

Two days later, Ralph again knocked on Bertha's door. He looked paler than usual, almost haggard; his immaculate linen was a little crumpled, and he carried no cane; his lips were tightly compressed, and his face wore an air of desperate resolution.

"It is done," he said, as he seated himself opposite her."I am going." "Going!" cried she, startled at his unusual appearance."How,where?"

"To America. I sail to-night. I have followed your advice, you see. I have cut off the last bridge behind me.""But, Ralph," she exclaimed, in a voice of alarm. "Something dreadful must have happened. Tell me quick; I must know it.""No; nothing dreadful," muttered he, smiling bitterly. "I have made a little scandal, that is all. My father told me to-day to go to the devil, if I chose, and my mother gave me five hundred dollars to help me along on the way. If you wish to know, here is the explanation."And he pulled from his pocket six perfumed and carefully folded notes, and threw them into her lap.

"Do you wish me to read them?" she asked, with growing surprise. "Certainly.Why not?"She hastily opened one note after the other, and read.

"But, Ralph," she cried, springing up from her seat, while her eyes flamed with indignation, "what does this mean? What have you done?""I didn't think it needed any explanation," replied he, with feigned indifference. "I proposed to them all, and, you see, they all accepted me. I received all these letters to-day. I only wished to know whether the whole world regarded me as such a worthless scamp as you told me I was."She did not answer, but sat mutely staring at him, fiercely crumpling a rose-colored note in her hand. He began to feel uncomfortable under her gaze, and threw himself about uneasily in his chair.

"Well," said he, at length, rising, "I suppose there is nothing more. Good-bye.""One moment, Mr. Grim," demanded she, sternly. "Since I have already said so much, and you have obligingly revealed to me a new side of your character, I claim the right to correct the opinion I expressed of you at our last meeting.""I am all attention."

"I did think, Mr. Grim," began she, breathing hard, and steadying herself against the table at which she stood, "that you were a very selfish man--an embodiment of selfishness, absolute and supreme, but I did not believe that you were wicked.""And what convinced you that I was selfish, if I may ask?""What convinced me?" repeated she, in a tone of inexpressible contempt. "When did you ever act from any generous regard for others? What good did you ever do to anybody?""You might ask, with equal justice, what good I ever did to myself." "In a certain sense, yes; because to gratify a mere momentary wish ishardly doing one's self good."

"Then I have, at all events, followed the Biblical precept, and treated my neighbor very much as I treat myself.""I did think," continued Bertha, without heeding the remark, "that you were at bottom kind-hearted, but too hopelessly well-bred ever to commit an act of any decided complexion, either good or bad. Now I see that I have misjudged you, and that you are capable of outraging the most sacred feelings of a woman's heart in mere wantonness, or for the sake of satisfying a base curiosity, which never could have entered the mind of an upright and generous man."The hard, benumbed look in Ralph's face thawed in the warmth of her presence, and her words, though stern, touched a secret spring in his heart. He made two or three vain attempts to speak, then suddenly broke down, and cried:

"Bertha, Bertha, even if you scorn me, have patience with me, and listen."And he told her, in rapid, broken sentences, how his love for her had grown from day to day, until he could no longer master it; and how, in an unguarded moment, when his pride rose in fierce conflict against his love, he had done this reckless deed of which he was now heartily ashamed. The fervor of his words touched her, for she felt that they were sincere. Large mute tears trembled in her eyelashes as she sat gazing tenderly at him, and in the depth of her soul the wish awoke that she might have been able to return this great and strong love of his; for she felt that in this love lay the germ of a new, of a stronger and better man. She noticed, with a half-regretful pleasure, his handsome figure, his delicately shaped hands, and the noble cast of his features; an overwhelming pity for him rose within her, and she began to reproach herself for having spoken so harshly, and, as she now thought, so unjustly. Perhaps he read in her eyes the unspoken wish. He seized her hand, and his words fell with a warm and alluring cadence upon her ear.

"I shall not see you for a long time to come, Bertha," said he, "but if, atthe end of five or six years your hand is still free, and I return another man--a man to whom you could safely intrust your happiness--would you then listen to what I may have to say to you? For I promise, by all that we both hold sacred--""No, no," interrupted she, hastily. "Promise nothing. It would be unjust to--yourself, and perhaps also to me; for a sacred promise is a terrible thing, Ralph. Let us both remain free; and, if you return and still love me, then come, and I shall receive you and listen to you. And even if you have outgrown your love, which is, indeed, more probable, come still to visit me wherever I may be, and we shall meet as friends and rejoice in the meeting.""You know best," he murmured."Let it be as you have said."He arose, took her face between his hands, gazed long and tenderly into her eyes, pressed a kiss upon her forehead, and hastened away.

That night Ralph boarded the steamer for Hull, and three weeks later landed in New York.

  • 胎息抱一歌


  • 唐阙史


  • Charlotte Temple

    Charlotte Temple

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  • 太上老君说常清静经注


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    说到雨啊……我写这个故事时,外头不时下著雨。下雨挺令我头痛的,除了出门不方便,还加上家中那娇生惯养的狗少爷。看见雨就死也不肯出门方便,不过是只小土狗,却拽得不可一世,任由主人我冒著雨在外头对它好说歹说的猛招手,它是头也不回的转身进屋,真是气煞我也。笔事中提及的“Rhythm Of The Rain”,是一首脍炙人口的英文老歌,最近常在某青绿色的口香糖广告中听见,但我怎麽也找不到作词作曲者,所以若有知道的看倌大人请告知我,小的感激不尽。这个故事……该怎麽说呢?不煽情,不火辣,不搞笑,但应该算得上是浪漫唯美吧!想著有个好男人,不只能宠你爱你,还能和你共享一世界的雨,除了他和你,再没第三者能听得懂雨的声音,彷佛爱情密码,有点幸福。是的,幸福,这是我希望接下来的作品能带给各位的感觉,也是我第一次大胆的为作品冠上系列名称,不知死活的我预计写三本——“Rhythm Of The Rain雨的旋律”、“True Love真爱”、“Story童话”,当然,这已经是“过去”的书名了,现在写出来纯粹做个纪念,它们将以什麽名宇出现在各位眼前,我也不知道,但我相信我会为它们找到更棒的名字的。很希望,这本书能让你有一点小小的感动,更希望,各位能继续往下看,这个系列,这个故事,不同以往。
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