

"By the bye," the Marchioness asked him, "have you a Christian name?""Sorry," Wingrave answered, "if I ever had, I've forgotten it.""Then I must call you Wingrave," she remarked. "I hate calling anyone I know decently well Mr. anything.""Charmed," Wingrave answered; "it isn't a bad name.""It isn't," she admitted. "By the bye," she continued, looking at him critically, "you are rather a surprising person, aren't you?""Glad you've found it out," Wingrave answered. "I always thought so.""One associates all sorts of terrible things with millionaires--especially African and American ones," she remarked. "Now you could pass anywhere for the ordinary sort of decent person."Wingrave nodded.

"I was told the other day," he remarked reflectively, "that if I would only cultivate two things, I might almost pass as a member of the English aristocracy.""What were they?" she asked rashly.

"Ignorance and impertinence," he answered.

The Marchioness was silent for a moment. There was a little more color than usual in her beautiful cheeks and a dangerous glitter in her eyes.

"You can go home, Mr. Wingrave," she said.

He rose to his feet imperturbably. The Marchioness stretched out a long white hand and gently forced him back again.

"You mustn't talk like that to me," she said quietly. "I am sensitive."He bowed.

"A privilege, I believe, of your order," he remarked.

"Of course, if you want to quarrel--" she began.

"I don't," he assured her.

"Then be sensible! I want to talk to you."

"Sensible, alone with you!" he murmured. "I should establish a new record.""You certainly aren't in the least like a millionaire," she declared, smiling at him, "you are more like a--""Please go on," he begged.

"I daren't," she answered, shaking her head.

"Then you aren't in the least like a marchioness," he declared. "At least, not like our American ideas of one."She laughed outright.

"Bring your chair quite close to mine," she ordered, "I really want to talk to you."He obeyed, and affected to be absorbed in the contemplation of the rings on the hand which a great artist had called the most beautiful in England. She withdrew it a little peevishly, after a moment's pause.

"I want to talk about the Barringtons," she said. "Do you know that they are practically ruined?""I heard that Barrington had been gambling on the Stock Exchange the last few days," he answered.

"He has lost a great deal of money," she answered, "and they were almost on their last legs before. Are you going to set them straight again?""No idea," he answered. "I haven't been asked, for one thing.""Ruth will ask you, of course," the Marchioness said impatiently. "I expect that she is waiting at your flat by now. I want to know whether you are going to do it."The hand was again very close to his. Again Wingrave contemplated the rings.

"I forgot that you were her friend, and are naturally anxious," he remarked.

"I am not her friend," the Marchioness answered, "and--I do not wish you to help them."Wingrave was silent. The hand was insistent, and he held it for a moment lightly, and then let it go.

"Well, I don't know," he said doubtfully. "The Barringtons have been very hospitable to me.""Rubbish!" the Marchioness answered. "You have done quite enough for them already. Of course, you are a man--and you must choose. I am sure that you understand me."He rose to his feet.

"I must think this out," he said. "The Barringtons have a sort of claim on me.

I will let you know which way I decide."

She stood close to him, and her hand fell upon his shoulder.

"You are not going!" she exclaimed. "I have told them that I am at home to no one, and I thought that you would stay and entertain me. Sit down again, Wingrave!""Sorry," he answered, "I have a lot to do this afternoon. I came directly Ihad your note; but I have had to keep some other people waiting.""You are going to see Lady Ruth!"

"Not that I know of," he declared. "I have heard nothing from her. By the bye, I lost some money to you at bridge the other evening. How much was it? Do you remember?"She looked at him for a second, and turned away.

"Do you really want to know?" she asked.

"If you please. Put the amount down on a piece of paper, and then I sha'n't forget it."She crossed the room to her desk, and returned with a folded envelope. He stuffed it into his waistcoat pocket.

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