

Mr. Gwynne accompanied Mr. Sleighter to the door. "Will you walk down to the store?" said Mr. Sleighter.

"Very well," said Mr. Gwynne, setting off with him.

Mr. Sleighter evidently had something on his mind. The usual fountain of his speech seemed to be dried up. As they drew near to the store, he seized Mr. Gwynne by the arm, arrested him, and said:

"Say, Mr. Gwynne, you ain't got any right to be in business. You ain't got the parts, and that Machine Company and the rest of 'em put it all over you.""We needn't go into that now, I suppose," said Mr. Gwynne.

"No, I guess I am buttin' in--a thing I don't often do--but I am off my stride to-night anyway, and I am doin' what I never did in all my life before. I guess it was them kids of yours and your missis. I know it ain't my business, but what are you goin' to do with yourself?""I don't know yet," replied Mr. Gwynne, declining to be confidential.

"Not goin' into business, I hope. You ain't got the parts. Some people ain't got 'em, and you ain't. Goin' to farm?""No, I think not. The fact is I'm about selling my farm.""Selling it?"

"Yes, I had an offer to-day which I am thinking of accepting.""An offer, eh, from a feller named Martin, I suppose?""How did you know?"

"I don't know. I just figgered. Offered you about a hundred dollars, eh?""No; I wish he had. It's worth a hundred with the house and buildings--they are good buildings.""Say, I don't like to butt in on any man's business, but is the price a secret?""Oh, no; he offers four thousand, half cash.""And how much for the buildings?"

"Four thousand for everything, it's not enough but there are not many buyers in this neighbourhood.""Say, there's nothing rash about that feller. When do you close?""Must close to-morrow night. He has a chance of another place.""Oh, he has, eh? Big rush on, eh? Well, don't you close until Isee you some time to-morrow, partner."

Mr. Sleighter scented another salvage deal, his keen eyes gleamed a bit, the firm lips were pressed a little more closely together.

"And say," he said, turning back, "I don't wonder you can't do business. I couldn't do anything myself with a missis like yours.

I couldn't get any smooth work over with her lookin' at me like that, durned if I could. Well, good-night; see you to-morrow."Mr. Sleighter spent the early hours of the following day among the farmers with whom his salvage deal had brought him into contact.

The wrecker's instinct was strong in him, and besides he regarded with abhorrence the tactics of Mr. Martin and welcomed an opportunity to beat that gentleman at his own game. He could easily outbid the Martin offer and still buy the farm at a low price. As a result of his inquiries he had made up his mind that the land was worth at the very least eighty dollars an acre and the buildings at least two thousand more. Five thousand would be a ridiculously low figure and six thousand not extravagantly high for both buildings and farm. The farm with the store and machine business attached might offer a fair opening to his son, who was already weary of school and anxious to engage in business for himself.

"Guess I'll take a whirl out of the old boy," he said to himself.

"He's a durn fool anyway and if I don't get his money some one else will."In the afternoon he made his way to the store. "Boss ain't in?" he inquired of the clerk.

"No, he's at the house, I guess."

"Back soon?"

"Don't know. Guess he's busy over there."

"Seen Mr. Martin around?"

"Yes, he was here a while ago. Said he would be in again later."Mr. Sleighter greatly disliked the idea of doing business with Mr. Gwynne at his own house. "Can't do no business with his missis and kids around," he said to himself. "Can't get no action with that woman lookin' on seemingly. But that there old Martin geyser is on the job and he might close things up. I guess I will wander over."To his great relief he found Mr. Gwynne alone and without preliminaries, and with the design of getting "quick action"before the disturbing element of Mrs. Gwynne's presence should be introduced, he made his offer. He explained his purpose in purchasing, and with something of a flourish offered five thousand for "the hull plant, lock, stock and barrel," cash down if specially desired, but he would prefer to pay half in six months. He must have his answer immediately; was not anxious to buy, but if Mr. Gwynne wanted to close up, he only had to say so. He was not going to monkey with the thing.

"You have made me a much better offer than the one I received from Mr. Martin, and I am inclined to accept it, but inasmuch as I have promised to give him an answer to-day, I feel that it's due to him that I should meet him with the bargain still unclosed.""Why?" enquired Mr. Sleighter in surprise.

"Well, you see I asked him to hold the offer open until this afternoon. I feel I ought to go to him with the matter still open.""Want to screw him up, eh?" said Mr. Sleighter, his lips drawing close together.

"No, sir." Mr. Gwynne's voice had a little ring in it. "Iconsider it fairer to Mr. Martin."

"Don't see as how he has much claim on you," replied Mr. Sleighter.

"But that's your own business. Say, there he comes now. Look here, my offer is open until six o'clock. After that it's a new deal. Take it or leave it. I will be at your store.""Very well," said Mr. Gwynne stiffly.

Mr. Sleighter was distinctly annoyed and disappointed. A few minutes' longer pressure, he was convinced, would have practically closed a deal which would have netted him a considerable profit.

"Durn old fool," he muttered to himself as he passed out of the room.

In the hallway Mrs. Gwynne's kindly welcome halted him. She greeted him as she would a friend. Would he not sit down for a few moments. No, he was busy. Mr. Sleighter was quite determined to get away from her presence.

  • 魔王宠妃:学神小姐


  • 幻梦(百花小说)


  • 重生之黑科技手机


  • 九龙剑域


  • 噩梦:寂静岭


  • 福妻驾到


  • 三玄绝域


  • 丝绸之路(下册)


  • 十界武尊


  • 失衡的权杖

