

Dear wedded sweetheart,--Your letter has arrived at the very moment to hearten me for a bold step which I have been meditating night and day.

I feel within me a strange craving for the unknown,or,if you will,the forbidden,which makes me uneasy and reveals a conflict in progress in my soul between the laws of society and of nature.Icannot tell whether nature in me is the stronger of the two,but Isurprise myself in the act of meditating between the hostile powers.

In plain words,what I wanted was to speak with Felipe,alone,at night,under the lime-trees at the bottom of our garden.There is no denying that this desire beseems the girl who has earned the epithet of an "up-to-date young lady,"bestowed on me by the Duchess in jest,and which my father has approved.

Yet to me there seems a method in this madness.I should recompense Felipe for the long nights he has passed under my window,at the same time that I should test him,by seeing what he thinks of my escapade and how he comports himself at a critical moment.Let him cast a halo round my folly--behold in him my husband;let him show one iota less of the tremulous respect with which he bows to me in the Champs-Elysees--farewell,Don Felipe.

As for society,I run less risk in meeting my lover thus than when Ismile to him in the drawing-rooms of Mme.de Maufrigneuse and the old Marquise de Beauseant,where spies now surround us on every side;and Heaven only knows how people stare at the girl,suspected of a weakness for a grotesque,like Macumer.

I cannot tell you to what a state of agitation I am reduced by dreaming of this idea,and the time I have given to planning its execution.I wanted you badly.What happy hours we should have chattered away,lost in the mazes of uncertainty,enjoying in anticipation all the delights and horrors of a first meeting in the silence of night,under the noble lime-trees of the Chaulieu mansion,with the moonlight dancing through the leaves!As I sat alone,every nerve tingling,I cried,"Oh!Renee,where are you?"Then your letter came,like a match to gunpowder,and my last scruples went by the board.

Through the window I tossed to my bewildered adorer an exact tracing of the key of the little gate at the end of the garden,together with this note:

"Your madness must really be put a stop to.If you broke your neck,you would ruin the reputation of the woman you profess to love.Are you worthy of a new proof of regard,and do you deserve that I should talk with you under the limes at the foot of the garden at the hour when the moon throws them into shadow?"Yesterday at one o'clock,when Griffith was going to bed,I said to her:

"Take your shawl,dear,and come out with me.I want to go to the bottom of the garden without anyone knowing."Without a word,she followed me.Oh!my Renee,what an awful moment when,after a little pause full of delicious thrills of agony,I saw him gliding along like a shadow.When he had reached the garden safely,I said to Griffith:

"Don't be astonished,but the Baron de Macumer is here,and,indeed,it is on that account I brought you with me."No reply from Griffith.

"What would you have with me?"said Felipe,in a tone of such agitation that it was easy to see he was driven beside himself by the noise,slight as it was,of our dresses in the silence of the night and of our steps upon the gravel.

"I want to say to you what I could not write,"I replied.

Griffith withdrew a few steps.It was one of those mild nights,when the air is heavy with the scent of flowers.My head swam with the intoxicating delight of finding myself all but alone with him in the friendly shade of the lime-trees,beyond which lay the garden,shining all the more brightly because the white facade of the house reflected the moonlight.The contrast seemed,as it were,an emblem of our clandestine love leading up to the glaring publicity of a wedding.

Neither of us could do more at first than drink in silently the ecstasy of a moment,as new and marvelous for him as for me.At last Ifound tongue to say,pointing to the elm-tree:

"Although I am not afraid of scandal,you shall not climb that tree again.We have long enough played schoolboy and schoolgirl,let us rise now to the height of our destiny.Had that fall killed you,Ishould have died disgraced ..."

I looked at him.Every scrap of color had left his face.

"And if you had been found there,suspicion would have attached either to my mother or to me ...""Forgive me,"he murmured.

"If you walk along the boulevard,I shall hear your step;and when Iwant to see you,I will open my window.But I would not run such a risk unless some emergency arose.Why have you forced me by your rash act to commit another,and one which may lower me in your eyes?"The tears which I saw in his eyes were to me the most eloquent of answers.

"What I have done to-night,"I went on with a smile,"must seem to you the height of madness ..."After we had walked up and down in silence more than once,he recovered composure enough to say:

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    被众位MM推崇为若溪大人的我,只不过是在翁老头无聊的埃及课上小做一场‘春梦’而已,却换来大篇论文的悲凉下场。当我屁颠屁颠的以为万事上网一搜皆搞定之时,竟未料想过会被事实一脚踹出大门!好不容易捡一次便宜,可以独享免费的占卜时间,谁知碰上的却是一位疑似忽悠级别的玩牌大妈?本以为是落入人口贩子的圈套之中,却意外的来了一趟穿越时空之旅,真是让我汗到无汗,哭到无泪呀!把我毒到无语的还属身边的异眸将军,霸道的对外宣称我就是他的将军夫人,时不时对我暗送秋波,玩些小暧昧,总是站在我的身后力挺我做的‘坏事’,就连我的内心彻底沦陷也肯不罢手。自古红颜皆薄命,不过是独占将军宠爱罢了,却惨遭奸人诬陷毒害少年法老图坦卡蒙,将军为救我只好被迫踏上迎亲之路。鄙人自认为没有绝色容颜,只是多了一点俏皮而已,却未曾想过单凭此点也能惹得赫梯王子拜倒在我的石榴裙下?好不容易以花木兰的身份安顿在赫梯军队中,却又错被米坦尼国的公主怜爱,招揽为女驸马!万万没有让我预料到的居然会因此而引起少年亚述王子的青睬,更不曾想过因为我一时的隐瞒而促使 ‘米坦尼’被划入赫梯的国土之中?阴谋、情感、疑惑、痛苦不曾一刻离我而去,一切皆为寻访拉美西斯一世而起,可为何当我挣扎在万分痛苦之中却不见他的踪迹?百思不得其解,却在历经千辛万苦,重遇将军之时,让我讶然得知将军竟是我寻觅多时之人?究竟我能否改变他在位仅一年零四个月的恶运?还是给他改写另一个结局呢?
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