

Early in October the Duke was at Matching with his daughter, and Phineas Finn and his wife were both with them. On the day after they parted at Ischl the first news respecting Prime Minister had reached him,--namely, that his son's horse had lost the race. This would not have annoyed him at all, but that the papers which he read contained some vague charge of swindling against somebody, and hinted that Lord Silverbridge had been a victim. Even this would not have troubled him,--might in some sort have comforted him,--were it made evident to him that his son had been closely associated with swindlers in these transactions. If it were a mere question of money, that might be settled without difficulty. Even though the sum lost might have grown out of what he might have expected into some few thousands, still he would bear it without a word, if only he could separate his boy from bad companions. Then came Mr Moreton's letter telling him the whole.

At the meeting which took place between Silverbridge and his father's agent at Carlton Terrace it was settled that Mr Moreton should write the letter. Silverbridge tried and found that he could not do it. He did not know how to humiliate himself sufficiently, and yet could not keep himself from making attempts to prove that according to all recognised chances his bets had been good bets.

Mr Moreton was better able to accomplish the task. He knew the Duke's mind. A very large discretion had been left in Mr Moreton's hands in regard to moneys which might be needed on behalf of that dangerous heir!-so large that he had been able to tell Lord Silverbridge that if the money was in truth lost according to Jockey Club rules, it should be all forthcoming on the settling-day,--certainly without assistance from Messrs Comfort and Criball.

The Duke had been nervously afraid of such men of business as Comfort and Criball, and from the earliest days of his son's semi-manhood had been on his guard against them. Let any sacrifice be made so that his son might be kept clear from Comforts and Criballs. To Mr Moreton he had been very explicit. His own pecuniary resources were so great that they could bear some ravaging without serious detriment. It was for his son's character and standing in the world, for his future respectability and dignity that his fears were so keen, and not for his own money. By one so excitable, so fond of pleasure as Lord Silverbridge, some ravaging would probably be made. Let it be met by ready money.

Such had been the Duke's instructions to his own trusted man of business, and, acting on these instructions, Mr Moreton was able to tell the heir that the money should be forthcoming.

Mr Moreton, after detailing the extent and nature of the loss, and the steps which he had decided upon taking, went on to explain the circumstances as best he could. He had made some inquiry, and felt no doubt that a gigantic swindle had been perpetrated by Major Tifto and others. The swindle had been successful. Mr Moreton had consulted certain gentlemen of high character versed in the affairs of the turf. He mentioned Mr Lupton among others,--and had been assured that though the swindle was undoubted, the money had better be paid. It was thought to be impossible to connect the men who had made the bets with the perpetrators of the fraud;--and if Lord Silverbridge were to abstain from paying his bets because his own partner had ruined the animal which belonged to them jointly, the feeling would be against him rather than in his favour. In fact the Jockey Club could not sustain him in such refusal.

Therefore the money would be paid. Mr Moreton, with some expression of doubt, trusted that he might be thought to have exercised a wise discretion. Then he went on to express his own opinion in regard to the lasting effect which the matter would have upon the young man. 'I think,' said he, 'that his Lordship is heartily sickened of racing, and that he will never return to it.'

The Duke of course was very wretched when these tidings first reached him. Though he was a rich man, and of all men the least careful of his riches, still he felt that seventy thousand pounds was a large sum of money to throw away amongst a nest of swindlers. And then it was excessively grievous to him that his son should have been mixed up with such men. Wishing to screen his son, even from his own anger, he was careful to remember the promise made that Tifto should be dismissed, was not to take effect till after this race had been run. There had been no deceit in that. But then Silverbridge had promised that he would not 'plunge'. There are, however, promises which from their very nature may be broken without falsehood. Plunging is a doubtful word, and the path down to it, like all doubtful paths,--is slippery and easy! If that assurance with which Mr Moreton ended his letter could only be made true, he could bring himself to forgive even this offence. The boy must be made to settle himself in life. The Duke resolved that his only revenge should be to press on that marriage with Mabel Grex.

At Coblenz, on their way home, the Duke and his daughter were caught up by Mr and Mrs Finn, and the matter of the young man's losses was discussed. Phineas had heard all about it, and was loud in denunciations against Tifto, Captain Green, Gilbert Villiers, and others whose names had reached him. The money he thought should never have been paid. The Duke however declared that the money would not cause a moment's regret, if only the whole thing could be got rid of at that cost. It had reached Finn's ears that Tifto was already at loggerheads with his associates. There was some hope that the whole thing might be brought to light by this means. For all that the Duke cared nothing. If only Silverbridge and Tifto could for the future be kept apart, as far as he and his were concerned, good would have been done rather than harm. While they were in this way away together on the Rhine it was decided that very soon after their return to England Phineas and Mrs Finn should go down to Matching.

  • 仙人传承


  • 疯天涯


  • 俗人修玄


  • 我家后院有块地


  • 守护甜心之蓝蝶圣寂


  • 帝匠


  • 费珠的二生活


  • 丑女翻身:相公有点甜


  • 公主进化记


  • 云姝

