

Shelley could send Eliza away,of course;could have cleared her out long ago if so minded,just as he had previously done with a predecessor of hers whom he had first worshipped and then turned against;but perhaps she was useful there as a thin excuse for staying away himself.

"I am now but little inclined to contest this point.

I certainly hate her with all my heart and soul .

"It is a sight which awakens an inexpressible sensation of disgust and horror,to see her caress my poor little Ianthe,in whom I may hereafter find the consolation of sympathy.

I sometimes feel faint with the fatigue of checking the overflowings of my unbounded abhorrence for this miserable wretch.But she is no more than a blind and loathsome worm,that cannot see to sting.

"I have begun to learn Italian again .Cornelia assists me in this language.Did I not once tell you that Ithought her cold and reserved?She is the reverse of this,as she is the reverse of everything bad.She inherits all the divinity of her mother .I have sometimes forgotten that I am not an inmate of this delightful home--that a time will come which will cast me again into the boundless ocean of abhorred society.

"I have written nothing but one stanza,which has no meaning,and that I have only written in thought:

"Thy dewy looks sink in my breast;

Thy gentle words stir poison there;

Thou hast disturbed the only rest That was the portion of despair.

Subdued to duty's hard control,I could have borne my wayward lot:

The chains that bind this rained soul Had cankered then,but crushed it not.

"This is the vision of a delirious and distempered dream,which passes away at the cold clear light of morning.Its surpassing excellence and exquisite perfections have no more reality than the color of an autumnal sunset."Then it did not refer to his wife.That is plain;otherwise he would have said so.It is well that he explained that it has no meaning,for if he had not done that,the previous soft references to Cornelia and the way he has come to feel about her now would make us think she was the person who had inspired it while teaching him how to read the warm and ruddy Italian poets during a month.

The biography observes that portions of this letter "read like the tired moaning of a wounded creature."Guesses at the nature of the wound are permissible;we will hazard one.

Read by the light of Shelley's previous history,his letter seems to be the cry of a tortured conscience.Until this time it was a conscience that had never felt a pang or known a smirch.It was the conscience of one who,until this time,had never done a dishonorable thing,or an ungenerous,or cruel,or treacherous thing,but was now doing all of these,and was keenly aware of it.Up to this time Shelley had been master of his nature,and it was a nature which was as beautiful and as nearly perfect as any merely human nature may be.But he was drunk now,with a debasing passion,and was not himself.There is nothing in his previous history that is in character with the Shelley of this letter.

He had done boyish things,foolish things,even crazy things,but never a thing to be ashamed of.He had done things which one might laugh at,but the privilege of laughing was limited always to the thing itself;you could not laugh at the motive back of it--that was high,that was noble.His most fantastic and quixotic acts had a purpose back of them which made them fine,often great,and made the rising laugh seem profanation and quenched it;quenched it,and changed the impulse to homage.

Up to this time he had been loyalty itself,where his obligations lay--treachery was new to him;he had never done an ignoble thing--baseness was new to him;he had never done an unkind thing that also was new to him.

This was the author of that letter,this was the man who had deserted his young wife and was lamenting,because he must leave another woman's house which had become a "home"to him,and go away.Is he lamenting mainly because he must go back to his wife and child?No,the lament is mainly for what he is to leave behind him.The physical comforts of the house?

No,in his life he had never attached importance to such things.Then the thing which he grieves to leave is narrowed down to a person--to the person whose "dewy looks"had sunk into his breast,and whose seducing words had "stirred poison there."He was ashamed of himself,his conscience was upbraiding him.He was the slave of a degrading love;he was drunk with his passion,the real Shelley was in temporary eclipse.This is the verdict which his previous history must certainly deliver upon this episode,I think.

One must be allowed to assist himself with conjectures like these when trying to find his way through a literary swamp which has so many misleading finger-boards up as this book is furnished with.

We have now arrived at a part of the swamp where the difficulties and perplexities are going to be greater than any we have yet met with--where,indeed,the finger-boards are multitudinous,and the most of them pointing diligently in the wrong direction.We are to be told by the biography why Shelley deserted his wife and child and took up with Cornelia Turner and Italian.It was not on account of Cornelia's sighs and sentimentalities and tea and manna and late hours and soft and sweet and industrious enticements;no,it was because "his happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised almost to death."It had been wounded and bruised almost to death in this way:

1st.Harriet persuaded him to set up a carriage.

2d.After the intrusion of the baby,Harriet stopped reading aloud and studying.

3d.Harriet's walks with Hogg "commonly conducted us to some fashionable bonnet-shop."4th.Harriet hired a wet-nurse.

5th.When an operation was being performed upon the baby,"Harriet stood by,narrowly observing all that was done,but,to the astonishment of the operator,betraying not the smallest sign of emotion."6th.Eliza Westbrook,sister-in-law,was still of the household.

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