Inform yourself of the powers of the States,and of the nature and extent of the several judicatures;the particular articles of trade and commerce of Bremen,Harburg,and Stade ;the details and value of the mines of the Hartz.Two or three short books will give you the outlines of all these things;and conversation turned upon those subjects will do the rest,and better than books can.
Remember of all things to speak nothing but German there;make it (to express myself pedantically)your vernacular language;seem to prefer it to any other;call it your favorite language,and study to speak it with purity and elegance,if it has any.This will not only make you perfect in it,but will please,and make your court there better than anything.
A propos of languages:Did you improve your Italian while you were at Paris,or did you forget it?Had you a master there?and what Italian books did you read with him?If you are master of Italian,I would have you afterward,by the first convenient opportunity,learn Spanish,which you may very easily,and in a very little time do;you will then,in the course of your foreign business,never be obliged to employ,pay,or trust any translator for any European language.
As I love to provide eventually for everything that can possibly happen,I will suppose the worst that can befall you at Hanover.In that case Iwould have you go immediately to the Duke of Newcastle,and beg his Grace's advice,or rather orders,what you should do;adding,that his advice will always be orders to you.You will tell him that though you are exceedingly mortified,you are much less so than you should otherwise be,from the consideration that being utterly unknown to his M-----,his objection could not be personal to you,and could only arise from circumstances which it was not in your power either to prevent or remedy;that if his Grace thought that your continuing any longer there would be disagreeable,you entreated him to tell you so;and that upon the whole,you referred yourself entirely to him,whose orders you should most scrupulously obey.But this precaution,I dare say,is 'ex abundanti',and will prove unnecessary;however,it is always right to be prepared for all events,the worst as well as the best;it prevents hurry and surprise,two dangerous,situations in business;for I know no one thing so useful,so necessary in all business,as great coolness,steadiness,and sangfroid:they give an incredible advantage over whoever one has to do with.
I have received your letter of the 15th,N.S.,from Mayence,where Ifind that you have diverted yourself much better than I expected.I am very well acquainted with Comte Cobentzel's character,both of parts and business.He could have given you letters to Bonn,having formerly resided there himself.You will not be so agreeably ELECTRIFIED where this letter will find you,as you were both at Manheim and Mayence ;but I hope you may meet with a second German Mrs.F-----d,who may make you forget the two former ones,and practice your German.Such transient passions will do you no harm;but,on the contrary,a great deal of good;they will refine your manners and quicken your attention;they give a young fellow 'du brillant',and bring him into fashion;which last is a great article at setting out in the world.
I have wrote,about a month ago,to Lord Albemarle,to thank him for all his kindnesses to you;but pray have you done as much?Those are the necessary attentions which should never be omitted,especially in the beginning of life,when a character is to be established.
That ready wit;which you so partially allow me,and so justly Sir Charles Williams,may create many admirers;but,take my word for it,it makes few friends.It shines and dazzles like the noon-day sun,but,like that too,is very apt to scorch;and therefore is always feared.
The milder morning and evening light and heat of that planet soothe and calm our minds.Good sense,complaisance,gentleness of manners,attentions and graces are the only things that truly engage,and durably keep the heart at long run.Never seek for wit;if it presents itself,well and good;but,even in that case,let your judgment interpose;and take care that it be not at the expense of anybody.Pope says very truly:
"There are whom heaven has blest with store of wit;Yet want as much again to govern it."
And in another place,I doubt with too much truth:
"For wit and judgment ever are at strife Though meant each other's aid,like man and wife."The Germans are very seldom troubled with any extraordinary ebullitions or effervescenses of wit,and it is not prudent to try it upon them;whoever does,'ofendet solido'.
Remember to write me very minute accounts of all your transactions at Hanover,for they excite both my impatience and anxiety.Adieu!