
第71章 CHAPTER 13(3)

"No, no, don't you do it, Mac," exclaimed Trina. "Because, if Marcus has done this just to scare you, they won't know anything about it there at the City Hall; but they'll begin to ask you questions, and find out that you never HAD graduated from a dental college, and you'd be just as bad off as ever."

"Well, I ain't going to quit for just a piece of paper," declared the dentist. The phrase stuck to him. All day long he went about their rooms or continued at his work in the "Parlors," growling behind his thick mustache: "I ain't going to quit for just a piece of paper. No, I ain't going to quit for just a piece of paper. Sure not."

The days passed, a week went by, McTeague continued his work as usual. They heard no more from the City Hall, but the suspense of the situation was harrowing. Trina was actually sick with it. The terror of the thing was ever at their elbows, going to bed with them, sitting down with them at breakfast in the kitchen, keeping them company all through the day. Trina dared not think of what would be their fate if the income derived from McTeague's practice was suddenly taken from them. Then they would have to fall back on the interest of her lottery money and the pittance she derived from the manufacture of the Noah's ark animals, a little over thirty dollars a month. No, no, it was not to be thought of. It could not be that their means of livelihood was to be thus stricken from them.

A fortnight went by. "I guess we're all right, Mac," Trina allowed herself to say. "It looks as though we were all right. How are they going to tell whether you're practising or not?"

That day a second and much more peremptory notice was served upon McTeague by an official in person. Then suddenly Trina was seized with a panic terror, unreasoned, instinctive. If McTeague persisted they would both be sent to a prison, she was sure of it; a place where people were chained to the wall, in the dark, and fed on bread and water.

"Oh, Mac, you've got to quit," she wailed. "You can't go on. They can make you stop. Oh, why didn't you go to a dental college? Why didn't you find out that you had to have a college degree? And now we're paupers, beggars.

We've got to leave here--leave this flat where I've been-- where WE'VE been so happy, and sell all the pretty things; sell the pictures and the melodeon, and--Oh, it's too dreadful!"

"Huh? Huh? What? What?" exclaimed the dentist, bewildered. "I ain't going to quit for just a piece of paper. Let them put me out. I'll show them. They--they can't make small of me."

"Oh, that's all very fine to talk that way, but you'll have to quit."

"Well, we ain't paupers," McTeague suddenly exclaimed, an idea entering his mind. "We've got our money yet. You've got your five thousand dollars and the money you've been saving up. People ain't paupers when they've got over five thousand dollars."

"What do you mean, Mac?" cried Trina, apprehensively.

"Well, we can live on THAT money until--until--until--" he broke off with an uncertain movement of his shoulders, looking about him stupidly.

"Until WHEN?" cried Trina. "There ain't ever going to be any 'until.' We've got the INTEREST of that five thousand and we've got what Uncle Oelbermann gives me, a little over thirty dollars a month, and that's all we've got. You'll have to find something else to do."

"What will I find to do?"

What, indeed? McTeague was over thirty now, sluggish and slow-witted at best. What new trade could he learn at this age?

  • 透明夏之恋


  • 布衣英雄炼成记


  • 当下的修行:要学会淡定


    本书从八个方面详尽地论述了如何学会淡定。淡定是一种示现于外的状态,淡定是一种一心不乱的心境。淡定是泰然处之,正确抉择。淡定是正视磨难、正视挫折。淡定是随遇而安,正视得失。淡定是谋定而动,正确地面对挑战。淡定学会面对压力,轻松生活。淡定是放下恩怨,正确地面对是非功过。淡定是淡泊宁静,看淡名利。  这个时代需要“淡定”。我们每个人都需要这种心态,才会在生活中处之泰然,不会过于浮躁而迷失自我、过于兴奋而忘乎所以、过于悲伤而痛不欲生。淡定不是平庸,它是一种生活态度,是一种人生境界,是智慧的不争,是宠辱不惊,是对简单生活的一种追求。
  • 吴三桂考


  • 逍遥心典


  • 微伤


  • 半精灵之路


  • 重生之命以注定


  • 福妻驾到


  • 最后的抗争

