

Lord Silverbridge had paid all his Derby losses without any difficulty. They had not been very heavy for a man in his position, and the money had come without remonstrance. When asking for it he was half-ashamed of himself, but could still find consolation in remembering how much worse had plunged many young men whom he knew. He had never 'plunged'. In fact he had made the most prudent book in the world; and had so managed his affairs that even now the horse which had been beaten was worth more than all he had lost and paid. 'This is getting serious,' he had said to his partner when, on making out a rough account, he had brought in the Major in a debtor to him of more than a thousand pounds.

The Major remarked that as he was half-owner of the horses his partner had good security for the money. Then something of an unwritten arrangement was made. The 'Prime Minister' was now one of the favourites for the Leger. If the horse won that race there would be money enough for everything. If that race were lost, then there should be a settlement by the transfer of the stud to the younger partner. 'He's safe to pull it off,' said the Major.

At this time both his sons were living with the Duke in London. It had been found impracticable to send Lord Gerald back to Cambridge. The doors of Trinity were closed against him. But some interest had been made in his favour, and he was to be transferred to Oxford. All the truth had been told, and there had been a feeling that the lad should be allowed another chance. He could not however go to his new Alma Mater till after the long vacation.

In the meantime he was to be taken by a tutor down to a Cottage on Dartmoor and there be made to read,--with such amusement in the meantime as might be got from fishing, and playing cricket with the West Devon county club. 'It isn't very bright look-out for the summer,' his brother had said to him, 'but it's better then breaking out on the loose altogether. You be a credit to the family and all that sort of thing. Then I'll give up the borough to you. But mind you stick to the Liberals. I've mad an ass of myself.' However in these early days of June Lord Gerald had not yet got his tutor.

Though the father and the two young men were living together they did not see very much of each other. The Duke breakfasted at nine and the repast was a very simple one. When the failed to appear, he did not scold,--but would simply be disappointed. At dinner they never met. It was supposed that Lord Gerald passed his mornings at reading, and some little attempts were made in that direction. It is to be feared they did not come to much. Silverbridge was very kind to Gerald, feeling an increased tenderness for him on account of that Cambridge mishap. Now they were much together, and occasionally, by a strong effort, would grace their father's breakfast-table with their company.

It was not often that he either reproached them or preached to them. Though he could not live with them on almost equal terms, as some fathers can live with their sons, though he could not laugh at their fun or make them laugh at his wit, he knew that it would have been better both for him and them if he had possessed this capacity. Though the life which they lived was distasteful to him,--though racehorses were an abomination to him, and the driving of coaches a folly, and club-life a manifest waste of time, still he recognised these things as being, if not necessary, yet unavoidable evils. To Gerald he would talk about Oxford, avoiding all allusion to past Cambridge misfortunes; but in the presence of Silverbridge, whose Oxford career had been so peculiarly unfortunate, he would make no allusion to either of the universities. To his eldest son he would talk of Parliament which of all subjects would have been the most congenial had they agreed in politics. As it was he could speak more freely to him on that than any other matter.

One Thursday night as the two brothers went to bed on returning from the Beargarden, at a not very late hour, they agreed that they would 'give the governor a turn' the next morning,--by which they meant that they would drag themselves out of bed in time to breakfast with him. The worst of it is that he will never let them get anything to eat, said Gerald. But Silverbridge explained that he had taken the matter into his own hands, and had specially ordered broiled salmon and stewed kidneys. 'He won't like it, you know,' said Gerald. 'I'm sure he thinks it wicked to eat anything but toasted bacon before lunch.'

At a very little after nine Silverbridge was in the breakfast-room, and there found his father. 'I suppose Gerald is not up yet,' said the Duke almost crossly.

'Oh yes he is, sir. He'll be here directly.'

'Have you seen him this morning?'

'No; I haven't seen him. But I know he'll be here. He said he would, last night.'

'You speak of it as if it were an undertaking.'

'No, not that, sir. But we are not always quite up to time.'

'No; indeed you are not. Perhaps you sit late at the House.'

'Sometimes I do,' said the young member, with a feeling almost akin to shame as he remembered all the hours spent at the Beargarden. 'I have had Gerald there in the Gallery sometimes. It is just as well he should know what is being done.'

'Quite as well.'

'I shouldn't wonder if he gets a seat some day.'

'I don't know how that may be.'

'He won't change as I have done. He'll stick to your side. Indeed I think he'd do better in the House than I shall. He has more gift of the gab.'

'That is not the first requisite.'

'I know all that, sir. I've read your letter more than once, and I showed it to him.'

There was something sweet and pleasant in the young man's manner by which the father could hardly not be captivated. They had now sat down, and the servant had brought in the unusual accessories for a morning feast. 'What is all that?' asked the Duke.

'Gerald and I are so awfully hungry of a morning,' said the son apologising.

'Well;--it's a very good thing to be hungry;--that is if you can get plenty to eat. Salmon is it? I don't think I'll have any myself.

  • 弱鸡女帝殿下请到碗里来


  • 鬼轿


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  • 梦牵何方


  • 龟仙之命


  • 失忆少女:老公求抱抱


  • 爱到心碎依然爱


  • 查理九世之掌心化雪


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