
第56章 The Sins of Prince Saradine(6)

Almost as he had the thought the ringing of the rapiers quickened to a rattle, the prince's arms flew up, and the point shot out behind between his shoulder-blades. He went over with a great whirling movement, almost like one throwing the half of a boy's cart-wheel. The sword flew from his hand like a shooting star, and dived into the distant river. And he himself sank with so earth-shaking a subsidence that he broke a big rose-tree with his body and shook up into the sky a cloud of red earth--like the smoke of some heathen sacrifice. The Sicilian had made blood-offering to the ghost of his father.

The priest was instantly on his knees by the corpse; but only to make too sure that it was a corpse. As he was still trying some last hopeless tests he heard for the first time voices from farther up the river, and saw a police boat shoot up to the landing-stage, with constables and other important people, including the excited Paul. The little priest rose with a distinctly dubious grimace.

"Now, why on earth," he muttered, "why on earth couldn't he have come before?"Some seven minutes later the island was occupied by an invasion of townsfolk and police, and the latter had put their hands on the victorious duellist, ritually reminding him that anything he said might be used against him.

"I shall not say anything," said the monomaniac, with a wonderful and peaceful face. "I shall never say anything more.

I am very happy, and I only want to be hanged."Then he shut his mouth as they led him away, and it is the strange but certain truth that he never opened it again in this world, except to say "Guilty" at his trial.

Father Brown had stared at the suddenly crowded garden, the arrest of the man of blood, the carrying away of the corpse after its examination by the doctor, rather as one watches the break-up of some ugly dream; he was motionless, like a man in a nightmare.

He gave his name and address as a witness, but declined their offer of a boat to the shore, and remained alone in the island garden, gazing at the broken rose bush and the whole green theatre of that swift and inexplicable tragedy. The light died along the river; mist rose in the marshy banks; a few belated birds flitted fitfully across.

Stuck stubbornly in his sub-consciousness (which was an unusually lively one) was an unspeakable certainty that there was something still unexplained. This sense that had clung to him all day could not be fully explained by his fancy about "looking-glass land." Somehow he had not seen the real story, but some game or masque. And yet people do not get hanged or run through the body for the sake of a charade.

As he sat on the steps of the landing-stage ruminating he grew conscious of the tall, dark streak of a sail coming silently down the shining river, and sprang to his feet with such a backrush of feeling that he almost wept.

"Flambeau!" he cried, and shook his friend by both hands again and again, much to the astonishment of that sportsman, as he came on shore with his fishing tackle. "Flambeau," he said, "so you're not killed?""Killed!" repeated the angler in great astonishment. "And why should I be killed?""Oh, because nearly everybody else is," said his companion rather wildly. "Saradine got murdered, and Antonelli wants to be hanged, and his mother's fainted, and I, for one, don't know whether I'm in this world or the next. But, thank God, you're in the same one." And he took the bewildered Flambeau's arm.

As they turned from the landing-stage they came under the eaves of the low bamboo house, and looked in through one of the windows, as they had done on their first arrival. They beheld a lamp-lit interior well calculated to arrest their eyes. The table in the long dining-room had been laid for dinner when Saradine's destroyer had fallen like a stormbolt on the island. And the dinner was now in placid progress, for Mrs. Anthony sat somewhat sullenly at the foot of the table, while at the head of it was Mr.

Paul, the major domo, eating and drinking of the best, his bleared, bluish eyes standing queerly out of his face, his gaunt countenance inscrutable, but by no means devoid of satisfaction.

With a gesture of powerful impatience, Flambeau rattled at the window, wrenched it open, and put an indignant head into the lamp-lit room.

"Well," he cried. "I can understand you may need some refreshment, but really to steal your master's dinner while he lies murdered in the garden--""I have stolen a great many things in a long and pleasant life," replied the strange old gentleman placidly; "this dinner is one of the few things I have not stolen. This dinner and this house and garden happen to belong to me."A thought flashed across Flambeau's face. "You mean to say,"he began, "that the will of Prince Saradine--""I am Prince Saradine," said the old man, munching a salted almond.

Father Brown, who was looking at the birds outside, jumped as if he were shot, and put in at the window a pale face like a turnip.

"You are what?" he repeated in a shrill voice.

"Paul, Prince Saradine, A vos ordres," said the venerable person politely, lifting a glass of sherry. "I live here very quietly, being a domestic kind of fellow; and for the sake of modesty I am called Mr. Paul, to distinguish me from my unfortunate brother Mr. Stephen. He died, I hear, recently--in the garden. Of course, it is not my fault if enemies pursue him to this place. It is owing to the regrettable irregularity of his life. He was not a domestic character."He relapsed into silence, and continued to gaze at the opposite wall just above the bowed and sombre head of the woman.

They saw plainly the family likeness that had haunted them in the dead man. Then his old shoulders began to heave and shake a little, as if he were choking, but his face did not alter.

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    皓,将会在惜贝的学校举行他人生中的最后一场演唱会,以此来结束他的演艺生涯,在学校,惜贝借口自己要出去打工,而谢绝了校长按排的献花。她根本不想再与其有任何的交集。以前她可能还会想要和他一起,可是在他说出那么多伤害她的话,离开之后,她的心也就随之死去了。更何况,他现在还是万人瞩目的大明星,而她只是一个每天为生活四处奔波的穷孤女,注定这一辈子没交集了,她在报纸上得知,他将在演出结束之后,与刚回国的欧阳宛若订婚的消息,也大大伤害了惜贝。可是事事难料,在最后一个试镜点结束之后,皓与拍摄组人员竟然去了惜贝打工的那间餐厅用餐,惜贝为其服务,不小心把果汁洒到了皓的身上。那一刻,皓认出了惜贝。惜贝一见皓,就想逃开他的视线。后来被其追上,但是她假装不认识他,告诉他,他认错人了。皓失望地回到拍摄组,无心情工作。后来他的经纪人帮其调查到了惜贝所在的学校。皓在得之惜贝这几年来的糟遇之后,他更加的恨自己,发誓这一生不论再发生任何的事,他都不会再放开她的手。后来皓对其展开了热烈的追求。迫于无耐,惜贝只好答应与其住在同一个屋檐下。就在两个人刚有点进展时,从美国毕业的天羽哥,也回到了这所城市,是故意还是有意地留在了惜贝的身边,两个男人,又再一次开始了四年前的那场拉据赛,只不过,这一次,她的心, 不再会为谁再动了。。。。。。
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