Now I want you to give the Girl the strongest sedative you dare, take off your coat, roll your sleeves, and see how well you can imitate my voice, and how much you have profited by listening to my song. In other words, before day calls, I want you to take my place so successfully that you deceive her, and give me time to make a trip to town. There are a few things that must be done, and I think I can work faster in the night. Will you?"
Doctor Carey bent over the bed. Gently he slipped a practised hand under the Harvester's and made the next stroke down the white arm. Gradually he took possession of the thin hands and his touch fell on the masses of dark hair. As the Harvester arose the doctor took the seat.
"You go on!" he ordered gruffly. "I'll do better alone."
The Harvester stepped back. The doctor's touch was easy and the Girl lay quietly for an instant, then she moved restlessly.
"You must be still now," he said gently. "The moon is up, the lake is all white, and the birds are flying all around. Lie still or you'll make yourself worse. Stiller than that! If you don't you can't hear things courting.
The ducks are quacking, the bull frogs are croaking, and everything. Lie still, still, I tell you!"
"Oh good Lord, Doc!" groaned the Harvester in desperation.
The Girl wrenched her hands free and her head rolled on the pillow.
"Harvester! Harvester!" she cried.
The doctor started to arise.
"Sit still!" commanded the Harvester. "Take her hands and go to work, idiot! Give her more sedative, and tell her I'm coming. That's the word, if she realizes enough to call for me."
The doctor possessed himself of the flying hands, and gently held and stroked them.
"The Harvester is coming," he said. "Wait just a minute, he's on the way. He is coming. I think I hear him. He will be here soon, very soon now. That's a good girl! Lie still for David. He won't like it if you toss and moan. Just as still, lie still so I can listen. Ican't tell whether he is coming until you are quiet."
Then he said to the Harvester, "You see, I've got it now. I can manage her, but for pity sake, hurry man!
Take the car! Jim is asleep on the back seat----Yes, yes, Girl! I'm listening for him. I think I hear him! Ithink he's coming!"
Here and there a word penetrated, and she lay more quietly, but not in the rest to which the Harvester had lulled her.
"Hurry man!" groaned the doctor in a whispered aside, and the Harvester ran to the car, awakened the driver and told him he had a clear road to Onabasha, to speed up.
"Where to?" asked the driver.
"Dickson, of the First National."
In a few minutes the car stopped before the residence and the Harvester made an attack on the front door.
Presently the man came.
"Excuse me for routing you out at this time of night," said the Harvester, "but it's a case of necessity. I have an automobile here. I want you to go to the bank with me, and get me an address from your draft records.
I know the rules, but I want the name of my wife's Chicago physician. She is delirious, and I must telephone him."
The cashier stepped out and closed the door.
"Nine chances out of ten it will be in the vault," he said.
"That leaves one that it won't," answered the Harvester. "Sometimes I've looked in when passing in the night, and I've noticed that the books are not always put away. I could see some on the rack to-night. Ithink it is there."
It was there, and the Harvester ordered the driver to hurry him to the telephone exchange, then take the cashier home and return and wait. He called the Chicago Information office.
"I want Dr. Frank Harmon, whose office address is 1509Columbia Street. I don't know the 'phone number."
Then came a long wait, and after twenty minutes the blessed buzzing whisper, "Here's your party."
"Doctor Harmon?"
"You remember Ruth Jameson, the daughter of a recent patient of yours?"
"I do."
"Well my name is Langston. The Girl is in my home and care. She is very ill with fever, and she has much confidence in you. This is Onabasha, on the Grand Rapids and Indiana. You take the Pennsylvania at seven o'clock, telegraph ahead that you are coming so that they will make connection for you, change at twelve-twenty at Fort Wayne, and I will meet you here. You will find your ticket and a check waiting you at the Chicago depot. Arrange to remain a week at least.
You will be paid all expenses and regular prices for your time. Will you come?"
"All right. Make no failure. Good-bye."
Then the Harvester left an order with the telephone company to run a wire to Medicine Woods the first thing in the morning, and drove to the depot to arrange for the ticket and check. In less than an hour he was holding the Girl's hands and crooning over her.
"Jerusalem!" said Doctor Carey, rising stiffly. "I'd rather undertake to cut off your head and put it back on than to tackle another job like that. She's quite delirious, but she has flashes, and at such times she knows whom she wants; the rest of the time it's a jumble and some of it is rather gruesome. She's seen dreadful illness, hunger, and there's a debt she's wild about. Itold you something was back of this. You've got to find out and set her mind at ease."
"I know all about it," said the Harvester patiently between crooning sentences to the Girl. "But the crash came before I could convince her that it was all right and I could fix everything for her easily. If she only could understand me!"
"Did you find your man?"
"Yes. He will be here this afternoon."
"Quick work!"
"This takes quick work."
"Do you know anything about him?"
"Yes. He is a young fellow, just starting out. He is a fine, straight, manly man. I don't know how much he knows, but it will be enough to recognize your ability and standing, and to do what you tell him.
I have perfect confidence in him. I want you to come back at one, and take my place until I go to meet him."
`I can bring him out."
"I have to see him myself. There are a few words to be said before he sees the Girl."
"David, what are you up to?"