

'A man who lives much at a club is apt to fall into a selfish mode of life. He is taught to think that his own comfort should always be the first object. A man can never be happy unless his first objects are outside himself. Personal self-indulgence begets a sense of meanness which sticks to a man even when he has got beyond all hope of rescue. It is for that reason;--among others,--that marriage is so desirable.'

'A man should marry, I suppose.'

'Unless a man has on his shoulders the burden of a wife and children he should, I think, feel that he has shirked out of school. He is not doing his share of the work of the Commonwealth.'

'Pitt was not married, sir.'

'No;--and a great many other good men have remained unmarried. Do you mean to be another Pitt?'

'I don't intend to be Prime Minister.'

'I would not recommend you to entertain that ambition. Pitt perhaps hardly had time for marriage. You may be more lucky.'

'I suppose I shall marry some day.'

'I should be glad to see you marry early,' said the Duke, speaking in a low voice, almost solemnly, but in his quietest, sweetest ton of voice. 'You are peculiarly situated. Though as yet you are only the heir to the property and honours of our family, still, were you married, almost everything would be at your disposal. There is so much I should only be ready to give up to you!'

'I can't bear to hear you talking of giving up anything,' said Silverbridge energetically.

Then the father looked round the room furtively, and seeing that the door was shut, and that they were assuredly alone, he put out his hand and gently stroked the young man's hair. It was almost a caress,--as though he would have said to himself, 'Were he my daughter, I would kiss him.' 'There is much I would fain give up,' he said. 'If you were a married man the house in Carlton Terrace would be fitter for you than for me. I have disqualified myself for taking that part in society which should be filled by the head of our family. You who have inherited so much from your mother would, if you married pleasantly, do all that right well.' He paused for a moment and then asked a straightforward question, very quickly--'You have never thought of anyone yet, I suppose?'

Silverbridge had thought very much of somebody. He was quite aware that he had almost made an offer to Lady Mabel. She certainly had not given him any encouragement; but the very fact that she had not done so allured him all the more. He did believe that he was thoroughly in love with Lady Mabel. She had told him that he was too young,--but he was older than Lady Mab herself by a week. She was beautiful;--that was certain. It was acknowledged by all that she was clever. As for blood, of which he believed his father thought much, there was perhaps none better in England. He had heard it said of her,--as he now well remembered, in his father's presence,--that she had behaved remarkably well in trying circumstances. She had no fortune;--everybody knew that; but then he did not want fortune. Would not this be a good opportunity for breaking the matter to his father? 'You have never thought of any one?' asked the Duke,--again very sweetly, very softly.

'But I have!' Lord Silverbridge as he made the announcement blushed up to the eyes.

Then there came over the father something almost of fear. If he was to be told, how would it be if he could not approve? 'Yes I have,' said Silverbridge, recovering himself. 'If you wish it, I will tell you who it is.'

'Nay, my boy;--as to that consult your own feelings. Are you sure of yourself?'

'Oh, yes.'

'Have you spoken to her?'

'Well;--yes in part. She has not accepted me, if you mean that.

Rather the contrary.'

Now the Duke would have been very unwilling to say that his son would certainly be accepted by any girl in England to whom he might choose to offer his hand. But when the idea of a doubt was suggested to him, it did seem odd that his son should ask in vain.

What other young man was there who could offer so much, and who was at the same time so likely to be loved for his own sake? He smiled however and was silent. 'I suppose I may as well out with it,' said Silverbridge. 'You know Lady Mabel Grex?'

'Lady Mabel Grex. Yes,--I know her.'

'Is there any objection?'

'Is she not your senior?'

'No, sir; she is younger than I am.'

'Her father is not a man I esteem.'

'But she has always been so good!' Then the Duke was again silent. 'Have you not heard that, sir?'

'I think I have.'

'Is not that a great deal?'

'A very great deal. To be good must of all qualities be the best.

She is very beautiful.'

'I think so, sir. Of course she has no money.'

'It is not needed. It is not needed. I have no objection to make.

If you are sure of your own mind--'

'I am quite sure of that, sir.'

'Then I will raise no objection. Lady Mabel Grex! Her father, I fear, is not a worthy man. I hear that he is a gambler.'

'He is so poor!'

'That makes it worse, Silverbridge. A man who gambles because he has money that he can afford to lose is, to my thinking, a fool.

But he who gambles because he has none, is--well, let us hope the best of him. You may give her my love.'

'She has not accepted me.'

'But should she do so, you may.'

'She almost rejected me. But I am not sure that she was in earnest, and I mean to try again.' Just at that moment the door was opened and Major Tifto walked into the room.

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  • 黥

  • 既然还有爱,就别再放手


  • 三界物流员


  • 圣魔道士


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  • 堇色未央


  • 玉景九天金霄威神王祝太元上经


  • 阴灵曲


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