

What has passed within this enigmatic being?He is no longer the same man.He came,dressed quite simply,but just as any gentleman would for a morning walk.He put forth all his eloquence,and flashed wit,like rays from a beacon,all through the lesson.Like a man roused from lethargy,he revealed to me a new world of thoughts.He told me the story of some poor devil of a valet who gave up his life for a single glance from a queen of Spain.

"What could he do but die?"I exclaimed.

This delighted him,and he looked at me in a way which was truly alarming.

In the evening I went to a ball at the Duchesse de Lenoncourt's.The Prince de Talleyrand happened to be there;and I got M.de Vandenesse,a charming young man,to ask him whether,among the guests at his country-place in 1809,he remembered any one of the name of Henarez.

Vandenesse reported the Prince's reply,word for word,as follows:

"Henarez is the Moorish name of the Soria family,who are,they say,descendants of the Abencerrages,converted to Christianity.The old Duke and his two sons were with the King.The eldest,the present Duke de Soria,has just had all his property,titles,and dignities confiscated by King Ferdinand,who in this way avenges a long-standing feud.The Duke made a huge mistake in consenting to form a constitutional ministry with Valdez.Happily,he escaped from Cadiz before the arrival of the Duc d'Angouleme,who,with the best will in the world,could not have saved him from the King's wrath."This information gave me much food for reflection.I cannot describe to you the suspense in which I passed the time till my next lesson,which took place this morning.

During the first quarter of an hour I examined him closely,debating inwardly whether he were duke or commoner,without being able to come to any conclusion.He seemed to read my fancies as they arose and to take pleasure in thwarting them.At last I could endure it no longer.

Putting down my book suddenly,I broke off the translation I was making of it aloud,and said to him in Spanish:

"You are deceiving us.You are no poor middle-class Liberal.You are the Duke de Soria!""Mademoiselle,"he replied,with a gesture of sorrow,"unhappily,I am not the Duc de Soria."I felt all the despair with which he uttered the word "unhappily."Ah!

my dear,never should I have conceived it possible to throw so much meaning and passion into a single word.His eyes had dropped,and he dared no longer look at me.

"M.de Talleyrand,"I said,"in whose house you spent your years of exile,declares that any one bearing the name of Henarez must either be the late Duc de Soria or a lacquey."He looked at me with eyes like two black burning coals,at once blazing and ashamed.The man might have been in the torture-chamber.

All he said was:

"My father was in truth the servant of the King of Spain."Griffith could make nothing of this sort of lesson.An awkward silence followed each question and answer.

"In one word,"I said,"are you a nobleman or not?""You know that in Spain even beggars are noble."This reticence provoked me.Since the last lesson I had given play to my imagination in a little practical joke.I had drawn an ideal portrait of the man whom I should wish for my lover in a letter which I designed giving to him to translate.So far,I had only put Spanish into French,not French into Spanish;I pointed this out to him,and begged Griffith to bring me the last letter I had received from a friend of mine.

"I shall find out,"I thought,from the effect my sketch has on him,"what sort of blood runs in his veins."I took the paper from Griffith's hands,saying:

"Let me see if I have copied it rightly."

For it was all in my writing.I handed him the paper,or,if you will,the snare,and I watched him while he read as follows:

"He who is to win my heart,my dear,must be harsh and unbending with men,but gentle with women.His eagle eye must have power to quell with a single glance the least approach to ridicule.He will have a pitying smile for those who would jeer at sacred things,above all,at that poetry of the heart,without which life would be but a dreary commonplace.I have the greatest scorn for those who would rob us of the living fountain of religious beliefs,so rich in solace.His faith,therefore,should have the simplicity of a child,though united to the firm conviction of an intelligent man,who has examined the foundations of his creed.His fresh and original way of looking at things must be entirely free from affectation or desire to show off.

His words will be few and fit,and his mind so richly stored,that he cannot possibly become a bore to himself any more than to others.

  • 傲视狂歌


  • 末世浪荡


  • 樱梦魔法学院


  • 无限未来


  • 一帘红楼泪


  • 有钱任性白富美


  • 易烊千玺之燃爱


  • 将军嫡女不好惹


  • 太上大圣朗灵上将护国妙经


  • 舞动雀灵

