

Evening in the Lodge

I:Evening in the Lodge I HAD been skating on that part of the lake where there was an overflow,and came home some-what cold.I cannot say just how cold it was,but it must have been intensely so,for the trees were cracking all about me like pistol shots.Idid not mind,because I was wrapped up in my buffalo robe with the hair inside,and a wide leather belt held it about my loins.My skates were nothing more than strips of basswood bark bound upon my feet.

I had taken off my frozen moccasins and put on dry ones in their places.

"Where have you been and what have you been doing?"Uncheedah asked as she placed before me some roast venison in a wooden bowl.

"Did you see any tracks of moose or bear ?"

"No,grandmother,I have only been playing at the lower end of the lake.I have something to ask you,"I said,eating my dinner and supper to-gether with all the relish of a hungry boy who has been skating in the cold for half a day.

"I found this feather,grandmother,and I could not make out what tribe wear feathers in that shape.""Ugh,I am not a man;you had better ask your uncle.Besides,you should know it yourself by this time.You are now old enough to think about eagle feathers."I felt mortified by this reminder of my ignor-ance.It seemed a reflection on me that I was not ambitious enough to have found all such matters out before.

"Uncle,you will tell me,won't you?"I said,in an appealing tone.

"I am surprised,my boy,that you should fail to recognize this feather.It is a Cree medicine feather,and not a warrior's.""Then,"I said,with much embarrassment,you had better tell me again,uncle,the lan-guage of the feathers.I have really forgotten it all."The day was now gone;the moon had risen;

But the cold had not lessened,for the trunks of the trees were still snapping all around our tee-pee,which was lighted and warmed by the immense logs which Uncheedah's industry had pro-vided.My uncle,White Foot-print,now under-took to explain to me the significance of the eagle's feather.

"The eagle is the most war-like bird,"he be-gan,"and the most kingly of all birds;besides,his feathers are unlike any others,and these are the reasons why they are used by our people to signify deeds of bravery.

"It is not true that when a man wears a feather bonnet,each one of the feathers represents the kill-ing of a foe or even a coup.When a man wears an eagle feather upright upon his head,he is sup-posed to have counted one of four coups upon his enemy.""Well,then,a coup does not mean the killing of an enemy?""No,it is the after-stroke or touching of the body after he falls.It is so ordered,because often-times the touching of an enemy is much more dif-ficult to accomplish than the shooting of one from a distance.It requires a strong heart to face the whole body of the enemy,in order to count the coup on the fallen one,who lies under cover of his kinsmen's fire.Many a brave man has been lost in the attempt.

"When a warrior approaches his foe,dead or alive,he calls upon the other warriors to wit-ness by saying:'I,Fearless Bear,your brave,again perform the brave deed of counting the first (or second or third or fourth)coup upon the body of the bravest of your enemies.'Naturally,those who are present will see the act and be able to testify to it.When they return,the heralds,as you know,announce publicly all such deeds of valor,which then become a part of the man's war record.Any brave who would wear the eagle's feather must give proof of his right to do so.

"When a brave is wounded in the same battle where he counted his coup,he wears the feather hanging downward.When he is wounded,but makes no count,he trims his feather and in that case,it need not be an eagle feather.All other feathers are merely ornaments.When a warrior wears a feather with a round mark,it means that he slew his enemy.When the mark is cut into the feather and painted red,it means that he took the scalp.

"A brave who has been successful in ten bat-tles is entitled to a war-bonnet;and if he is a rec-ognized leader,he is permitted to wear one with long,trailing plumes.Also those who have counted many coups may tip the ends of the feath-ers with bits of white or colored down.Some-times the eagle feather is tipped with a strip of weasel skin;that means the wearer had the honor of killing,scalping and counting the first coup upon the enemy all at the same time.

"This feather you have found was worn by a Cree--it is indiscriminately painted.All other feathers worn by the common Indians mean noth-ing,"he added.

"Tell me,uncle,whether it would be proper for me to wear any feathers at all if I have never gone upon the war-path.""You could wear any other kind of feathers,but not an eagle's,"replied my uncle,"although sometimes one is worn on great occasions by the child of a noted man,to indicate the father's dig-nity and position."

The fire had gone down somewhat,so I pushed the embers together and wrapped my robe more closely about me.Now and then the ice on the lake would burst with a loud report like thunder.

Uncheedah was busy re-stringing one of uncle's old snow-shoes.There were two different kinds that he wore;one with a straight toe and long;the other shorter and with an upturned toe.She had one of the shoes fastened toe down,between sticks driven into the ground,while she put in some new strings and tightened the others.Aunt Four Stars was beading a new pair of moccasins.

Wabeda,the dog,the companion of my boy-hood days,was in trouble because he insisted upon bringing his extra bone into the teepee,while Uncheedah was determined that he should not.

I sympathized with him,because I saw the matter as he did.If he should bury it in the snow out-side,I knew Shunktokecha (the coyote)would surely steal it.I knew just how anxious Wabeda was about his bone.It was a fat bone--I mean a bone of a fat deer;and all Indians know how much better they are than the other kind.

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