

"Not much. I've had a spill," replied Bo. "But oh! I'm mad -- I'm boiling!"She looked as if she might have exaggerated her doubt of injuries, but certainly she had not overestimated her state of mind. Any blaze Helen had heretofore seen in those quick eyes was tame compared to this one. It actually leaped. Bo was more than pretty then. Manifestly Roy was admiring her looks, but Carmichael saw beyond her charm. And slowly he was growing pale.

"I rode out the south range -- as I was told," began Bo, breathing hard and trying to control her feelings. "That's the ride you usually take, Nell, and you bet -- if you'd taken it to-day -- you'd not be here now. . . . About three miles out I climbed off the range up that cedar slope. Ialways keep to high ground. When I got up I saw two horsemen ride out of some broken rocks off to the east. They rode as if to come between me and home. I didn't like that. Icircled south. About a mile farther on I spied another horseman and he showed up directly in front of me and came along slow. That I liked still less. It might have been accident, but it looked to me as if those riders had some intent. All I could do was head off to the southeast and ride. You bet I did ride. But I got into rough ground where I'd never been before. It was slow going. At last I made the cedars and here I cut loose, believing I could circle ahead of those strange riders and come round through Pine. I had it wrong."Here she hesitated, perhaps for breath, for she had spoken rapidly, or perhaps to get better hold on her subject. Not improbably the effect she was creating on her listeners began to be significant. Roy sat absorbed, perfectly motionless, eyes keen as steel, his mouth open. Carmichael was gazing over Bo's head, out of the window, and it seemed that he must know the rest of her narrative. Helen knew that her own wide-eyed attention alone would have been all-compelling inspiration to Bo Rayner.

"Sure I had it wrong," resumed Bo. "Pretty soon heard a horse behind. I looked back. I saw a big bay riding down on me. Oh, but he was running! He just tore through the cedars.

. . . I was scared half out of my senses. But I spurred and beat my mustang. Then began a race! Rough going -- thick cedars -- washes and gullies I had to make him run -- to keep my saddle -- to pick my way. Oh-h-h! but it was glorious! To race for fun -- that's one thing; to race for your life is another! My heart was in my mouth -- choking me. I couldn't have yelled. I was as cold as ice -- dizzy sometimes -- blind others -- then my stomach turned -- and Icouldn't get my breath. Yet the wild thrills I had! . . .

But I stuck on and held my own for several miles -- to the edge of the cedars. There the big horse gained on me. He came pounding closer -- perhaps as close as a hundred yards -- I could hear him plain enough. Then I had my spill. Oh, my mustang tripped -- threw me 'way over his head. I hit light, but slid far -- and that's what scraped me so. I know my knee is raw. . . . When I got to my feet the big horse dashed up, throwing gravel all over me -- and his rider jumped off. . . . Now who do you think he was?"Helen knew, but she did not voice her conviction. Carmichael knew positively, yet he kept silent. Roy was smiling, as if the narrative told did not seem so alarming to him.

"Wal, the fact of you bein' here, safe an' sound, sorta makes no difference who thet son-of-a-gun was," he said.

"Riggs! Harve Riggs!" blazed Bo. "The instant I recognized him I got over my scare. And so mad I burned all through like fire. I don't know what I said, but it was wild -- and it was a whole lot, you bet.

"You sure can ride,' he said.

"I demanded why he had dared to chase me, and he said he had an important message for Nell. This was it: 'Tell your sister that Beasley means to put her off an' take the ranch.

If she'll marry me I'll block his deal. If she won't marry me, I'll go in with Beasley.' Then he told me to hurry home and not to breathe a word to any one except Nell. Well, here I am -- and I seem to have been breathing rather fast."She looked from Helen to Roy and from Roy to Las Vegas. Her smile was for the latter, and to any one not overexcited by her story that smile would have told volumes.

"Wal, I'll be doggoned!" ejaculated Roy, feelingly.

Helen laughed.

"Indeed, the working of that man's mind is beyond me. . . .

Marry him to save my ranch? I wouldn't marry him to save my life!

Carmichael suddenly broke his silence.

"Bo, did you see the other men?"

"Yes. I was coming to that," she replied. "I caught a glimpse of them back in the cedars. The three were together, or, at least, three horsemen were there. They had halted behind some trees. Then on the way home I began to think.

Even in my fury I had received impressions. Riggs was SURPRISED when I got up. I'll bet he had not expected me to be who I was. He thought I was NELL! . . . I look bigger in this buckskin outfit. My hair was up till I lost my hat, and that was when I had the tumble. He took me for Nell. Another thing, I remember -- he made some sign -- some motion while I was calling him names, and I believe that was to keep those other men back. . . . I believe Riggs had a plan with those other men to waylay Nell and make off with her. Iabsolutely know it."

"Bo, you're so -- so -- you jump at wild ideas so,"protested Helen, trying to believe in her own assurance. But inwardly she was trembling.

"Miss Helen, that ain't a wild idee," said Roy, seriously.

"I reckon your sister is pretty close on the trail. Las Vegas, don't you savvy it thet way?"Carmichael's answer was to stalk out of the room.

"Call him back!" cried Helen, apprehensively.

"Hold on, boy!" called Roy, sharply.

Helen reached the door simultaneously with Roy. The cowboy picked up his sombrero, jammed it on his head, gave his belt a vicious hitch that made the gun-sheath jump, and then in one giant step he was astride Ranger.

"Carmichael! Stay!" cried Helen.

The cowboy spurred the black, and the stones rang under iron-shod hoofs.

"Bo! Call him back! Please call him back!" importuned Helen, in distress.

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