
第30章 Turk and Tatar(4)

The big Turk screamed pitifully at first, and then actually fainte. away from fright. Rob was much frightened, on his part, for he kne. if his hands slipped from their hold he would fall to his death.

Indeed, one hand was slipping already, so he made a frantic clutch an. caught firmly hold of the Turk's baggy trousers. Then, slowly an. carefully, he drew himself up and seized the leather belt tha. encircled the man's waist. This firm grip gave him new confidence. and he began to breathe more freely.

He now clung to the body of the Turk with both legs entwined, in th. way he was accustomed to cling to a tree-trunk when he climbed afte. cherries at home. He had conquered his fear of falling, and took tim. to recover his wits and his strength.

They had now reached such a tremendous height that the city looke. like a speck on the desert beneath them. Knowing he must act quickly. Rob seized the dangling left arm of the unconscious Turk and raised i. until he could reach the dial of the traveling machine. He feared t. unclasp the machine just then, for two reasons: if it slipped from hi. grasp they would both plunge downward to their death; and he was no. sure the machine would work at all if in any other position tha. fastened to the left wrist.

Rob determined to take no chances, so he left the machine attached t. the Turk and turned the indicator to zero and then to "East," for h. did not wish to rejoin either his enemies the Turks or his equall. undesirable friends the Tatars.

After traveling eastward a few minutes he lost sight of the cit. altogether; so, still clinging to the body of the Turk, he agai. turned the indicator and began to descend. When, at last, they lande. gently upon a rocky eminence of the Kuen-Lun mountains, the boy'. strength was almost exhausted, and his limbs ached with the strain o. clinging to the Turk's body.

His first act was to transfer the traveling machine to his own wris. and to see that his other electrical devices were safely bestowed i. his pockets. Then he sat upon the rock to rest until the Tur. recovered consciousness.

Presently the fellow moved uneasily, rolled over, and then sat up an. stared at his surroundings. Perhaps he thought he had been dreaming. for he rubbed his eyes and looked again with mingled surprise and alarm.

Then, seeing Rob, he uttered a savage shout and drew his dagger.

Rob smiled and pointed the electric tube at the man, who doubtles. recognized its power, for he fell back scowling and trembling.

"This place seems like a good jog from civilization," remarked th. boy, as coolly as if his companion could understand what he said; "bu. as your legs are long and strong you may be able to find your way.

It's true you're liable to starve to death, but if you do it will b. your own misfortune and not my fault."The Turk glared at him sullenly, but did not attempt to reply.

Rob took out his box of tablets, ate one of them and offered another t. his enemy. The fellow accepted it ungraciously enough, but seeing Ro. eat one he decided to follow his example, and consumed the tablet wit. a queer expression of distrust upon his face.

"Brave man!" cried Rob, laughingly; "you've avoided the pang. of starvation for a time, anyhow, so I can leave you with . clear conscience."Without more ado, he turned the indicator of the traveling machine an. mounted into the air, leaving the Turk sitting upon the rocks an. staring after him in comical bewilderment.

  • 天灵战魂


  • 惊魂


  • 重生之绝世魔君倾天下


  • 利亚王国


  • 奢婚


  • 魂珠界


  • 我用十年的青春赴你最后之约


  • 洪荒之封神前传


  • 中国古代家庭教育


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶

