

"What constitutes creeping,and what constitutes walking?"Uncheedah was the judge,and she stated,with-out any hesitation,that an animal must stand clear of the ground on the support of its legs,and walk with the body above the legs,and not in contact with the ground,in order to be termed a walker;while a creeper is one that,regardless of its legs,if it has them,drags its body upon the ground.Upon hearing the judge's decision,I yielded at once to my opponent.

At another time,when I was engaged in a sim-ilar discussion with my brother Chatanna,Oesedah came to my rescue.Our grandmother had asked us:

"What bird shows most judgment in caring for its young?"Chatanna at once exclaimed:

"The eagle!"but I held my peace for a mo-

ment,because I was confused--so many birds came into my mind at once.I finally declared:

"It is the oriole!"

Chatanna was asked to state all the evidence that he had in support of the eagle's good sense in rearing its young.He proceeded with an air of confidence:

"The eagle is the wisest of all birds.Its nest is made in the safest possible place,upon a high and inaccessible cliff.It provides its young with an abundance of fresh meat.They have the fresh-est of air.They are brought up under the spell of the grandest scenes,and inspired with lofty feelings and bravery.They see that all other be-ings live beneath them,and that they are the chil-dren of the King of Birds.A young eagle shows the spirit of a warrior while still in the nest.

"Being exposed to the inclemency of the weather the young eaglets are hardy.They are accustomed to hear the mutterings of the Thunder Bird and the sighings of the Great Mystery.Why,the lit-tle eagles cannot help being as noble as they are,because their parents selected for them so lofty and inspiring a home!How happy they must be when they find themselves above the clouds,and behold the zigzag flashes of lightning all about them!It must be nice to taste a piece of fresh meat up in their cool home,in the burning sum-mer-time!Then when they drop down the bones of the game they feed upon,wolves and vultures gather beneath them,feeding upon their refuse.

That alone would show them their chieftainship over all the other birds.Isn't that so,grand-mother?"Thus triumphantly he concluded his argument.

I was staggered at first by the noble speech of Chatannna,but I soon recovered from its effects.

The little Oesedah came to my aid by saying:

"Wait until Ohiyesa tells of the loveliness of the beautiful Oriole's home!"This timely remark gave me courage and I began:

"My grandmother,who was it said that a mother who has a gentle and sweet voice will have children of a good disposition?I think the oriole is that kind of a parent.It provides both sun-shine and shadow for its young.Its nest is sus-pended from the prettiest bough of the most grace-ful tree,where it is rocked by the gentle winds;and the one we found yesterday was beautifully lined with soft things,both deep and warm,so that the little featherless birdies cannot suffer from the cold and wet."Here Chatanna interrupted me to exclaim:

"That is just like the white people--who cares for them?The eagle teaches its young to be ac-customed to hardships,like young warriors!"

Ohiyesa was provoked;he reproached his brother and appealed to the judge,saying that he had not finished yet.

"But you would not have lived,Chatanna,if you had been exposed like that when you were a baby!The oriole shows wisdom in providing for its children a good,comfortable home!Ahome upon a high rock would not be pleasant--it would be cold!We climbed a mountain once,and it was cold there;and who would care to stay in such a place when it storms?What wisdom is there in having a pile of rough sticks upon a bare rock,surrounded with ill-smelling bones of animals,for a home?Also,my uncle says that the eaglets seem always to be on the point of starvation.You have heard that whoever lives on game killed by some one else is compared to an eagle.Isn't that so,grandmother?

"The oriole suspends its nest from the lower side of a horizontal bough so that no enemy can approach it.It enjoys peace and beauty and safety."Oesedah was at Ohiyesa's side during the dis-cussion,and occasionally whispered into his ear.

Uncheedah decided this time in favor of Ohiyesa.

We were once very short of provisions in the winter time.My uncle,our only means of sup-port,was sick;and besides,we were separated from the rest of the tribe and in a region where there was little game of any kind.Oesedah had a pet squirrel,and as soon as we began to econo-mize our food had given portions of her allow-ance to her pet.

At last we were reduced very much,and the prospect of obtaining anything soon being gloomy,my grandmother reluctantly suggested that the squirrel should be killed for food.Thereupon my little cousin cried,and said:

"Why cannot we all die alike wanting?The squirrel's life is as dear to him as ours to us,"and clung to it.Fortunately,relief came in time to save her pet.

Oesedah lived with us for a portion of the year,and as there were no other girls in the family she played much alone,and had many imaginary com-panions.At one time there was a small willow tree which she visited regularly,holding long con-versations,a part of which she would afterward repeat to me.She said the willow tree was her husband,whom some magic had compelled to take that form;but no grown person was ever allowed to share her secret.

When I was about eight years old I had for a playmate the adopted son of a Sioux,who was a white captive.This boy was quite a noted per-sonage,although he was then only about ten or eleven years of age.When I first became ac-quainted with him we were on the upper Missouri river.I learned from him that he had been taken on the plains,and that both of his parents were killed.

  • 参天台五台山记


  • 观无量寿佛经疏


  • 七十二候考


  • 黄石公素书注


  • 诸经要集


  • 仙道魔擎


  • 竺茜:拐个师傅去流浪


  • 魔幻梦呈


  • 丁香林里的秘密


  • 金刚经·心经·坛经(中华国学经典)


  • 郴江百咏


  • 神刺召唤


  • 灭秦系列第一卷


  • 狼骑竹马来


  • 冯的奥术之旅

