

"When did yu' feel yu' needed any?" The Virginian was impregnable.

Trampas seemed to feel how little he was going this way. He came out straight now. "Oh, I haven't any Judge behind me, I know. I heard you'd be paying the boys this morning, and I've come for my time."

"You're thinking of leaving us?" asked the new foreman. "What's your dissatisfaction?"

"Oh, I'm not needing anybody back of me. I'll get along by myself." It was thus he revealed his expectation of being dismissed by his enemy.

This would have knocked any meditated generosity out of my heart.

But I was not the Virginian. He shifted his legs, leaned back a little, and laughed. "Go back to your job, Trampas, if that's all your complaint. You're right about me being in luck. But maybe there's two of us in luck."

It was this that Scipio had preferred me to see with my own eyes.

The fight was between man and man no longer. The case could not be one of forgiveness; but the Virginian would not use his official position to crush his subordinate.

Trampas departed with something muttered that I did not hear, and the Virginian closed intimate conversation by saying, "You'll be late for breakfast." With that he also took himself away.

The ladies were inclined to be scandalized, but not the Judge.

When my whole story was done, he brought his fist down on the table, and not lightly this time. "I'd make him lieutenant general if the ranch offered that position!" he declared.

Miss Molly Wood said nothing at the time. But in the afternoon, by her wish, she went fishing, with the Virginian deputed to escort her. I rode with them, for a while. I was not going to continue a third in that party; the Virginian was too becomingly dressed, and I saw KENILWORTH peeping out of his pocket. I meant to be fishing by myself when that volume was returned.

But Miss Wood talked with skilful openness as we rode. "I've heard all about you and Dr. MacBride," she said. "How could you do it, when the Judge places such confidence in you?"

He looked pleased. "I reckon," he said, "I couldn't be so good if I wasn't bad onced in a while.

"Why, there's a skunk," said I, noticing the pretty little animal trotting in front of us at the edge of the thickets.

"Oh, where is it? Don't let me see it!" screamed Molly. And at this deeply feminine remark, the Virginian looked at her with such a smile that, had I been a woman, it would have made me his to do what he pleased with on the spot.

Upon the lady, however, it seemed to make less impression. Or rather, I had better say, whatever were her feelings, she very naturally made no display of them, and contrived not to be aware of that expression which had passed over the Virginian's face.

It was later that these few words reached me while I was fishing alone:"Have you anything different to tell me yet?" I heard him say.

"Yes; I have." She spoke in accents light and well intrenched. "I wish to say that I have never liked any man better than you. But I expect to!"

He must have drawn small comfort from such an answer as that. But he laughed out indomitably:"Don't yu' go betting on any such expectation!" And then their words ceased to be distinct, and it was only their two voices that I heard wandering among the windings of the stream.

  • 时间的命运


  • 变身樱冰


  • 异脑不夜人


  • 龙族丑女日记


  • 特种兵归来:注定是传奇


  • 【雪国迷情】(女扮男装版)完结


    范樱雪从没想象过自己死了之后的世界会是怎样的。以为车祸后自己来到了天堂,却原来只是阴错阳差的来到“雪国”。尽管这一切来得突然,但她还是要感谢老天如此安排,能让她遇到命定的那个人!她为了追随上他的脚步,女扮男装,上擂台比武,甚至为他进入王的近卫队。就在她以为自己已经真切的得到他的爱时却惊然发现他对她的只是利用,一切的一切只是为了雪国的将来在利用她,她到底会如何抉择,是继续留在他身边还是寻找新的生活?范樱雪对着天空大喊:“反正穿都穿了就一定、肯定、以及铁定的追到他!就算女扮男装,就算是表面夫妻我都认了!要让见识到新女性的顽强,我不会轻易放弃自己的爱的~~等着我吧,总会让你死心塌地的爱上我的~~~ ”
  • 君与伶心


  • 重生之篡写人生


  • 妈妈要我爱猫咪


  • 三国第一帮

