
第3章 CHAPTER 1(3)

And many ages elapsed, some of them ages of high cultivation, before anythinker was bold enough to question the rightfulness, and the absolute socialnecessity, either of the one slavery or of the other. By degrees such thinkersdid arise; and (the general progress of society assisting) the slavery ofthe male sex has, in all the countries of Christian Europe at least (though,in one of them, only within the last few years) been at length abolished,and that of the female sex has been gradually changed into a milder formof dependence. But this dependence, as it exists at present, is not an originalinstitution, taking a fresh start from considerations of justice and socialexpediency -- it is the primitive state of slavery lasting on, through successivemitigations and modifications occasioned by the same causes which have softenedthe general manners, and brought all human relations more under the controlof justice and the influence of humanity. It has not lost the taint of itsbrutal origin. No presumption in its favour, therefore, can be drawn fromthe fact of its existence. The only such presumption which it could be supposedto have, must be grounded on its having lasted till now, when so many otherthings which came down from the same odious source have been done away with.

And this, indeed, is what makes it strange to ordinary ears, to hear it assertedthat the inequality of rights between men and women has no other source thanthe law of the strongest.

That this statement should have the effect of a paradox, is in some respectscreditable to the progress of civilisation, and the improvement of the moralsentiments of mankind. We now live -- that is to say, one or two of the mostadvanced nations of the world now live -- in a state in which the law ofthe strongest seems to be entirely abandoned as the regulating principleof the world's affairs: nobody professes it, and, as regards most of therelations between human beings, nobody is permitted to practise it. Whenanyone succeeds in doing so, it is under cover of some pretext which giveshim the semblance of having some general social interest on his side. Thisbeing the ostensible state of things, people flatter themselves that therule of mere force is ended; that the law of the strongest cannot be thereason of existence of anything which has remained in full operation downto the present time. However any of our present institutions may have begun,it can only, they think, have been preserved to this period of advanced civilisationby a well-grounded feeling of its adaptation to human nature, and conducivenessto the general good. They do not understand the great vitality and durabilityof institutions which place right on the side of might; how intensely theyare clung to; how the good as well as the bad propensities and sentimentsof those who have power in their hands, become identified with retainingit; how slowly these bad institutions give way, one at a time, the weakestfirst, beginning with those which are least interwoven with the daily habitsof life; and how very rarely those who have obtained legal power becausethey first had physical, have ever lost their hold of it until the physicalpower had passed over to the other side. Such shifting of the physical forcenot having taken place in the case of women; this fact, combined with allthe peculiar and characteristic features of the particular case, made itcertain from the first that this branch of the system of right founded onmight, though softened in its most atrocious features at an earlier periodthan several of the others, would be the very last to disappear. It was inevitablethat this one case of a social relation grounded on force, would survivethrough generations of institutions grounded on equal justice, an almostsolitary exception to the general character of their laws and customs; butwhich, so long as it does not proclaim its own origin, and as discussionhas not brought out its true character, is not felt to jar with modern civilisation,any more than domestic slavery among the Greeks jarred with their notionof themselves as a free people.

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    漫画人生 幽默大师——方成传

    他是享誉海内外的漫画泰斗,也是新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人,其代表作《武大郎开店》已成为漫画史上的里程碑。他潜心钻研幽默三十年,成为中国系统研究幽默的第一人,其研究幽默的深度与广度,全世界至今无人企及。 他一生经历丰富,历经苦难,但他却把坎坷的一生变成了幽默的、艺术的一生。他就是幽默大师方成。本书主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。方成,中国当代最具代表性的漫画家之一,与漫画家华君武、丁聪被并称为中国“漫画界三老”。这位享誉海内外的中国新闻漫画的泰斗,一生创作了大量优秀漫画作品,于1980年在北京美术馆举办漫画展,成为新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人。他在水墨漫画的创作上做出了有力的探索,他的作品如一面时代的镜子,亦如一把社会的解剖刀,直指社会弊端。其代表作《武大郎开店》在全国引起了强烈反响。 这位老人的一生,活得很精彩,诚如凤凰卫视《名人面对面》栏目采访方成时的开场解说词所言:“一位九旬老人,用画笔影射世间百态,用幽默抚慰春夏秋冬,而他曲折的一生更是20世纪整个中国社会变迁的缩影。精神矍铄、谈笑风生,一面时代的多棱镜,一把社会的解剖刀,见证、欢笑与淡定。”《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。
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