
第16章 Rob Acquires New Powers(2)

"The Record is, indeed, proof within itself of the marvelou. possibilities of electricity. Men are now obliged to depend upo. newspapers for information; but these can only relate events lon. after they have occurred. And newspaper statements are ofte. unreliable and sometimes wholly false, while many events of rea. importance are never printed in their columns. You may guess what a. improvement is this automatic Record of Events, which is as reliabl. as Truth itself. Nothing can be altered or falsified, for th. vibratory currents convey the actual events to your vision, even a. they happen.""But suppose," said Rob, "that something important should happen whil. I'm asleep, or not looking at the box?""I have called this a Record," replied the Demon, "and such it reall. is, although I have shown you only such events as are in process o. being recorded. By pressing this spring you may open the opposit. cover of the box, where all events of importance that have occurre. throughout the world during the previous twenty-four hours will appea. before you in succession. You may thus study them at your leisure.

The various scenes constitute a register of the world's history, an. may be recalled to view as often as you desire.""It's--it's like knowing everything," murmured Rob, deeply impresse. for perhaps the first time in his life.

"It IS knowing everything," returning the Demon; "and this mighty gif. I have decided to entrust to your care. Be very careful as to who. you permit to gaze upon these pictures of passing events, fo. knowledge may often cause great misery to the human race.""I'll be careful," promised the boy, as he took the box reverentl. within his own hands.

"The third and last gift of the present series," resumed the Demon. "is one no less curious than the Record of Events, although it has a. entirely different value. It is a Character Marker.""What's that?" inquired Rob.

"I will explain. Perhaps you know that your fellow-creatures are mor. or less hypocritical. That is, they try to appear good when they ar. not, and wise when in reality they are foolish. They tell you the. are friendly when they positively hate you, and try to make yo. believe they are kind when their natures are cruel. This hypocris. seems to be a human failing. One of your writers has said, wit. truth, that among civilized people things are seldom what they seem.""I've heard that," remarked Rob.

"On the other hand," continued the Demon, "some people with fierc. countenances are kindly by nature, and many who appear to be evil ar. in reality honorable and trustworthy. Therefore, that you may judg. all your fellow-creatures truly, and know upon whom to depend, I giv. you the Character Marker. It consists of this pair of spectacles.

While you wear them every one you meet will be marked upon th. forehead with a letter indicating his or her character. The good wil. bear the letter 'G,' the evil the letter 'E.. The wise will be marke. with a 'W' and the foolish with an 'F.. The kind will show a 'K' upo. their foreheads and the cruel a letter 'C.. Thus you may determine b. a single look the true natures of all those you encounter.""And are these, also, electrical in their construction?" asked th. boy, as he took the spectacles.

"Certainly. Goodness, wisdom and kindness are natural forces. creating character. For this reason men are not always to blame fo. bad character, as they acquire it unconsciously. All character sends ou. certain electrical vibrations, which these spectacles concentrate in thei. lenses and exhibit to the gaze of their wearer, as I have explained.""It's a fine idea," said the boy; "who discovered it?""It is a fact that has always existed, but is now utilized for th. first time.""Oh!" said Rob.

"With these gifts, and the ones you acquired a week ago, you are no. equipped to astound the world and awaken mankind to a realization o. the wonders that may be accomplished by natural forces. See that yo. employ these powers wisely, in the interests of science, and do no. forget your promise to exhibit your electrical marvels only to thos. who are most capable of comprehending them.""I'll remember," said Rob.

"Then adieu until a week from to-day, when I will meet you here a. this hour and bestow upon you the last three gifts which you ar. entitled to receive. Good-by!""Good-by!" repeated Rob, and in a gorgeous flash of color the Demo. disappeared, leaving the boy alone in the room with his new an. wonderful possessions.

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