

'The matter is not to be discussed now,' said the old attorney. ' understand that. Only I hope you'll excuse me if I say that a man ought to get up very early in the morning if he means to see further into politics than your father.'

'Very early indeed,' said Mr Du Boung, shaking his head.

'That's all right,' said Lord Silverbridge.

'I'll propose you, my Lord. I need not wish you success, because there is no one to stand against you.'

Then they went to Dr Tempest, who was also an old man. 'Yes, my Lord, I shall be proud to second you,' said the rector. 'I didn't think that I should ever do that to one of your name of Silverbridge.'

'I hope you think I've made a change for the better,' said the candidate.

'You've come over to my school of course, and I suppose I am bound to think that a change for the better. Nevertheless I have a kind of idea that certain people ought to be Tories and that other certain people ought to be Whigs. What does your father say about it?'

'My father wishes me to be in the House, and that he has not quarrelled with me you may know by the fact that had there been a contest he would have paid my expenses.'

'A father generally has to do that whether he approves of what his son is about or not,' said the caustic old gentleman.

There was nothing else to be done. They all went back to the hotel, and Mr Spurgeon with Mr Sprout and the landlord clerk drank a glass of sherry at the candidate's expense, wishing him political long life and prosperity. There was no one else whom it was thought necessary that the candidate should visit, and the next day he returned to town with the understanding that on the day appointed in the next week he should come back again to be elected.

And on the appointed day the two young men again went to Silverbridge, and after he had been declared duly elected, the new Member of Parliament made his first speech. There was a meeting in the town-hall and many were assembled anxious to hear,--not the lad's opinions, for which the probably nobody cared much,--but the tone of his voice and to see his manner. Of what sort was the eldest son of the man of whom the neighbourhood had been so proud?

For the county was in truth proud of their Duke. Of this son whom they had now made a Member of Parliament they at present only knew that he had been sent away from Oxford,--not so very long ago,--for painting the Dean's house scarlet. The speech was not very brilliant. He told them that he was very much obliged to them for the honour they had done him. Though he could not follow exactly his father's political opinions,--he would always have before his eyes his father's honesty and independence. He broke down two or three times and blushed, and repeated himself, and knocked his words a great deal too quickly one on top of another. But it was taken very well, and was better than expected. When it was over he wrote a line to the Duke.

'MY DEAR FATHER, 'I am Member of Parliament for Silverbridge,--as you used to be in the days which I can first remember. I hope you won't think that it does not make me unhappy to have differed from you. Indeed it does. I don't think that anybody has ever done so well in politics as you have. But when a man does take up an opinion, I don't see how he can help himself. Of course I could have kept myself quiet;--but then you wished me to be in the House. They were all very civil to me at Silverbridge, but there was very little said.

'Your affectionate Son, 'SILVERBRIDGE.'

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  • 天道之引


  • 白日做梦


    《白日做梦》,书如其名。读这本书的时候不需要去费力计较虚构几分,真实与否,如同酣睡美梦中只顾着甜蜜回味,余音绕梁,我们不必为醒来后的怅然若失负责。 新一批的青年作家锐意进取,灵感缤纷,这一本小小的书却蕴含了多位思想狂人的头脑风暴。设定千奇百怪,无所不用其极,故事情节又涵盖了太多我们熟悉而又逐渐陌生的内容,触及到了人内心最柔软的痛处……这本书中的故事大都不可考,也无所谓真实性,但却不自觉地因为情感、人性的设计而令人不自觉得动心。
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