
第10章 20th January,1834(2)

I hope that the honourable Committee and yourself will feel no displeasure at my presuming here to make a slight suggestion.We are under great obligations to Mr.Bligh;and I have certainly taken great liberties with the friendship with which he has thought proper to favour me,liberties which I should certainly not have felt myself authorised to have taken in any affair,the end of which was not the glorifying of God,as the aim of this certainly is.I therefore should wish to hint the expediency of a letter in which the thanks of the Committee be presented to Mr.Bligh for the interest which he has been pleased to take in this business,and for the trouble he has given himself.You are well aware that a handsome acknowledgement of a kindness received is never taken amiss;and as it is not impossible that Mr.Bligh,at another time and even at another place,may have an opportunity of promoting the excellent views of the Society,I cannot help thinking that such an acknowledgement would be unwise neither in respect to what has occurred or may occur hereafter.

In reply to your inquiries respecting my progress in the Mandchou language,I have to observe that for some time past I have taken lessons from a person who was twelve years in Pekin,and who speaks Mandchou and Chinese with fluency.I pay him about six shillings English for each lesson,which I grudge not,for the perfect acquirement of Mandchou is one of my most ardent wishes;as I am convinced that it is destined by providence to be the medium for the spiritual illumination of countless millions of Chinese and Tartars.At present I can transcribe the Manchou character with much greater facility and speed than I can the English.I can translate from it with tolerable facility,and have translated into it,for an exercise,the second homily of the Church of England "On the Misery of Man."I have likewise occasionally composed a few hymns in this language,the difficulty of which I am at present more fully aware of than when I left England.It is one of those deceitful tongues,the seeming simplicity of whose structure induces you to suppose,after applying to them for a month or two,that little more remains to be learned,but which,should you continue to study a year,as I have studied this,show themselves to you in their veritable colours,amazing you with their copiousness,puzzling with their idioms.In a word Mandchou is equally as difficult as Sanscrit or Persian,neither of which languages has ever been thoroughly acquired by any European,though at first acquaintance they flatter the student with their deceitful simplicity.I take the liberty of sending you a short original epigram in rhymed Mandchou,which if it answers no other purpose will afford you some idea of my running Mandchou hand,which,as Inow write perpendicularly,is very different from that hand which Iwrote previously to my coming hither.The epigram is upon the exploits of the Tartars.

[Here follow four upright lines in Manchu characters.]

Milites qui e Manjurico deserto exierunt,bellando silvas,campos et oppida Sinensis imperii captarunt.

Want of room obliges me to defer making a report upon Mr.

Lipoftsoff's translation until my next letter,which will follow in a week or two;for I am unwilling in a matter of such immense importance to deliver a brief and hurried opinion.I have much to communicate also respecting the proper means to be pursued for the introduction and circulation of the volume,when printed,in China and Tartary.This information I have derived from the most authentic sources,namely from individuals who have spent many years in these countries,and whose acquaintance I have eagerly sought.

From England I have lately received a letter in which is an extract from an epistle of my brother in Mexico,amounting to this -that there is no native language in that country entitled to the appellation of THE Mexican language;that it is as incorrect to make use of such an expression,as it would be to say definitely THE European language;that setting aside the Spanish there are upwards of twenty languages and dialects spoken in Mexico,none of which are read (except perhaps here and there by a few individuals)but communicated by the mouth and only acquired by the ear;that my brother has shown the sheet of St.Luke's Gospel,which Itransmitted to him,to various Spaniards and Indians,but it was unintelligible to them,the latter not recognising the words when read to them.I should therefore advise that the copies of this version be sent,if possible,to the place where the version was purchased,as it was probably made in the language or dialect of that place or neighbourhood,and where there is a chance of its being of some utility.Should my brother have survived the late dreadful commotions in Mexico,I have no doubt that he will be exceedingly happy to assist in flinging the rays of Scriptural light over that most benighted and miserable region;but having lately read in the Russian newspapers that the town of Guanajuato,where he resided,has been taken and sacked by the murderous bands of the insurgents,I have great reason to fear that his earthly course is terminated,for the former,incited by their demoniacal priests,in comparison with whom the Shamans of Manjuria and the lamas of Mongolia and China are innocent and holy,lay hold of every opportunity of shedding the blood of Protestants and foreigners.

I remain,Revd.and dear Sir,most truly yours,G.BORROW.

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