

I come now to another part of your letter,which is the orthography,if Imay call bad spelling ORTHOGRAPHY.You spell induce,ENDUCE;and grandeur,you spell grandURE;two faults of which few of my housemaids would have been guilty.I must tell you that orthography,in the true sense of the word,is so absolutely necessary for a man of letters;or a gentleman,that one false spelling may fix ridicule upon him for the rest of his life;and I know a man of quality,who never recovered the ridicule of having spelled WHOLESOME without the w.

Reading with care will secure everybody from false spelling;for books are always well spelled,according to the orthography of the times.Some words are indeed doubtful,being spelled differently by different authors of equal authority;but those are few;and in those cases every man has his option,because he may plead his authority either way;but where there is but one right way,as in the two words above mentioned,it is unpardonable and ridiculous for a gentleman to miss it;even a woman of a tolerable education would despise and laugh,at ,a lover,who should send her an ill-spelled billet-doux.I fear and suspect,that you have taken it into your head,in most cases,that the matter is all,and the manner little or nothing.If you have,undeceive yourself,and be convinced that,in everything,the manner is full as important as the matter.If you speak the sense of an angel,in bad words and with a disagreeable utterance,nobody will hear you twice,who can help it.If you write epistles as well as Cicero,but in a very bad hand,and very ill-spelled,whoever receives will laugh at them;and if you had the figure of Adonis,with an awkward air and motions,it will disgust instead of pleasing.

Study manner,therefore,in everything,if you would be anything.My principal inquiries of my friends at Paris,concerning you,will be relative to your manner of doing whatever you do.I shall not inquire whether you understand Demosthenes,Tacitus,or the 'Jus Publicum Imperii';but I shall inquire,whether your utterance is pleasing,your style not only pure,but elegant,your manners noble and easy,your air and address engaging in short,whether you are a gentleman,a man of fashion,and fit to keep good company,or not;for,till I am satisfied in these particulars,you and I must by no means meet;I could not possibly stand it.It is in your power to become all this at Paris,if you please.Consult with Lady Hervey and Madame Monconseil upon all these matters;and they will speak to you,and advise you freely.Tell them,that 'bisogna compatire ancora',that you are utterly new in the world;that you are desirous to form yourself;that you beg they will reprove,advise,and correct you;that you know that none can do it so well;and that you will implicitly follow their directions.This,together with your careful observation of the manners of the best company,will really form you.

Abbe Guasco,a friend of mine,will come to you as soon as he knows of your arrival at Paris;he is well received in the best companies there,and will introduce you to them.He will be desirous to do you any service he can;he is active and curious,and can give you information upon most things.He is a sort of 'complaisant'of the President Montesquieu,to whom you have a letter.

I imagine that this letter will not wait for you very long at Paris,where I reckon you will be in about a fortnight.Adieu.

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