

"Nothin' suspicious about MY actions," Casey stated truculently, throwing discretion behind him.-"The suspiciousness lays up here somewheres on this butte.-If yuh want to know what brung me up here, Casey Ryan's the man that can tell yuh to your faces.-I come up here to find out who's been gittin' busy with a high-power on my camp down below.-Ain't it natural a man'd want to know who'd shot his two burros--an' 'is pardner?"-Casey had impulsively decided to throw in Barney for good measure.-"Casey Ryan ain't the man to set under a bush an' be shot at like a rabbit.-You can ask anybody if Casey ever backed up fer man er beast.-I come up here huntin'. Shore I did.-It wasn't sheep I was after--that there's my mistake. It was goats."

"Guess I got yourn," Hank leered "when stuck my gun in your back hair."

"If any one's 'been usin' a high-power it wasn't on this butte,"

Joe growled.-"None uh this bunch done any shootin'.-Pap an'

Hank, they was up here huntin' burros an I caught yuh up a tree spyin'. We got a little band uh antelope up here we're pertectin'.-Our boss got himself made a deppity fer just such cases as yourn appears t' be--pervidin' your case ain't worse.

"Now you say your pardner was shot down below in your camp. That shore looks bad fer you, old-timer.-The boss'll shore have t' look into it when he gits here.-Lucky we made up our minds t' hold yuh--a murderer, like as not."-He filled his pipe with deliberation, while Casey, his jaw sagging, stared from one to the other.

Casey had meant to accuse them to their faces of shooting Barney and the burros from the rim-rock.-It had occurred to him that if they believed Barney dead, they might reveal something of their purpose in the attack.-Concealment, he felt vaguely, would serve merely to sharpen their suspicion of him.-It had seemed very important to Casey that these three should not know that Barney was probably well on his way to Barstow by now.

Barney in Barstow would mean Barney bearing news that Casey Ryan was undoubtedly murdered by outlaws in the Panamints; which would mean a few officers on the trail, with Barney to guide them to the spot.-Paw and Hank and Joe--outlaws all, he would have sworn would get what Casey called their needin's.-His jaw muscles tightened when he thought of that, and the prospect held him quiet under Joe's injustice.

"I can prove anything I'm asked to prove when the time comes," he said sourly, and began to roll himself a cigarette, since his pipe had gone out.-"But I ain't in any courtroom yet, an' you fellers ain't any judge an' jury."

"We got to hold ye,"-Paw spoke up unctiously, as if the decision had been his.-"Ef a crime's been committed, like you say it has, we got to do our duty an' hold ye.-The boss'll know what to do with ye--like I said all along; when I hauled ye down outa that tree, for instance.

"Aw, shut up, Paw, you ol' fool, you," Hank commanded again with filial gentleness.-"He had yore tongue hangin' out a foot when I come along an' captured 'im.-Don't go takin' no credit to yourself --you ain't got none comin'.-Mart'll know what to do with 'im, all right.-But yuh needn't go an' try to let on to Mart that you was the one that caught 'im.-He had you caught.

An' he'd a killed yuh if I hadn't showed up an' pulled 'im off'n yuh."

"Well now, when it comes to KILLIN'," Casey interjected spitefully, "I guess I coulda put the two of yuh away if I'd a wanted to right bad. Casey Ryan ain't no killer, because he don't have to be.-G'wan an' hold me if yuh feel that way.-Grub ain't none too good, but I can stand it till your boss comes.-I want a man-to-man talk with him, anyway."

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