
第83章 The Tree of Justice(5)

"Be it so," said Henry. "Sit, then, thou that hast been Harold of England."

'The madman sat, and hard, dark Henry looked at him between half-shut eyes. We others stared like oxen, all but De Aquila, who watched Rahere as I have seen him watch a far sail on the sea.

'The wine and the warmth cast the old man into a dream. His white head bowed; his hands hung. His eye indeed was opened, but the mind was shut. When he stretched his feet, they were scurfed and road-cut like a slave's.

'"Ah, Rahere," cried Hugh, "why hast thou shown him thus?

Better have let him die than shame him - and me!"

'"Shame thee?" said the King. "Would any baron of mine kneel to me if I were witless, discrowned, and alone, and Harold had my throne?"

'"No," said Rahere. "I am the sole fool that might do it, Brother, unless" - he pointed at De Aquila, whom he had only met that day - "yonder tough Norman crab kept me company.

But, Sir Hugh, I did not mean to shame him. He hath been somewhat punished through, maybe, little fault of his own."

, "Yet he lied to my Father, the Conqueror, " said the King, and the old man flinched in his sleep.

'"Maybe," said Rahere, "but thy Brother Robert, whose throat we purpose soon to slit with our own hands -"

'"Hutt!" said the King, laughing. "I'll keep Robert at my table for a life's guest when I catch him. Robert means no harm. It is all his cursed barons."

'"None the less," said Rahere, "Robert may say that thou hast not always spoken the stark truth to him about England. I should not hang too many men on that bough, Brother."

'"And it is certain," said Hugh, "that" - he pointed to the old man - "Harold was forced to make his promise to the Great Duke."

'"Very strongly, forced," said De Aquila. He had never any pride in the Duke William's dealings with Harold before Hastings.

Yet, as he said, one cannot build a house all of straight sticks.

'"No matter how he was forced," said Henry, "England was promised to my Father William by Edward the Confessor. Is it not so?" William of Exeter nodded. "Harold confirmed that promise to my Father on the bones of the Saints. Afterwards he broke his oath and would have taken England by the strong hand. "

'"Oh! La! La!" Rahere rolled up his eyes like a girl. "That ever England should be taken by the strong hand!"

'Seeing that Red William and Henry after him had each in just that fashion snatched England from Robert of Normandy, we others knew not where to look. But De Aquila saved us quickly.

'"Promise kept or promise broken," he said, "Harold came near enough to breaking us Normans at Santlache. "

"Was it so close a fight, then?" said Henry.

"A hair would have turned it either way," De Aquila answered. "His house-carles stood like rocks against rain. Where wast thou, Hugh, in it?"

'"Among Godwin's folk beneath the Golden Dragon till your front gave back, and we broke our ranks to follow," said Hugh.

"But I bade you stand! I bade you stand! I knew it was all a deceit!" Harold had waked, and leaned forward as one crying from the grave.

'"Ah, now we see how the traitor himself was betrayed!" said William of Exeter, and looked for a smile from the King.

'"I made thee Bishop to preach at my bidding," said Henry; and turning to Harold, "Tell us here how thy people fought us?" said he. "Their sons serve me now against my Brother Robert!"

'The old man shook his head cunningly. "Na - Na - Na!" he cried. "I know better. Every time I tell my tale men stone me.

But, Thanes, I will tell you a greater thing. Listen!" He told us how many paces it was from some Saxon Saint's shrine to another shrine, and how many more back to the Abbey of the Battle.

'"Ay," said he. "I have trodden it too often to be out even ten paces. I move very swiftly. Harold of Norway knows that, and so does Tostig my brother. They lie at ease at Stamford Bridge, and from Stamford Bridge to the Battle Abbey it is -" he muttered over many numbers and forgot us.

'"Ay, " said De Aquila, all in a muse. "That man broke Harold of Norway at Stamford Bridge, and came near to breaking us at Santlache - all within one month."

'"But how did he come alive from Santlache fight?" asked the King. "Ask him! Hast thou heard it, Rahere?"

"Never. He says he has been stoned too often for telling the tale. But he can count you off Saxon and Norman shrines till daylight," said Rahere and the old man nodded proudly.

'"My faith!" said Henry after a while. "I think even my Father the Great Duke would pity if he could see him.

'"How if he does see?" said Rahere.

'Hugh covered his face with his sound hand. "Ah, why hast thou shamed him?" he cried again to Rahere.

'"No - no," says the old man, reaching to pluck at Rahere's cape. "I am Rahere's man. None stone me now," and he played with the bells on the scollops of it.

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