
第13章 15th April,1834(1)

To the Rev.J.Jowett (ENDORSED:recd,May 16th,1834)GALERNOY ULITZA,ST.PETERSBURG,15TH APRIL (old style)1834.

REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-Upon the receipt of your letter of the [21st]

ult.[date omitted],I lost no time in endeavouring to obtain the necessary information upon the points to which you directed my attention;and I have some hope that what I am about to communicate will not be altogether unsatisfactory;but I must first of all state that it was not acquired in a day,and that I have been obliged to go to many people and many places,which will account for my not having sooner returned an answer.

First,respecting the most important point,the expense of printing the New Testament in Mandchou.I was quite terrified at the enormous sums which some of the printers to whom I made application required for the work.At length our friend Dr.Schmidt recommended me to the University Press,and I having spoken to the directors of the establishment,they sent me in the course of a week an estimate which neither Dr.Schmidt nor myself considered to be unreasonable,and of this estimate I here subjoin a translation:

To Mr.Borrow.

'After much consultation with the compositor,I have come to the following result concerning the Mandchou business about which you consulted me.If the work be printed on as thin paper as that of the original,it can only be printed on one side.Now supposing that the size is to be folio like that of the original,two sides will make a sheet,and the price of composition will be 26roubles,20copecks -that is to say;12R.to the compositor,wages 2R.

50c.,percentage to the printing office 11R.60c.,making 26R.20c.

The printing of 1000on one side 2R.50c.,percentage 2R.,making 4R.50c.Thus for composition and printing 30R.60c.for 1000;for 2000,35R.10c.;for 3000,39R.60c.-Your very obedient servant,KORLER.'

In the meantime I had become acquainted with two German printers,Schultz and Beneze,who being young men and just entered into business are very eager to obtain the printing of a work of such importance,which they hope will serve to bring them into notice,as well as being advantageous to them in a pecuniary view.The difference,as to the expense of printing,in the estimate made by these gentlemen and that of the University Press,will doubtless as much surprise you,as it did me.Here it follows:

'In respect to the printing of the New Testament in the Manchou language,the undersigned oblige themselves to undertake the printing of the said work.In the first place,as the Bible Society,and in particular their agent Mr.Borrow,think fit to furnish the printers with the necessary types and paper,the undersigned offer to supply the sheet consisting of four pages with composition,clean and black printing,at the rate of 25roubles,paper currency,for a thousand copies;for two thousand copies,five additional roubles assignats,so that the same sheet,only by a greater edition,amounts to 30roubles assignats;thirdly,for 3000copies in the above proportion,35roubles.Fourthly,we promise during the interval of a certain period to supply at the rate of three sheets per week.


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