


As winter approached, Katy realized that the demand for molasses candy was on the increase, and she found it necessary to make a much larger quantity. Mrs. Colvin still rendered her assistance "for a consideration," and the supply was thus made to correspond with the demand.

Mrs. Redburn's health which had begun to improve with the advent of their prosperity, now enabled her to sit up nearly the whole day, and to render much aid in the household affairs, and especially in the manufacturing of the candy. The good fortune that had attended Katy's efforts brought many additional comforts to their humble dwelling; indeed, they had everything that they needed, and everything that any poor person would have required.

But the fond mother had never been able to reconcile herself to the business which Katy followed. She dreaded every day lest the temptations to which it constantly exposed her might lead her astray. She loved her daughter with all her heart, and she would rather have died in poverty and want than have had her corrupted.

She had every reason to believe that Katy was the pure and innocent child she had always been; but she feared, as she grew older, that some harm might befall her. She would rather bury her than see her become a bad person, and she hoped soon to be able to resume her own labors, and let Katy abandon her dangerous business.

Mrs. Redburn often talked with her about the perils that lay in her path; but Katy spoke like one who was fortified by good resolutions and a strong will. She declared that she knew what dangers were in her way, and that she could resist all the temptations that beset her. Whatever views the mother had, there seemed to be no opportunity to carry them out, for by Katy's labors they were fed, clothed, and housed. She was her mother's only support, and the candy trade, perilous as it was, could not be given up.

Katy did not desire to abandon the business she had built up, for she was proud of her achievement. She was resolved to be good and true, and to her it did not seem half so perilous as to others.

She had even indulged some thoughts of enlarging her business.

Why could she not have a shop, and sell candy on a counter as well as in the street? She mentioned this idea to her mother, who was sure the shop could not succeed, for she was aware that her daughter's winning manners were more than half her stock in trade, and that her large sales resulted from carrying the candy to hundreds of people who did not want it enough to go after it.

Therefore Katy gave up the shop at once, but she did not abandon the idea of enlarging her business, though she did not exactly see how it could be done. One day an accident solved the problem for her, and at that time commenced a new era in the candy trade.

One pleasant morning in November, as she walked up the court, she met Ann Grippen, a sister of Johnny who stopped to talk with her.

The Grippen family consisted of eleven persons. The father was a day laborer, and as his wages were small, and he had a great many mouths to feed, they were, of course, miserably poor. The older children showed no ability or disposition to help their parents but spent most of their time in strolling about the streets.

Johnny was a fair specimen of the boys, as Ann was of the girls.

She might have been seen almost any day with a well-worn basket on her arm, exploring the streets and wharves in search of chips, for Johnny was too vicious to do the work which more properly belonged to him.

"You sell lots of candy now--don't you?" said Ann.

"Yes, a great deal," replied Katy, who was not disposed to spend her time idly, and in the company of one whose reputation in the neighborhood was not very good.

"Stop a minute--won't you? I want to speak to you."

"I will; but be as quick as you can, for I am in a hurry."

"Don't you think I could sell candy?" continued Ann.

"I dare say you could. Why don't you try, if you want to?"

"But I haven't got no candy; and mother can't make it, as you can. If you are a mind to let me have some, I will sell it for you, and you may give me what you like."

The idea struck the little merchant very favorably. There were a great many girls just like Ann Grippen, who were wasting their time about the streets, and learning to be wicked. Why couldn't she employ them to sell candy?

"I will try you," replied Katy.

"Well, I'm all ready to begin."

"Not yet," said the little candy merchant, with a smile.

"Yes, I am."

"Your face and hands are very dirty."

"What odds will that make?" asked Ann, rather indignantly.

"Do you suppose anybody would eat a stick of candy after you had touched it with those dirty fingers? Your customers would be afraid of being poisoned."

"I s'pose I can wash 'em," replied Ann, who seemed still to regard it as a very unnecessary operation.

"It would be a good plan; and while you are about it you must not forget your face."

"I ain't a-going to touch the candy with my face," added Ann, triumphantly "Very true; but if people saw you with such a dirty face, they would be afraid your candy was not very clean."

"Any way you like. I will wash my face and hands both, if that's all."

"But that isn't all. Your dress is very dirty and very ragged."

"I can't afford to dress like a lady," said Ann, who had some of her brother's disposition, and under any other circumstances would have resented Katy's plain home thrusts.

"You needn't dress like a lady; but the neater and cleaner you are, the more candy you will sell."

"I will fix up as much as I can."

"Very well; if you will come to my house to-morrow morning, I will let you have some candy."

"How much will you give me for selling it?" asked Ann.

"I can't tell now; I will think about it, and let you know when you come."

Katy went her way, turning over and over in her mind the scheme which Ann's application had suggested to her. She might employ a dozen girls, or even more than that, and pay them so much a dozen for selling the candy. She might then stop going out to sell herself, and thus gratify her mother. She could even go to school, and still attend to her business.

  • 毗尼母经


  • 至言总卷


  • 自喜


  • 修丹妙用至理论


  • 福盖正行所集经


  • 我的病娇男友


  • 叛长


  • 冤家校草很路痴


  • 修真十书盘山语录


  • 宫辰香


  • 末日天道


  • 超进化种族


  • 巧克力少女心


  • 英雄联盟之守望永恒


  • 狼妃很帅

