
第45章 Part 4(10)

After this, the Prince gave a charge that the three strongholds that, at the command of Diabolus, the Diabolonians built in Mansoul, should be demolished and utterly pulled down; of which holds and their names, with their captains and governors, you read a little before. But this was long in doing, because of the largeness of the places, and because the stones, the timber, the iron, and all rubbish, was to be carried without the town.

When this was done, the Prince gave order that the Lord Mayor and aldermen of Mansoul should call a court of judicature for the trial and execution of the Diabolonians in the corporation now under the charge of Mr. True-Man, the gaoler.

Now, when the time was come, and the court set, commandment was sent to Mr. True-Man, the gaoler, to bring the prisoners down to the bar. Then were the prisoners brought down, pinioned and chained together, as the custom of the town of Mansoul was. So, when they were presented before the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, and the rest of the honourable bench, first, the jury was empannelled, and then the witnesses sworn. The names of the jury were these: Mr. Belief, Mr.

True-Heart, Mr. Upright, Mr. Hate-Bad, Mr. Love-God, Mr. See-Truth, Mr. Heavenly-Mind, Mr. Moderate, Mr. Thankful, Mr.

Good-Work, Mr. Zeal-for-God, and Mr. Humble.

The names of the witnesses were - Mr. Know-All, Mr. Tell-True, Mr. Hate-Lies, with my Lord Willbewill and his man, if need were.

So the prisoners were set to the bar. Then said Mr. Do-Right, (for he was the Town-Clerk,) 'Set Atheism to the bar, gaoler.' So he was set to the bar. Then said the Clerk, 'Atheism, hold up thy hand. Thou art here indicted by the name of Atheism, (an intruder upon the town of Mansoul,) for that thou hast perniciously and doltishly taught and maintained that there is no God, and so no heed to be taken to religion. This thou hast done against the being, honour, and glory of the King, and against the peace and safety of the town of Mansoul. What sayest thou? Art thou guilty of this indictment, or not?

ATHEISM. Not guilty.

CRIER. Call Mr. Know-All, Mr. Tell-True, and Mr. Hate-Lies into the court.

So they were called, and they appeared.

Then said the Clerk, 'You, the witnesses for the King, look upon the prisoner at the bar; do you know him?'

Then said Mr. Know-All, 'Yes, my lord, we know him; his name is Atheism; he has been a very pestilent fellow for many years in the miserable town of Mansoul.'

CLERK. You are sure you know him?

KNOW. Know him! Yes my lord; I have heretofore too often been in his company to be at this time ignorant of him. He is a Diabolonian, the son of a Diabolonian: I knew his grandfather and his father.

CLERK. Well said. He standeth here indicted by the name of Atheism, etc., and is charged that he hath maintained and taught that there is no God, and so no heed need be taken to any religion. What say you, the King's witnesses, to this?

Is he guilty or not?

KNOW. My lord, I and he were once in Villain's Lane together, and he at that time did briskly talk of divers opinions; and then and there I heard him say, that, for his part, he did believe that there was no God. 'But,' said he, 'I can profess one, and be as religious too, if the company Iam in, and the circumstances of other things,' said he, 'shall put me upon it.'

CLERK. You are sure you heard him say thus?

KNOW. Upon mine oath, I heard him say thus.

Then said the Clerk, 'Mr. Tell-True, what say you to the King's judges touching the prisoner at the bar?'

TELL. My lord, I formerly was a great companion of his, for the which I now repent me, and I have often heard him say, and that with very great stomachfulness, that he believed there was neither God, angel, nor spirit.

CLERK. Where did you hear him say so?

TELL. In Blackmouth Lane and in Blasphemer's Row, and in many other places besides.

CLERK. Have you much knowledge of him?

TELL. I know him to be a Diabolonian, the son of a Diabolonian, and a horrible man to deny a Deity. His father's name was Never-be-good, and he had more children than this Atheism. I have no more to say, CLERK. Mr. Hate-Lies, look upon the prisoner at the bar; do you know him?

HATE. My lord, this Atheism is one of the vilest wretches that ever I came near, or had to do with in my life. I have heard him say that there is no God; I have heard him say that there is no world to come, no sin, nor punishment hereafter, and, moreover, I have heard him say that it was as good to go to a whore-house as to go to hear a sermon.

CLERK. Where did you hear him say these things?

HATE. In Drunkard's Row, just at Rascal-Lane's End, at a house in which Mr. Impiety lived.

CLERK. Set him by, gaoler, and set Mr. Lustings to the bar.

Mr. Lustings, thou art here indicted by the name of Lustings, (an intruder upon the town of Mansoul,) for that thou hast devilishly and traitorously taught, by practice and filthy words, that it is lawful and profitable to man to give way to his carnal desires; and that thou, for thy part, hast not, nor never wilt, deny thyself of any sinful delight as long as thy name is Lustings. How sayest thou? Art thou guilty of this indictment, or not?

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