

Our older heads,to be sure,had expressed some disapproval of the undertaking,for the country in which we were roaming was not our own,and we were likely at any time to be taken to task by its rightful owners.The plain truth of the matter was that we were intruders.Hence the more thoughtful among us preferred to be at home,and to achieve what renown they could get by defend-ing their homes and families.The young men,however,were so eager for action and excitement that they must needs go off in search of it.

From the early morning when these braves left us,led by the old war-priest,Loud-Voiced Raven,the anxious mothers,sisters and sweethearts counted the days.Old Smoky Day would occa-sionally get up early in the morning,and sing a "strong-heart"song for his absent grandson.Istill seem to hear the hoarse,cracked voice of the ancient singer as it resounded among the woods.

For a long time our roving community enjoyed unbroken peace,and we were spared any trouble or disturbance.Our hunters often brought in a deer or elk or bear for fresh meat.The beautiful lakes furnished us with fish and wild-fowl for variety.Their placid waters,as the autumn ad-vanced,reflected the variegated colors of the changing foliage.

It is my recollection that we were at this time encamped in the vicinity of the "Turtle Moun-tain's Heart."It is to the highest cone-shaped peak that the Indians aptly give this appellation.

Our camping-ground for two months was within a short distance of the peak,and the men made it a point to often send one of their number to the top.It was understood between them and the war party that we were to remain near this spot;and on their return trip the latter were to give the "smoke sign,"which we would answer from the top of the hill.

One day,as we were camping on the shore of a large lake with several islands,signs of moose were discovered,and the men went off to them on rafts,carrying their flint-lock guns in anticipation of finding two or three of the animals.We little fellows,as usual,were playing down by the sandy shore,when we spied what seemed like the root of a great tree floating toward us.But on a closer scrutiny we discovered our error.It was the head of a huge moose,swimming for his life!Fortun-ately for him,none of the men had remained at home.

According to our habit,we little urchins disap-peared in an instant,like young prairie chickens,in the long grass.I was not more than eight years old,yet I tested the strength of my bow-string and adjusted my sharpest and best arrow for immediate service.My heart leaped violently as the homely but imposing animal neared the shore.

I was undecided for a moment whether I would not leave my hiding-place and give a war-whoop as soon as he touched the sand.Then I thought I would keep still and let him have my boy weap-on;and the only regret that I had was that he would,in all probability,take it with him,and Ishould be minus one good arrow.

"Still,"I thought,"I shall claim to be the smallest boy whose arrow was ever carried away by a moose."That was enough.I gathered myself into a bunch,all ready to spring.As the long-legged beast pulled himself dripping out of the water,and shook off the drops from his long hair,I sprang to my feet.I felt some of the water in my face!I gave him my sharpest arrow with all the force I could master,right among the floating ribs.Then I uttered my war-whoop.

The moose did not seem to mind the miniature weapon,but he was very much frightened by our shrill yelling.He took to his long legs,and in a minute was out of sight.

The leaves had now begun to fall,and the heavy frosts made the nights very cold.We were forced to realize that the short summer of that region had said adieu!Still we were gay and light-hearted,for we had plenty of provisions,and no misfortune had yet overtaken us in our wanderings over the country for nearly three months.

One day old Smoky Day returned from the daily hunt with an alarm.He had seen a sign--a "smoke sign."This had not appeared in the quarter that they were anxiously watching--it came from the east.After a long consultation among the men,it was concluded from the nature and duration of the smoke that it proceeded from an accidental fire.It was further surmised that the fire was not made by Sioux,since it was out of their country,but by a war-party of Ojibways,who were accustomed to use matches when lighting their pipes,and to throw them carelessly away.

It was thought that a little time had been spent in an attempt to put it out.

The council decreed that a strict look-out should be established in behalf of our party.Every day a scout was appointed to reconnoitre in the direc-tion of the smoke.It was agreed that no gun should be fired for twelve days.All our signals were freshly rehearsed among the men.The women and old men went so far as to dig little convenient holes around their lodges,for defense in case of a sudden attack.And yet an Ojibway scout would not have suspected,from the ordinary appearance of the camp,that the Sioux had be-come aware of their neighborhood!Scouts were stationed just outside of the village at night.They had been so trained as to rival an owl or a cat in their ability to see in the dark.

The twelve days passed by,however,without bringing any evidence of the nearness of the sup-posed Ojibway war-party,and the "lookout" established for purposes of protection was aband-oned.Soon after this,one morning at dawn,we were aroused by the sound of the unwelcome war-whoop.Although only a child,I sprang up and was about to rush out,as I had been taught to do;but my good grandmother pulled me down,and gave me a sign to lay flat on the ground.Isharpened my ears and lay still.

All was quiet in camp,but at some little distance from us there was a lively encounter.I could distinctly hear the old herald,shouting and yell-ing in exasperation."Whoo!whoo!"was the signal of distress,and I could almost hear the pulse of my own blood-vessels.

  • 九月已定


  • 大混沌天


  • 浮华若梦鲛心泪


  • 白色眷恋


  • 无法天


  • 爱如花盛开


  • 林正英传奇


  • 误惹霸道总裁:契约老婆很腹黑


  • 豪门挚爱:帝少的亿万萌妻


  • 猛鬼山镇之诡异之地

