

LONDON,April 19,O.S.1749.

DEAR BOY:This letter will,I believe,still find you at Venice in all the dissipation of masquerades,ridottos,operas,etc.With all my heart;they are decent evening's amusements,and very properly succeed that serious application to which I am sure you devote your mornings.

There are liberal and illiberal pleasures as well as liberal and illiberal arts:There are some pleasures that degrade a gentleman as much as some trades could do.Sottish drinking,indiscriminate gluttony,driving coaches,rustic sports,such as fox-chases,horse-races,etc.,are in my opinion infinitely below the honest and industrious profession of a tailor and a shoemaker,which are said to 'deroger'.

As you are now in a musical country,where singing,fiddling,and piping,are not only the common topics of conversation,but almost the principal objects of attention,I cannot help cautioning you against giving in to those (I will call them illiberal)pleasures (though music is commonly reckoned one of the liberal arts)to the degree that most of your countrymen do,when they travel in Italy.If you love music,hear it;go to operas,concerts,and pay fiddlers to play to you;but I insist upon your neither piping nor fiddling yourself.It puts a gentleman in a very frivolous,contemptible light;brings him into a great deal of bad company;and takes up a great deal of time,which might be much better employed.Few things would mortify me more,than to see you bearing a part in a concert,with a fiddle under your chin,or a pipe in your mouth.

I have had a great deal of conversation with Comte du Perron and Comte Lascaris upon your subject:and I will tell you,very truly,what Comte du Perron (who is,in my opinion,a very pretty man)said of you:'Il a de l'esprit,un savoir peu commun a son age,une grande vivacite,et quand il aura pris des manieres il sera parfait;car il faut avouer qu'il sent encore le college;mars cela viendra'.I was very glad to hear,from one whom I think so good a judge,that you wanted nothing but 'des manieres',which I am convinced you will now soon acquire,in the company which henceforward you are likely to keep.But I must add,too,that if you should not acquire them,all the rest will be of little use to you.

By 'manieres',I do not mean bare common civility;everybody must have that who would not be kicked out of company;but I mean engaging,insinuating,shining manners;distinguished politeness,an almost irresistible address;a superior gracefulness in all you say and do.

It is this alone that can give all your other talents their full lustre and value;and,consequently,it is this which should now be thy principal object of your attention.Observe minutely,wherever you go,the allowed and established models of good-breeding,and form yourself upon them.Whatever pleases you most in others,will infallibly please others in you.I have often repeated this to you;now is your time of putting it in practice.

Pray make my compliments to Mr.Harte,and tell him I have received his letter from Vienna of the 16th N.S.,but that I shall not trouble him with an answer to it till I have received the other letter which he promises me,upon the subject of one of my last.I long to hear from him after your settlement at Turin:the months that you are to pass there will be very decisive ones for you.The exercises of the Academy,and the manners of courts must be attended to and acquired;and,at the same time,your other studies continued.I am sure you will not pass,nor desire,one single idle hour there:for I do not foresee that you can,in any part of your life,put out six months to greater interest,than those next six at Turin.

We will talk hereafter about your stay at Rome and in other parts of Italy.This only I will now recommend to you;which is,to extract the spirit of every place you go to.In those places which are only distinguished by classical fame,and valuable remains of antiquity,have your classics in your hand and in your head;compare the ancient geography and descriptions with the modern,and never fail to take notes.

Rome will furnish you with business enough of that sort;but then it furnishes you with many other objects well deserving your attention,such as deep ecclesiastical craft and policy.Adieu.

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