

As he spoke the west wind softly blew in his face. It seemed to soothe his passion. That west wind was fresh, cool, fragrant, and it carried a sweet, strange burden of far-off things--tidings of life in other climes, of sunshine asleep on other walls--of other places where reigned peace. It carried, too, sad truth of human hearts and mystery--of promise and hope unquenchable. Surprise Valley was only a little niche in the wide world whence blew that burdened wind. Bess was only one of millions at the mercy of unknown motive in nature and life. Content had come to Venters in the valley; happiness had breathed in the slow, warm air; love as bright as light had hovered over the walls and descended to him; and now on the west wind came a whisper of the eternal triumph of faith over doubt.

"How much better I am for what has come to me!" he exclaimed.

"I'll let the future take care of itself. Whatever falls, I'll be ready."

Venters retraced his steps along the terrace back to camp, and found Bess in the old familiar seat, waiting and watching for his return.

"I went off by myself to think a little," he explained.

"You never looked that way before. What--what is it? Won't you tell me?"

"Well, Bess, the fact is I've been dreaming a lot. This valley makes a fellow dream. So I forced myself to think. We can't live this way much longer. Soon I'll simply have to go to Cottonwoods.

We need a whole pack train of supplies. I can get--"

"Can you go safely?" she interrupted.

"Why, I'm sure of it. I'll ride through the Pass at night. I haven't any fear that Wrangle isn't where I left him. And once on him--Bess, just wait till you see that horse!"

"Oh, I want to see him--to ride him. But--but, Bern, this is what troubles me," she said. "Will--will you come back?"

"Give me four days. If I'm not back in four days you'll know I'm dead. For that only shall keep me."


"Bess, I'll come back. There's danger--I wouldn't lie to you--but I can take care of myself."

"Bern, I'm sure--oh, I'm sure of it! All my life I've watched hunted men. I can tell what's in them. And I believe you can ride and shoot and see with any rider of the sage. It's not--not that I--fear."

"Well, what is it, then?"

"Why--why--why should you come back at all?"

"I couldn't leave you here alone."

"You might change your mind when you get to the village--among old friends--"

"I won't change my mind. As for old friends--" He uttered a short, expressive laugh.

"Then--there--there must be a--a woman!" Dark red mantled the clear tan of temple and cheek and neck. Her eyes were eyes of shame, upheld a long moment by intense, straining search for the verification of her fear. Suddenly they drooped, her head fell to her knees, her hands flew to her hot cheeks.

"Bess--look here," said Venters, with a sharpness due to the violence with which he checked his quick, surging emotion.

As if compelled against her will--answering to an irresistible voice-- Bess raised her head, looked at him with sad, dark eyes, and tried to whisper with tremulous lips.

"There's no woman," went on Venters, deliberately holding her glance with his. "Nothing on earth, barring the chances of life, can keep me away."

Her face flashed and flushed with the glow of a leaping joy; but like the vanishing of a gleam it disappeared to leave her as he had never beheld her.

"I am nothing--I am lost--I am nameless!"

"Do you want me to come back?" he asked, with sudden stern coldness. "Maybe you want to go back to Oldring!"

That brought her erect, trembling and ashy pale, with dark, proud eyes and mute lips refuting his insinuation.

"Bess, I beg your pardon. I shouldn't have said that. But you angered me. I intend to work--to make a home for you here--to be a--a brother to you as long as ever you need me. And you must forget what you are-- were--I mean, and be happy. When you remember that old life you are bitter, and it hurts me."

"I was happy--I shall be very happy. Oh, you're so good that--that it kills me! If I think, I can't believe it. I grow sick with wondering why. I'm only a let me say it--only a lost, nameless--girl of the rustlers. Oldring's Girl, they called me.

That you should save me--be so good and kind--want to make me happy--why, it's beyond belief. No wonder I'm wretched at the thought of your leaving me. But I'll be wretched and bitter no more. I promise you. If only I could repay you even a little--"

"You've repaid me a hundredfold. Will you believe me?"

"Believe you! I couldn't do else."

"Then listen!...Saving you, I saved myself. Living here in this valley with you, I've found myself. I've learned to think while I was dreaming. I never troubled myself about God. But God, or some wonderful spirit, has whispered to me here. I absolutely deny the truth of what you say about yourself. I can't explain it. There are things too deep to tell. Whatever the terrible wrongs you've suffered, God holds you blameless. I see that--feel that in you every moment you are near me. I've a mother and a sister 'way back in Illinois. If I could I'd take you to them--to-morrow."

"If it were true! Oh, I might--I might lift my head!" she cried.

"Lift it then--you child. For I swear it's true."

She did lift her head with the singular wild grace always a part of her actions, with that old unconscious intimation of innocence which always tortured Venters, but now with something more--a spirit rising from the depths that linked itself to his brave words.

"I've been thinking--too," she cried, with quivering smile and swelling breast. "I've discovered myself--too. I'm young--I'm alive--I'm so full--oh! I'm a woman!"

"Bess, I believe I can claim credit of that last discovery--before you," Venters said, and laughed.

"Oh, there's more--there's something I must tell you."

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