

Tell me, Kathleen. Why you are shaking, darling! Am I frightening you? I would not frighten you. I would not take advantage of you.

But do you care a little bit? Tell me. I have had ten days of sheer hell. For one brief minute I thought you loved me. You almost said you did. But then you never came to me and I have feared that you did not care. But to-night I must know. I must know now." He raised himself up to a sitting posture. "Tell me, Kathleen; I must know.""Oh, Jack," she panted. "You are not yourself now. You are weak and just imagine things.""Imagine things," he cried with a kind of fierce rage. "Imagine!

Haven't I for these three months fought against this every day?

Oh, Kathleen, if you only knew. Do you love me a little, even a little?"Suddenly the girl ceased her struggling. "A little!" she cried.

"No, Jack, not a little, but with all my heart I love you. Ishould not tell you to-night, and, oh, I meant to be so strong and not let you speak till you were well again, but I can't help it.

But are you quite sure, Jack? Are you sure you won't regret this when you are well again?"He put his strong arm round about her and drew her close. "I can't half hold you, darling," he said in her ear. "This confounded arm of mine--but you do it for me. Put your arms around me, sweetheart, and tell me that you love me."She wreathed her arms round about his neck and drew him close.

"Oh, Jack," she said, "I may be wrong, but I am so happy, and Inever thought to be happy again. I cannot believe it. Oh, what awful days these have been!" she said with a break in her voice and hiding her face upon his shoulder.

"Never mind, sweetheart, think of all the days before us.""Are you sure, Jack?" she whispered to him, still hiding her face.

"Are you very sure that you will not be ashamed of me? I felt so dreadful and I came in just to help you, and I was so sure of myself. But when I saw you lying there, Jack, I just could not help myself." Her voice broke.

He turned her face up a little toward him. "Look at me," he said.

She opened her eyes and, looking steadily into his, held them there. "Say, 'Jack, I love you,'" he whispered to her.

A great flood of red blood rushed over her face, then faded, leaving her white, but still her eyes held his fast. "Jack," she whispered, "my Jack, I love you.""Kathleen, dear heart," he said.

Closer he drew her lips toward his. Suddenly she closed her eyes, her whole body relaxed, and lay limp against him. As his lips met hers, her arms tightened about him and held him in a strong embrace. Then she opened her eyes, raised herself up, and gazed at him as if in surprise. "Oh, Jack," she cried, "I cannot think it is true. Are you sure? I could not bear it if you were mistaken."There was the sound of a footstep on the stair. "Let me go, Jack;there's your sister coming. Quick! Lie down." Hurriedly, she began once more to bathe his face as Mrs. Waring-Gaunt came in.

"Is he resting?" she said. "Why, Jack, you seem quite feverish.

Did you give him his medicine?"

"Yes, about an hour ago, I think."

"An hour! Why, before you came upstairs? How long have you been in?""Oh, no, immediately after I came down," said the girl in confusion.

"I don't know how long ago. I didn't look at the time." She busied herself straightening the bed.

"Sybil, she doesn't know how long ago," said Jack. "She's been behaving as I never have heard of any properly trained nurse behaving. She's been kissing me.""Oh, Jack," gasped Kathleen, flushing furiously.

"Kissing you!" exclaimed Mrs. Waring-Gaunt, looking from one to the other.

"Yes, and I have been kissing her," continued Jack shamelessly.

"Oh, Jack," again gasped Kathleen, looking at Mrs. Waring-Gaunt beseechingly.

"Yes," continued Jack in a voice of triumph, "and we are going to do it right along every day and all day long with suitable pauses for other duties and pleasures.""Oh, you darling," exclaimed Mrs. Waring-Gaunt rushing at her. "Iam so glad. Well, you are a 'wunner' as the Marchioness says. Ihad thought--but never mind. Jack, dear, I do congratulate you. Ithink you are in awful luck. Yes, and you too, Kathleen, for he is a fine boy. I will go and tell Tom this minute.""Do," said Jack, "and please don't hurry. My nurse is perfectly competent to take care of me in the meantime."

  • Pageant of Summer

    Pageant of Summer

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