

HE was born in the houseman's lodge; she in the great mansion. He did not know who his father was; she was the daughter of Grim of Skogli, and she was the only daughter he had. They were carried to baptism on the same day, and he was called Truls, because they had to call him something; she received the name of Borghild, because that had been the name of every eldest born daughter in the family for thirty generations. They both cried when the pastor poured the water on their heads; his mother hushed him, blushed, and looked timidly around her; but the woman who carried Borghild lifted her high up in her arms so that everybody could see her, and the pastor smiled benignly, and the parishioners said that they had never seen so beautiful a child. That was the way in which they began life--he as a child of sin, she as the daughter of a mighty race.

They grew up together. She had round cheeks and merry eyes, and her lips were redder than the red rose. He was of slender growth, his face was thin and pale, and his eyes had a strange, benumbed gaze, as if they were puzzling themselves with some sad, life-long riddle which they never hoped to solve. On the strand where they played the billows came and went, and they murmured faintly with a sound of infinite remoteness. Borghild laughed aloud, clapped her hands and threw stones out into the water, while he sat pale and silent, and saw the great white-winged sea- birds sailing through the blue ocean of the sky.

"How would you like to live down there in the deep green water?" she asked him one day, as they sat watching the eider-ducks which swam and dived, and stood on their heads among the sea-weeds.

"I should like it very well," he answered, "if you would follow me." "No, I won't follow you," she cried."It is cold and wet down in thewater. And I should spoil the ribbons on my new bodice. But when I grow up and get big and can braid my hair, then I shall row with the young lads to the church yonder on the headland, and there the old pastor will marry me, and I shall wear the big silver crown which my mother wore when she was married.""And may I go with you?" asked he, timidly.

"Yes, you may steer my boat and be my helmsman, or--you may be my bridegroom, if you would like that better.""Yes, I think I should rather be your bridegroom," and he gave her a long, strange look which almost frightened her.

The years slipped by, and before Borghild knew it, she had grown into womanhood. The down on Truls's cheeks became rougher, and he, too, began to suspect that he was no longer a boy. When the sun was late and the breeze murmured in the great, dark-crowned pines, they often met by chance, at the well, on the strand, or on the saeter-green. And the oftener they met the more they found to talk about; to be sure, it was she who did the talking, and he looked at her with his large wondering eyes and listened. She told him of the lamb which had tumbled down over a steep precipice and still was unhurt, of the baby who pulled the pastor's hair last Sunday during the baptismal ceremony, or of the lumberman, Lars, who drank the kero- sene his wife gave him for brandy, and never knew the difference. But, when the milkmaids passed by, she would suddenly forget what she had been saying, and then they sat gazing at each other in silence. Once she told him of the lads who danced with her at the party at Houg; and she thought she noticed a deeper color on his face, and that he clinched both his fists and --thrust them into his pockets. That set her thinking, and the more she thought, the more curious she grew. He played the violin well; suppose she should ask him to come and fiddle at the party her father was to give at the end of the harvest. She resolved to do it, and he, not knowing what moved her, gave his promise eagerly. It struck her, afterward, that she had done a wicked thing, but, like most girls, she had not the heart to wrestle with an uncomfortable thought; she shook it off and began to hum a snatch of an old song.

"O'er the billows the fleet-footed storm-wind rode, The billows blue are the merman's abode, So strangely that harp was sounding."The memory of old times came back to her, the memory of the morning long years ago, when they sat together on the strand, and he said; "I think I would rather be your bride- groom, Borghild." The memory was sweet but it was bitter too; and the bitterness rose and filled her heart.

  • 凡人九变


  • 无尽星河


  • 清国爱恋之悠悠我心(完结)


    一个存于现代的女子因一根神秘的鸟羽来到了三百年前的大清朝她相信 爱上一个封建皇族的皇子历来冷面冷心遇上她之后却欲罢不能在这段情里究竟是谁欠了谁
  • 女扮男装之萧萧枫叶林


  • 黄帝阴符经注


  • 福妻驾到


  • 椿浠


  • 魔法师在地下城


  • 回首凡尘不作仙


  • 皇室宠儿:恶魔公主归来

