to pay you the price I offered.""Certainly, sir," stammered M. Lantin.
Whereupon the proprietor took from a drawer eighteen large bills, counted and handed them to M. Lantin, who signed a receipt and with a trembling hand put the money into his pocket.
As he was about to leave the store, he turned toward the merchant, who still wore the same knowing smile, and lowering his eyes, said:
"I have--I have other gems which I have received from the same source. Will you buy them also?"The merchant bowed: "Certainly, sir."
M. Lantin said gravely: "I will bring them to you." An hour later he returned with the gems.
The large diamond earrings were worth twenty thousand francs; the bracelets thirty-five thousand; the rings, sixteen thousand; a set of emeralds and sapphires, fourteen thousand; a gold chain with solitaire pendant, forty thousand--making the sum of one hundred and forty-three thousand francs.
The jeweler remarked, jokingly:
"There was a person who invested all her earnings in precious stones."M. Lantin replied, seriously:
"It is only another way of investing one's money."That day he lunched at Voisin's and drank wine worth twenty francs a bottle. Then he hired a carriage and made a tour of the Bois, and as he scanned the various turn-outs with a contemptuous air he could hardly refrain from crying out to the occupants:
"I, too, am rich!--I am worth two hundred thousand francs."Suddenly he thought of his employer. He drove up to the office, and entered gaily, saying:
"Sir, I have come to resign my position. I have just inherited three hundred thousand francs."He shook hands with his former colleagues and confided to them some of his projects for the future; then he went off to dine at the Cafe Anglais.
He seated himself beside a gentleman of aristocratic bearing, and during the meal informed the latter confidentially that he had just inherited a fortune of four hundred thousand francs.
For the first time in his life he was not bored at the theater, and spent the remainder of the night in a gay frolic.
Six months afterward he married again. His second wife was a very virtuous woman, with a violent temper. She caused him much sorrow.