By the time of my hero, Walter Stoke, the King had not yet decreed that all scholars of years of discretion should live in the house of some sufficient principal (1421); so let him lodge at Catte Hall, at the corner of the street that leads to New College out of the modern Broad Street, which was then the City Ditch. It is six o'clock on a summer morning, and the bells waken Stoke, who is sleeping on a flock bed, in his little camera. His room, though he is not one of the luxurious clerks whom the University scolds in various statutes, is pretty well furnished. His bed alone is worth not less than fifteenpence; he has a "cofer" valued at twopence (we have plenty of those old valuations), and in his cofer are his black coat, which no one would think dear at fourpence, his tunic, cheap at tenpence, "a roll of the seven Psalms," and twelve books only "at his beddes heed." Stoke has not "Twenty bookes, clothed in blak and reed, Of Aristotil and of his philosophie," like Chaucer's Undergraduate, who must have been a bibliophile.
本书通过佛教史上一些僧人学佛求法的故事,和作者对佛教经典的感悟,结合当代人面对的浮躁的世俗生活,难得安心的生活现状做了有说服力的劝导。 其中充满了东方哲学的智慧,有些也是我们日常生活中要遵循的原则。比如从不同的角度看问题,要有创造力,发自信心。是值得一读的人生励志书,也是人生的大智慧。别给想法设限:活出无限人生的思维法