
第79章 Part 8(1)

Then said Diabolus, 'O ye stout Diabolonians, be it known unto you, that there is treachery hatched against us in the rebellious town of Mansoul; for albeit the town is in our possession, as you see, yet these miserable Mansoulians have attempted to dare, and have been so hardy as yet to send to the court to Emmanuel for help. This I give you to understand, that ye may yet know how to carry it to the wretched town of Mansoul. Wherefore, O my trusty Diabolonians, I command that yet more and more ye distress this town of Mansoul, and vex it with your wiles, ravish their women, deflower their virgins, slay their children, brain their ancients, fire their town, and what other mischief you can; and let this be the reward of the Mansoulians from me, for their desperate rebellions against me.'

This, you see, was the charge; but something stepped in betwixt that and execution, for as yet there was but little more done than to rage.

Moreover, when Diabolus had done thus, he went the next way up to the castle gates, and demanded that, upon pain of death, the gates should be opened to him, and that entrance should be given him and his men that followed after. To whom Mr. Godly-Fear replied, (for he it was that had the charge of that gate,) that the gate should not be opened unto him, nor to the men that followed after him. He said, moreover, that Mansoul, when she had suffered awhile, should be made perfect, strengthened, settled.

Then said Diabolus, 'Deliver me, then, the men that have petitioned against me, especially Captain Credence, that carried it to your Prince; deliver that varlet into my hands, and I will depart from the town.'

Then up starts a Diabolonian, whose name was Mr. Fooling, and said, 'My lord offereth you fair: it is better for you that one man perish, than that your whole Mansoul should be undone.'

But Mr. Godly-Fear made him this replication, 'How long will Mansoul be kept out of the dungeon, when she hath given up her faith to Diabolus! As good lose the town, as lose Captain Credence; for if one be gone the other must follow.'

But to that Mr. Fooling said nothing.

Then did my Lord Mayor reply, and said, 'O thou devouring tyrant, be it known unto thee, we shall hearken to none of thy words; we are resolved to resist thee as long as a captain, a man, a sling, and a stone to throw at thee shall be found in the town of Mansoul.' But Diabolus answered, 'Do you hope, do you wait, do you look for help and deliverance?

You have sent to Emmanuel, but your wickedness sticks too close in your skirts, to let innocent prayers come out of your lips. Think you that you shall be prevailers and prosper in this design? You will fail in your wish, you will fail in your attempts; for it is not only I, but your Emmanuel is against you: yea, it is he that hath sent me against you to subdue you. For what, then, do you hope? or by what means will you escape?'

Then said the Lord Mayor, 'We have sinned indeed; but that shall be no help to thee, for our Emmanuel hath said it, and that in great faithfulness, "and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." He hath also told us, O our enemy, that "all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven" to the sons of men. Therefore we dare not despair, but will look for, wait for, and hope for deliverance still.'

Now, by this time, Captain Credence was returned and come from the court from Emmanuel to the castle of Mansoul, and he returned to them with a packet. So my Lord Mayor, hearing that Captain Credence was come, withdrew himself from the noise of the roaring of the tyrant, and left him to yell at the wall of the town, or against the gates of the castle. So he came up to the captain's lodgings, and saluting him, he asked him of his welfare, and what was the best news at court. But when he asked Captain Credence that, the water stood in his eyes. Then said the captain, 'Cheer up, my lord, for all will be well in time.' And with that he first produced his packet, and laid it by; but that the Lord Mayor, and the rest of the captains, took for sign of good tidings.

Now a season of grace being come, he sent for all the captains and elders of the town, that were here and there in their lodgings in the castle and upon their guard, to let them know that Captain Credence was returned from the court, and that he had something in general, and something in special, to communicate to them. So they all came up to him, and saluted him, and asked him concerning his journey, and what was the best news at the court. And he answered them as he had done the Lord Mayor before, that all would be well at last. Now, when the captain had thus saluted them, he opened his packet, and thence did draw out his several notes for those that he had sent for.

And the first note was for my Lord Mayor, wherein was signified:- That the Prince Emmanuel had taken it well that my Lord Mayor had been so true and trusty in his office, and the great concerns that lay upon him for the town and people of Mansoul. Also, he bid him to know, that he took it well that he had been so bold for his Prince Emmanuel, and had engaged so faithfully in his cause against Diabolus. He also signified, at the close of his letter, that he should shortly receive his reward.

The second note that came out, was for the noble Lord Willbewill, wherein there was signified:- That his Prince Emmanuel did well understand how valiant and courageous he had been for the honour of his Lord, now in his absence, and when his name was under contempt by Diabolus. There was signified also, that his Prince had taken it well that he had been so faithful to the town of Mansoul, in his keeping of so strict a hand and eye over and so strict a rein upon the neck of the Diabolonians, that did still lie lurking in their several holes in the famous town of Mansoul. He signified, moreover, how that he understood that my Lord had, with his own hand, done great execution upon some of the chief of the rebels there, to the great discouragement of the adverse party and to the good example of the whole town of Mansoul;and that shortly his lordship should have his reward.

  • 菊谱


  • 玉笥集


  • 广宁县志


  • 明伦汇编官常典翰林院部


  • 时序


  • 无殇彼岸之恋


  • 乜世


  • 越人歌:山有扶苏


  • 黑玫瑰骑士


  • 异界之夜殇传


  • 改变她的人生


  • 救赎之万兽之王


  • 帝都皇家守卫团


  • 夜璃神帝


  • 盗贼校草:本冥少爷伪君子

