

With this great stock of both useful and ornamental knowledge,which you have already acquired,and which,by your application and industry,you are daily increasing,you will lay such a solid foundation of future figure and fortune,that if you complete it by all the accomplishments of manners,graces,etc.,I know nothing which you may not aim at,and in time hope for.Your great point at present at Paris,to which all other considerations must give way,is to become entirely a man of fashion:to be well-bred without ceremony,easy without negligence,steady and intrepid with modesty,genteel without affectation,insinuating without meanness,cheerful without being noisy,frank without indiscretion,and secret without mysteriousness;to know the proper time and place for whatever you say or do,and to do it with an air of condition all this is not so soon nor so easily learned as people imagine,but requires observation and time.The world is an immense folio,which demands a great deal of time and attention to be read and understood as it ought to be;you have not yet read above four or five pages of it;and you will have but barely time to dip now and then in other less important books.

Lord Albemarle has,I know,wrote {It is a pleasure for an ordinary mortal to find Lord Chesterfield in gramatical error--and he did it again in the last sentence of this paragraph--but this was 1751?D.W.}to a friend of his here,that you do not frequent him so much as he expected and desired;that he fears somebody or other has given you wrong impressions of him;and that I may possibly think,from your being seldom at his house,that he has been wanting in his attentions to you.I told the person who told me this,that,on the contrary,you seemed,by your letters to me,to be extremely pleased with Lord Albemarle's behavior to you:but that you were obliged to give up dining abroad during your course of experimental philosophy.I guessed the true reason,which I believe was,that,as no French people frequent his house,you rather chose to dine at other places,where you were likely to meet with better company than your countrymen and you were in the right of it.However,I would have you show no shyness to Lord Albemarle,but go to him,and dine with him oftener than it may be you would wish,for the sake of having him speak well of you here when he returns.He is a good deal in fashion here,and his PUFFING you (to use an awkward expression)before you return here,will be of great use to you afterward.People in general take characters,as they do most things,upon trust,rather than be at the trouble of examining them themselves;and the decisions of four or five fashionable people,in every place,are final,more particularly with regard to characters,which all can hear,and but few judge of.Do not mention the least of this to any mortal;and take care that Lord Albemarle do not suspect that you know anything of the matter.

Lord Huntingdon and Lord Stormount are,I hear,arrived at Paris;you have,doubtless,seen them.Lord Stormount is well spoken of here;however,in your connections,if you form any with them,show rather a preference to Lord Huntingdon,for reasons which you will easily guess.

Mr.Harte goes this week to Cornwall,to take possession of his living;he has been installed at Windsor;he will return here in about a month,when your literary correspondence with him will be regularly carried on.

Your mutual concern at parting was a good sign for both.

I have this moment received good accounts of you from Paris.Go on 'vous etes en bon train'.Adieu.

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